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Who Wants to Watch Tom Brady Cry?

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I disliked anyone I played against when I played sports. At least during the game itself. I never played dirty or wished for them to get injured, but they were my enemy during the match. I coach my teenage son's soccer and he has friends from opposing teams. He will chat with them during the game. I tell him for 60 minutes he's not your friend. Sometimes we will have his friend come over after the game and there is no hard feelings either way.


I respect what Brady has done and I still hate him. When he won the first SB I didn't think he was the most gifted QB in the league. He has only gotten better since, much like Big Ben


I think the best athletes at any level play with emotion and with an edge. Brady is no exception.


To continue my off topic rambling I have this story to offer. Right after the Giants won their last SB I had the pleasure of meeting Usi something, DL. He had his giant SB ring on. I told him I was so excited that they won the SB. He asked if I was a Giants fan. I told him no I just hate the Patriots. He said we all hate the f-ing Patriots.


I think as a fan of the Bills you should not like Brady. You do have to admit that he is a great QB though, maybe not out loud though.


I have a question to ask everyone. Would you trade all this year's draft picks for Brady?


It kills me to say it, but I would.

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Brady has become a big whiner over the years but I still respect the hell out of the guy. That clip only seals it for me. He cares a lot even after all the years. That's how you become great. It motivates you to work even harder. And by all accounts, Brady is the hardest working player on the Pats*.


I got a feeling that Jake Locker will play his entire career with a chip on his shoulder after he slides. I'm fairly alone on this, but I think the guy will be a good QB in this league.

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Brady has become a big whiner over the years but I still respect the hell out of the guy. That clip only seals it for me. He cares a lot even after all the years. That's how you become great. It motivates you to work even harder. And by all accounts, Brady is the hardest working player on the Pats*.


I got a feeling that Jake Locker will play his entire career with a chip on his shoulder after he slides. I'm fairly alone on this, but I think the guy will be a good QB in this league.


Amen. To laugh at a guy in his situation at that time, before he became a superstar, is just plain dumb.


He's a primadonna. Whay don't you get about that? He has how many NFL rules based on him? 2 for sure maybe more.


Be a winner not a whiner! Act like you've been there before and stop the taunting.


Fess sup to the last 5 years of phantom injuries.


You're a moron. The only time Brady ever gets fired up (or as you say "Taunts") is during huge games at pivotal moments. God forbid a superstar showing emotion...


Also, way to call out a guy for phantom injuries w/o any substantial evidence to back up your claims. Hate him cause he KILLS the Bills every year, not for some BS reason you think you know about.

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Mediocrity ... you're in a generous mood! Brady works harder, prepares more and is just plain better than any QB Buffalo has had since Kelly left. And he's a class act - and a first ballot hall of famer - on top of it. There are many reason the Patriots are so much better than the Bills. Tom Brady is on HUGE reason.

Probably since ever.

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What made me "tear-up" in that video, was the slow pan of the team draft pick cards, showing the Bills pick Leif Larsen...not tears of sadness mind you (he was a 6th round pick), just tears of laughter, remembering what a stiff that guy was... :rolleyes:


I caught part of this show last night and noticed the same thing. Leif Larsen! :lol:

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Don't understand the Brady hate

Holy ****! Are you on the right site? Brady is a cocky, pompus, and arrogant D-bag. I love to see him cry. Thank you for posting the video of Tommy crying. I feel really bad for him. You think he will weep when Von Miller unloads on him?


Someone on this board said it well once. "I have to appreciate his talent as a QB, at the same time, I hope he gets hit by a bus."

Well said! I can't stop laughing and it's so true.

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Mediocrity ... you're in a generous mood! Brady works harder, prepares more and is just plain better than any QB Buffalo has had since Kelly left. And he's a class act - and a first ballot hall of famer - on top of it. There are many reason the Patriots are so much better than the Bills. Tom Brady is on HUGE reason.

Personally as much as I hate give him credit, he is a great QB. I would say better than any QB the Bills have had including Kelly.

I wish we had him but I would love to see Moats get a hold of him as well.

Edited by VADC Bills
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Amen. To laugh at a guy in his situation at that time, before he became a superstar, is just plain dumb.


You're a moron. The only time Brady ever gets fired up (or as you say "Taunts") is during huge games at pivotal moments. God forbid a superstar showing emotion...


Also, way to call out a guy for phantom injuries w/o any substantial evidence to back up your claims. Hate him cause he KILLS the Bills every year, not for some BS reason you think you know about.

I'm a moron? Were you looking in a mirror when you posted this? You can worship that whiner all you want. He is a Prima Donna.


He should have stood up proud and LAUGHED at the camera audience instead of crying like a wussy!!!


Phantom Injuries? WHY has he been listed on an injury report practically EVERY WEEK for the last 6 years.


Brady's three-year streak on injury report comes to an end ...... It is the first time Brady was not on the injury report since the 2005 season opener. - Sep 6, 2008...



Is that ENOUGH substantial evidence you you d-wad


Want more substantial evidence???




Nov 11, 2010


FOXBORO - For years, quarterback Tom Brady comically has been listed on the Patriots injury report with a right shoulder injury, one that invariably leaves him probable for the game.


Yesterday, Brady turned up on the report for a real reason. He missed practice with a foot injury, one described as a mild sprain.


Apology accepted!

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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