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The All Over Rated Team


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You've been one of the few people (in addition to myself) who has supported TD and recognized how lucky we are to have him in charge.......at this point, I think if people can't recognize it it's a lost cause. There are 32 teams in this league.....all fighting for the same talent and for the same end. I'd rather have gone the past three years being frustrated in order to be annually competitive from this point forward, than to have NOT done things the way TD did and delay the inevitable. This team is in solid shape in many areas, and now the talent is beginning to blossom.....and they are gaining more confidence in themselves every day. We are damn lucky to have TD, and I have complete confidence that all that we have gone through since he got here will be worth it in spades.



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All the GM can do is to evaluate talent, acquire it or release it, and hire a head coach. All a coach can do is put the players that the GM has provided him in the best position to excel and win. All a player can do is get himself in 100% mental and physical condition to play and then carry out the assignments of the coach. They all rely on one another. TD made a mistake in GW (mostly because GW made a mistake in KG). The coaches made a mistake in not putting the players in the best position to win up until recently. The players did not perform on the field as well as they could have until recently. You cannot attribute the record solely to TD. He has made some mistakes which cost him but he acquired a very talented roster.


I would bet anyone here anything that if you put 32 sheets of paper on a table with the roster and salary cap of every team on each sheet, and then had a fantasy draft of the 32 owners in the NFL, the sheet with the Bills players and cap numbers would be in the top 10 and probably the top 5 choices.

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Donahoe has been "amazing"?? :lol:


I don't mean to piss on anyone's Corn Flakes, but are you kidding me? 8-8, 6-10, and 7-6 in the last 2.75 years? Weren't their SB aspirations around there the last 2 years?


You're riding a nice streak, but start beating good teams before going overboard. This week, if the Bills get blown out, will you still feel that PrimaDonahoe has done an amazing job?


There are still lots of pieces the TD is going to have to put in place: The D is aging, and probably 2 WR's are going to be needed (not to mention a QB, and a suspect O-Line.) If the Bills finish 7-9 or 8-8, and then throw a clunker on the board next year because Losman can't play, what will the masses be saying then?


They'll be wanting TD's head.

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Donahoe has been "amazing"??  :lol:


I don't mean to piss on anyone's Corn Flakes, but are you kidding me?  8-8, 6-10, and 7-6 in the last 2.75 years?  Weren't their SB aspirations around there the last 2 years?


You're riding a nice streak, but start beating good teams before going overboard.  This week, if the Bills get blown out, will you still feel that PrimaDonahoe has done an amazing job?



Did you read my post, or are you just being an idiot?

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In the salary cap era, you can build a contender overnight - Belichick did it in New England, Vermeil did it in St. Louis, Schottenheimer is doing it in SD. Donahoe has tried to do just that (adding Bledsoe, Spikes, Fletcher, Adams, Milloy) and whiffed.


Every Bills fan had SB aspirations leading up to '03.


Donahoe... amazing. :lol:



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Donahoe has been "amazing"??  :lol:


You're riding a nice streak, but start beating good teams before going overboard.  This week, if the Bills get blown out, will you still feel that PrimaDonahoe has done an amazing job?




Your questions are valid....However it is the optimism from such events

that keep you going...Remember BB did not become a god overnight in

NE....He was struggling his first two years and the Pats were not even

sure if he was the right choice.....and then suddenly the team transformed

and now is a major player.....Give TD and the bills that benefit of doubt...


I agree this team does have weakness or unknowns at QB, TE, K and some

of the defensive players....but I don't know if it is a aging group....I still think

Troy Vincent, Sam Adams and Pat Williams can play at high level for another

3 years....and that is the window in which TD and gang will have to take the

bills deep into the playoffs and even win a superbowl.


But that goes for all the teams in the NFL....In todays nfl there is no such team

that is a complete team...Even the Patriots have lots of weakness that they

can overcome due to their strengths in other areas.....Plus once you guys

start losing a few games, then you will see losing more often....


The bills are on a hot streak and it is ok for us fans to enjoy the streak just as you guys enjoyed every bit of the 20 game streak.

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In the salary cap era, you can build a contender overnight - Belichick did it in New England, Vermeil did it in St. Louis, Schottenheimer is doing it in SD.  Donahoe has tried to do just that (adding Bledsoe, Spikes, Fletcher, Adams, Milloy) and whiffed.


Every Bills fan had SB aspirations leading up to '03. 


Donahoe... amazing.  :lol:





You know nothing about the Bills. Really, you don't. In the salary cap era you CAN build a contender quickly. That's only if you have the cap space to do it. I'm not sure you remember what Buffalo's cap was like 3 years ago, but it was ugly. Did you know that Buffalo could hardly pay 52 players with the space they had? I'm sorry, Mr. Belecheck fellater, but nobody can build a team in that situation. It just isn't possible.


So take your patsy bias and your obvious ignorance about facts and go somewhere where you can speak intelligently about a football team, because you certainly can't about Buffalo.

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Uralacher hasn't been the same player since losing Big Ted up front



That is not true. Living in Chicago, I know he's one of the main reasons why the Bears have won a few of their games. When Urlacher has been out of the Bears lineup becuase of injury, they have struggled. (See Bears against Colts around 3 weeks ago).

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Uralacher hasn't been the same player since losing Big Ted up front


What LBer is? I don't care how good you are, if you're continually catching a pulling offensive lineman with a head of steam, you're going to lose that battle more often than not.


LBers are made by the guys up front. It's no surprise that it looks like Ray Lewis has lost something now that his most dominating lineman plays in Buffalo. It's also not a surprise London Fletcher looks better than he did a couple of seasons ago.


It's a TEAM sport, people.

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In the salary cap era, you can build a contender overnight - Belichick did it in New England, Vermeil did it in St. Louis, Schottenheimer is doing it in SD.  Donahoe has tried to do just that (adding Bledsoe, Spikes, Fletcher, Adams, Milloy) and whiffed.





When on earth did TD say he was attempting to build a contender overnight? Gregg Williams made some ridiculous comments his first year about the potential of our stripped down version of an NFL roster, but TD had a plan from day one, has stuck to it, and it's beginning to pay some dividends.


In my opinion, the Pats were the recipient of good timing and good fortune.....the pieces just came together at the right time. Great! Enjoy the run, as I'm sure you are. But there is only one thing TD "whiffed" on since he's been here, and that mistake is on the sidelines in Washington.


As for the Bills not having beaten anyone yet, they don't have any control over their schedule. Good teams beat the teams they're supposed to beat.......teams on the rise who are beginning to gain momentum kick the living CRAP out of the teams they're supposed to beat, and that's exactly what we've been doing. Come back in a few weeks after we've also taken out Pittsburgh (how did you guys do against them, by the way?) and run your mouth......until then, and until further notice, the Bills are on a rampage.

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I guess TD made another three "bad" moves by letting those three go huh? Give TD some big props with those decisioins--not exactly popular at the time or shortly thereafter. Now they are quite popular moves by TD.

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I guess TD made another three "bad" moves by letting those three go huh?  Give TD some big props with those decisioins--not exactly popular at the time or shortly thereafter.  Now they are quite popular moves by TD.



I think TD only let two go, Price and Brown. I am sure Marcellus Wiley was gone under Butler??


Can anybody confirm this?

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