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If Stevie Johnson made that catch against Pittsburgh in OT...

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In my glass is half full thinking, SJ dropping that catch may have produced some nice outcomes for the team. Gailey had come out with the "humble vs. humbled" line in the Bengals post game when asked about the "Why so serious?" antics. He use it again in the Steelers post game. A subtle "I told you so" moment.


It gave Fitz a chance to be a leader by not "throwing a teammate under the bus." Think about what Fitz is trying to do. Make the best of what may be his best and only shot to be a franchise QB. Beating the Steelers would have helped that cause.


And, best of all, maybe SJ will be better for it.

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I was in Ontario last night, and they were running ads on TSN for the NFL Draft coverage. In the clip, they show Stevie Johnson dropping that ball against the Steelers.


It got me thinking: If he made the catch, we'd be picking 6th, potentially taking us out of the running for Miller, Dareus, Gabbert, Peterson or Quinn. Now that we know that, would you have still wanted him to make the grab and knock off the AFC champs? Or keep the third pick?


Interestingly enough, if we beat the Steelers and pulled out one of those other games (Baltimore or Kansas City, perhaps), we would've fallen all the way to pick 13 based on our strength of schedule.

Without a moment of hesitation, YES I wish he would've made the catch. I wish Lindell had made one of the two FG attempts against KC too. The season may have been completely different if we squeeked out a couple of those close games. The team's confidence/momentum after such victories could've willed them to even a couple more.

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It was a great move by Johnson to secure the #3 pick for Buffalo. Everyone knows that by the time the first dozen guys are off the board, there is nothing but scraps left to draft. That's why teams like Pittsburgh and New England have such poor drafting results year after year.

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I was in Ontario last night, and they were running ads on TSN for the NFL Draft coverage. In the clip, they show Stevie Johnson dropping that ball against the Steelers.


It got me thinking: If he made the catch, we'd be picking 6th, potentially taking us out of the running for Miller, Dareus, Gabbert, Peterson or Quinn. Now that we know that, would you have still wanted him to make the grab and knock off the AFC champs? Or keep the third pick?


Interestingly enough, if we beat the Steelers and pulled out one of those other games (Baltimore or Kansas City, perhaps), we would've fallen all the way to pick 13 based on our strength of schedule.


Besides the mere fact that I lost a bet on that Pit. @ Buf. game to a Steelers fan that still give me s**t about it... "God made me do it"... How many times I've heard that!!! That alone makes me wish he had caught it...


Add to that, another thing: From catches like that stars are made... Now, I'm not saying Stevie is not a star in the making, merely that winning THAT game with THAT catch could have propelled him there more quickly...


I for one don't mind them picking at 13... I'll take the plays that win games and instill confidence in a young team...

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YES. Winning is always better. Not just for the moral lift to the fans, and players, but in terms of building a winning team and tradition. Winning that game would have done more to get us back to the playoffs and to win a Super Bowl than picking at #3. The draft is way too inexact a science. You list five players who wouldn't have been there at #6? The are pro bowlers and hall of famers in pick 6+ (or 13+) all over the place, and while I wouldn't trade down for free, I would happily trade down for the winning experience against a very good Steelers team and what it would mean to the growth of this team.


I was in Ontario last night, and they were running ads on TSN for the NFL Draft coverage. In the clip, they show Stevie Johnson dropping that ball against the Steelers.


It got me thinking: If he made the catch, we'd be picking 6th, potentially taking us out of the running for Miller, Dareus, Gabbert, Peterson or Quinn. Now that we know that, would you have still wanted him to make the grab and knock off the AFC champs? Or keep the third pick?


Interestingly enough, if we beat the Steelers and pulled out one of those other games (Baltimore or Kansas City, perhaps), we would've fallen all the way to pick 13 based on our strength of schedule.

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It got me thinking: If he made the catch, we'd be picking 6th, potentially taking us out of the running for Miller, Dareus, Gabbert, Peterson or Quinn. Now that we know that, would you have still wanted him to make the grab and knock off the AFC champs? Or keep the third pick?



No way Pittsburgh wins the AFC without getting that bye and home game against the Jets, imo. Stevie's drop gave them the conference title

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That was my only consolation after sulking for 2 hours at the bar following the drop. The only thing that kept me sane was thinking "at least we still have a chance at Andrew Luck". Does that me any less of a fan? That's a matter of opinion. I needed something positive to think about in order to help take away from the pain. That drop hurt. Bad.

Wanting what's best for your franchise over the long-term (Andrew Luck) doesn't make you any less of a fan than someone who has a "win today, worry about draft position tomorrow" approach. According to the NFL draft value chart, the first overall pick is worth 3000 points, the 10th overall is worth 1300 points, and the 32nd overall pick is worth 590 points. If you don't think the players available at third overall are necessarily any better than the ones who'd be available ninth or eleventh overall, you can always seek to trade down.


If the Bills, for example, were to trade from third overall (2200 points) down to 11th overall (1250 points), the other team would have to give up 950 points' worth of picks. The 15th pick in the second round is worth 430 points, so you're essentially looking at receiving two second round picks, plus change, for the trade-down. (Assuming you receive fair value.) Attaining some meaningless wins can also move you from third overall to eleventh overall; except then you don't get any extra picks!


As for the whole culture of winning/culture of losing argument: one way to build a culture of winning is to add winners and get rid of losers. Having more or better draft picks helps you do that.

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I was in Ontario last night, and they were running ads on TSN for the NFL Draft coverage. In the clip, they show Stevie Johnson dropping that ball against the Steelers.


It got me thinking: If he made the catch, we'd be picking 6th, potentially taking us out of the running for Miller, Dareus, Gabbert, Peterson or Quinn. Now that we know that, would you have still wanted him to make the grab and knock off the AFC champs? Or keep the third pick?


Interestingly enough, if we beat the Steelers and pulled out one of those other games (Baltimore or Kansas City, perhaps), we would've fallen all the way to pick 13 based on our strength of schedule.

If he had caught it we would (forceably) be out of the running for Cam Newton. :censored: 'ing Stevie!!!!!!! :devil:

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In the grand scheme of things, I agree, it isn't good. But does that still apply to this one specific example? Would that win really have made some difference for them in 2011?

You dont think this young team coming from behind to beat the eventual super bow representitives does anything for their confidence?


It would have made a world of difference. i bet we would have gone on a real nice run there and talking about how close this team is

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