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Official 2011 NBA Playoffs thread


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Youre on a roll...seriously, you should put some money on this stuff at the begining of the season.


Let me ask you, assuming this is all scripted, as you suggest...how would Stern and his minions ensure that an "exciting rookie" fell to Miami. I realize that isn't one of your "sure things" in the scenario for next year, but you put it out there. How could Stern ensure that a rookie panned out? In the NBA, only roughly a third of the first round draft picks ever even end up being functional NBA players, and the odds drop considerably after the first round.

How do you think the Knicks "won" the draft lottery and got Patrick Ewing? If you were an owner and Stern told you not to draft Jimmer, would you draft Jimmer?

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Updated to current. No changes needed. Haha. Although both my predicted finals teams down 1-0 at the moment.




Round 1


Chicago beats down Indiana easily from now on (Indana is not going to recover from that meltdown)

Orlando recovers and squeaks by Atlanta

Boston manages to get by New York but it takes a lot out of them...too much actually

Miami, despite the close game, rolls Philly


Round 2


Chicago beats Orlando in what will be a close and fantastic series.

Miami shuts everyone up about the regular season and beats Boston surprisingly handily...the mojo official appears and now everyone talks about them


Round 3


Miami D's up Rose and sends the Bulls packing...so sorry Chitown maybe next year? (eh...probably not)




Round 1

San Antonio will recover and beat Memphis, gotta assume that

Oklahoma easily dispatches with Denver

Dallas beats Portland

New Orleans beast the Los Angles and that whole thing falls about out there for LA (ya heard)


Round 2

Oklahoma beats San Antonio

Dallas beats New Orleans


Round 3

Oklahoma beats Dallas


NBA Championship

Miami Heat win it all and send home a hungry young Oklahoma team that looks to take the West for years to come

Edited by dayman
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How do you think the Knicks "won" the draft lottery and got Patrick Ewing? If you were an owner and Stern told you not to draft Jimmer, would you draft Jimmer?


I understand the theory about the Ewing thing, but, this year, for example, there is really no "sure thing" #1 prospect. Do you just put a standing order out to all refs, to give the #1 pick in the 2011 draft every benefit of every doubt, throughout his NBA career?


On a side note, like the year Ewing went to the Knicks, I will admitt, it did seem a little strange that Cleveland ended up with the #1 pick...not that they don't warrent it, but using the lottery method that the NBA uses, and keeping in mind the ping-pong ball they picked was the pick they got from the Clippers in Mo Williams trade, it sure felt fixed...

Edited by Buftex
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I understand the theory about the Ewing thing, but, this year, for example, there is really no "sure thing" #1 prospect. Do you just put a standing order out to all refs, to give the #1 pick in the 2011 draft every benefit of every doubt, throughout his NBA career?


On a side note, like the year Ewing went to the Knicks, I will admitt, it did seem a little strange that Cleveland ended up with the #1 pick...not that they don't warrent it, but using the lottery method that the NBA uses, and keeping in mind the ping-pong ball they picked was the pick they got from the Clippers in Mo Williams trade, it sure felt fixed...

I think different things are "arranged" at times. Fixed is such an ugly word. One of these possibilities is Jimmer being passed over until he lands in Miami. They win the title with his help and it helps build a story line for years.

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I think different things are "arranged" at times. Fixed is such an ugly word. One of these possibilities is Jimmer being passed over until he lands in Miami. They win the title with his help and it helps build a story line for years.



The GM of the Timberwolves "jokes" that the lottery is fixed...he might be hearing from Sterns office! :lol:



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Updated to current.


I'm !@#$ing SICK that OKC went down the way they did but such is youth. So be it. Expect a domination by Miami. Mavs get one, probably early, but end up lucky to lose 2-4. Miami roll. Miami clicking.




Round 1


Chicago beats down Indiana easily from now on (Indana is not going to recover from that meltdown)

Orlando recovers and squeaks by Atlanta

Boston manages to get by New York but it takes a lot out of them...too much actually

Miami, despite the close game, rolls Philly


Round 2


Chicago beats Orlando in what will be a close and fantastic series.

Miami shuts everyone up about the regular season and beats Boston surprisingly handily...the mojo official appears and now everyone talks about them


Round 3


Miami D's up Rose and sends the Bulls packing...so sorry Chitown maybe next year? (eh...probably not)




Round 1

San Antonio will recover and beat Memphis, gotta assume that

Oklahoma easily dispatches with Denver

Dallas beats Portland

New Orleans beast the Los Angles and that whole thing falls about out there for LA (ya heard)


Round 2

Oklahoma beats San Antonio

Dallas beats New Orleans


Round 3

Oklahoma beats Dallas

NBA Championship

Miami Heat win it all and send home a hungry young Oklahoma team that looks to take the West for years to come


Revised final prediction: Heat roll the Mavs in 5 games max. Wade gets his mojo back for 60 minutes. Lebanon dominates Dirk on D, roll players on heat step up...it's over.


It's over.


Heat win the championship in 4 (mayb 5) games. Thath's it.

Edited by dayman
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Strong candidates in no particular order. I have bolded the strongest:


New York Knicks - Listed in this category just because they are the only real good story line from the East

OK City - Small market, budding stars, young team makes a run all the way and cements the new market

Dallas - Cuban's recent statements and stint on Stern influenced ABC makes me think something is in the works

Denver - Crazy I know but the George Karl story and lack of Melo would be heartwarming

Lakers - Phil Jackson's last year? Barf. Still a good story line but does not open things up for an unusual team.



Moderate candidates:


Chicago - Tie in to Jordan years? I'm not sure I see the story line but the east is short on them and Chicago coming back would be interesting. Maybe Stern is cuddling up to Obama.


Portland - Tie in to Bill Walton?



Almost no chance but not zero:


New Orleans - If the Saints hadn't already won the Super Bowl Stern might do this.

Indiana- Just wishful thinking on my part really but an 8 seed would make a story.



No chance at all:


San Antonio, Memphis, Orlando, Atlanta, Boston, Miami, Philly. Sorry Buftex; it just isn't there.


That's my summary. If I had to pick one team it would be difficult but I think I would lean Dallas only slightly. My gut tells me the Lakers because of Jackson, but a miss could be used to sell story lines down the road and the Lakers are hardly an unusual team. The circumstance is unusual though and it could be set up as a passing of the torch from the Lakers to Miami next year. OK City is another real possibility. Those three to me make the most sense.


Feel free to use this thread for discussion, not just predictions. Have fun following the "competition".


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So, Dallas is going to beat Miami? Let me ask, this whole NBA postseason has not had a lot of drama, as far as long series go...does Dallas win a quick one, or is it drawn out to 6 or 7? The ratings for the Miami/Chicago series were amongst the highest in cable televisio history...NBA playoffs(or that series in particular) have been pulling NFL ratings. Would Dallas upseting Miami (it would be an upset) only ensure better ratings for next season?


I will give you your props crayonz...crazy and smart! :thumbsup:

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The previous Dallas-Miami series pretty much turned me off to the nba. I didn't even have a rooting interest, but boy did that series seem rigged. It's only fair if Dirk goes to the line a billion times and the Mavs get every call this time imo.

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So, Dallas is going to beat Miami? Let me ask, this whole NBA postseason has not had a lot of drama, as far as long series go...does Dallas win a quick one, or is it drawn out to 6 or 7? The ratings for the Miami/Chicago series were amongst the highest in cable televisio history...NBA playoffs(or that series in particular) have been pulling NFL ratings. Would Dallas upseting Miami (it would be an upset) only ensure better ratings for next season?


I will give you your props crayonz...crazy and smart! :thumbsup:

As you know, my general analysis of the script has been on the mark. This year to me seemed to be the year for "an unusual team or inspirational story" to be the winner. I have a hard time seeing Stern allowing Miami to rise to the top so quickly. It simply wastes a story line that can be built.


With that said, my specific predictions have been so-so. In 2009 I did predict the fake injury to a Celtic which can be viewed as specific I suppose, and did say Lakers in 5 over an Orl/Atl which turned out to be Orlando. In 2009 I also predicted a 7 game C's/Lakers series in 2010. I got into trouble in 2010 trying to pick individual games.


I don't know whether the series this year will be 4, 5, 6, or 7 games. My gut tells me 5 or 6 and that 4 is more likely than 7 but I think this is getting too specific to be predictable and I will just stick with Dallas this year and Miami winning next year. I suppose I should say Lebron winning next year to be more consistent but I would be shocked if he somehow got traded, so Miami/Lebron are interchangeable.


I'm so sick of this "the series is rigged" deal. Cry me a river you crazies. Go get abducted by aliens or B word about 911.

Scripted. Not rigged. And do a little research on when I said this would happen and what happened in 2009/2010 and how my predictions held up there.


Even Buftex is starting to see the light. I'd really rather not start fresh with you. Just do some linking/reading or ask 'tex what I predicted.

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You were completely wrong this year...


Where as I looked at the actual teams and was fairly accurate...an OKC meltdown short of being very accurate


And Miami will win this year btw...and the idea LeBron could be traded is insane.

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You were completely wrong this year...


Where as I looked at the actual teams and was fairly accurate...an OKC meltdown short of being very accurate


And Miami will win this year btw...and the idea LeBron could be traded is insane.

How was I wrong this year? I said an unusual team will win with Dallas being the most likely. I did not make predictions on a series by series basis at all. How does the Dallas prediction look so far? What percentage of people without knowledge of the script would have predicted Dallas when the playoffs started? 2% maybe?


I agree that there is only a .00000001% chance of Lebron being traded. My point is that in Feb 2009 my reading of the script was:


2009: LA over Orlando or Atlanta in 5

2010: Lakers/Celtic 7 game series. I did not specify a winner but did say I leaned toward the Lakers

2011: Unusual team; at the beginning of this year's playoffs I analyzed further as to which team might fit the bill.

2012: Lebron James' team


I made all of these predictions in 2009, not on a year by year basis. When I made the original predictions nobody knew where Lebron would end up after Cleveland so technically I did not pick Miami, I said Lebron would get a ring in 2012. To stick to that I cannot technically predict Miami in 2012 but I think we all realize that Miami is very likely to be Lebron's team next year. Get it now?

Edited by ieatcrayonz
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Whatever I just think it's stupid your "script" and saying "an unusual team" then having the 3 strongest candidates in the West isn't much of a reach. It's all moot anyway, the Heat are winning this year. And I looked at the individual teams and did a fairly good job predicting how it would go based not on a script but on matchups and talent.


I mean, my point is, it isn't scripted. Your point is, it is. So what now? Are the heat playing for the integrity of the NBA? lol

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You were completely wrong this year...


Where as I looked at the actual teams and was fairly accurate...an OKC meltdown short of being very accurate


And Miami will win this year btw...and the idea LeBron could be traded is insane.



He isn't saying Lebron will be traded...he is predicting that Lebron will get his ring next year, with whatever team he is with wherever he is playing...which will obviously be Miami. If Lebron were still in Cleveland, crayonz would be saying that the Cavs would win it all next year. His theory is that the NBA has been scripted sounds a little absurd, but, I have been having the same argument as you, with him since 2007-08 season, and he has been pretty much right, all along. If you believe it (and you don't, I understand), it seems that the NBA isn't necessarily always scripted so certain teams win in a given year, but so that certain players, and certain rivalries are highlighted, as it is good for the game, in the business sense.


Certain dynamics have been good for the league. The Celtics return to relevance, after taking almost 20 years off, was very good for the NBA. Having the Lakers and Celtics face off twice was good for the leauge...I was more shocked by the Celtics second finals appearence (the one they lost last year) than I was the first one...anyways, I am not saying I buy it all either, but more than any other sport, there have been times when I have wondered what the hell I am watching during the NBA playoffs. I still believe, whether it was a self-imposed "sit down", or league mandated, that Lebron James tanked the ECF finals against the Celtics last year. It just didn't seem natural.

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Buff what do you think of Mike Brown coming to LA


I gotta say that was a suprise to me....thought for sure that it would be Adlemen

It's almost as if someone were writing a script setting up a good guy like Brown versus a bad guy like Lebron. Hmmmm.


Bad guy wins round 1 just like the TV show Batman.

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