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The NFL Draft in Prime Time...

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If anyone ever doubted that the NFL is king of all sports, those doubts are shattered now. Thursday evening, April 28th, in prime evening time, the NFL is televising the 1st or 1st and 2nd rounds of the draft. (I'm not even sure if they are including round 2 that Thursday night.)


Even here in tiny small market Buffalo, a Thursday evening in late April is filled with sports choices....not to mention all the choices there are in the bigger sports markets! The Sabres could be starting Round 2 of the playoffs that very evening if they ended up beating the Flyers in 7 games! Plus there will most likely be an NBA playoff lineup, other NHL playoff games to watch even if the Sabres get knocked out or are not scheduled to play that night, and plenty of baseball games including the Yankees that could very well be on to watch that night.


And yet, now we have the big bad NFL so full of itself and it's self importance, they could care less about any of that competition and are having their draft show knowing that they will most likely out draw all of those other events anyway! To me, this is amazing. 30 years ago there was no television for the draft, and today it's a 3 day prime time "event". And it defies logic. All the networks' annually whine about losing money on televising NFL games, yet they out-bid each other every contract year because they are convinced that they still come out ahead with all the promotion of their own other shows they do. The economy is tanked, and yet the owners and players still refuse to compromise on how to split up billions of dollars a year. Cities, counties and states are all collectively or individually broke, yet they are desperate to keep their NFL teams or to get a new NFL team. There is no money for new football stadiums, yet every NFL team has a new stadium built within the past 10 years, or one that has been re-modeled within the past 10-15 years at least.


It seems that no matter what, the NFL continues to do whatever it wants. Talk about being arrogant, and getting away with it!


Of course, unless the Sabres do have a playoff game that night, I will be watching the draft myself! :w00t::beer:

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