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Is this the new uniform?


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At first look, it looks amateurish. Cheesy. Not worthy of respect by an opponent.


But as I gaze at it, the overall gestalt is not bad. Looks close to the red-white-flag blue that its supposed to be, and is far far far superior to the current monstrosity. At least with this new one, if I buy a jersey I will feel like I am "rockin" the actual Bills colors.



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At first look, it looks amateurish. Cheesy. Not worthy of respect by an opponent.


But as I gaze at it, the overall gestalt is not bad. Looks close to the red-white-flag blue that its supposed to be, and is far far far superior to the current monstrosity. At least with this new one, if I buy a jersey I will feel like I am "rockin" the actual Bills colors.



I know I would buy one...maybe two!

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Where'd you find that, Aloha?


I think it looks pretty cool…considering that it's an action figure. Might look even better on a human being.

I searched every variation of the words [buffalo, bills, uni, uniform, new, reveal, 2011, unveiling, unveil, etc.]

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at first glance, i thought they were ugly

at second glance, i realized they were hideous


i think the same people who are pumped by this were also just as excited for something new when the Sabres unveiled the Slug.


Here's hoping this is just a pic of an action figure made in china, and they mixed up their lead-paint colors.

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I have no idea where you found that link with that action figure, but if that were the new home uni's, it would be fine by me. Come on, the Bills' colors are red, white and blue. You cannot screw up a uniform with that traditional all American theme unless you do what the players forced the Bills to allow them to do a few years ago, and that is to wear the dark jerseys with the dark pants. If the Bills allow the players to "punk out" the same way with any type of new uni's, then it won't matter - they will look stupid. But hey, if they are going to allow the players to ruin the new uni's by wearing dark on dark anyway, they should at least make the stripes match up from jersey to pants, unlike the current horrible uniforms, in which the stripes on the jerseys are not even close to being the same width as the stripes on the pants! :thumbdown:

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I hardly think the Bills or any design firm would be using a plastic doll action figure to display their ware. First off, because that's not how it's done and second, I would imagine there are legal issues with using the doll action figure in such a manner (or at least invites lawyers to throw things up in an infringement case to see what sticks).


You can tell by the facemask this is one of the Drew Bledsoe line from shortly after he signed with the Bills. There is a sect of people who paint McFarlane figures for their own amusement. Oftentimes, it's things like throwback uniform versions that haven't been released. Sometimes, it's someone doing their own take on things. This is just a higher level of the raster mock-ups fans/graphics junkies create. Even as those go, this is terribly designed.


Personally, I'd rather focus my energy on different pursuits, but Thomas Jefferson's "pursuit of happiness" idea is as varied as the number of souls out there.


I put zero stock in this. Zero.

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