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May 21, 2011

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Who is this Gene you speak of?

I've given Gene a boatload of crap over the past year, but I've come to realize that at the end of the day, the difference between him and me is just three weeks. I've also learned we have something in common: neither of us bothered to make note of a certain moderator's menstrual cycle.


Hey Gene...note to self...the 5th of the month is a bad time to prod the bear. Just sayin'...

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I've given Gene a boatload of crap over the past year, but I've come to realize that at the end of the day, the difference between him and me is just three weeks. I've also learned we have something in common: neither of us bothered to make note of a certain moderator's menstrual cycle.


Hey Gene...note to self...the 5th of the month is a bad time to prod the bear. Just sayin'...

Careful, Big Brother sees all! :lol:

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Here is 15 other doomsday predictions gone wrong. Actually a couple are just movies but amusing non the less


That list doesn't include our very own Dwight Drane's 09/15/09 end of the world prediction. Or that the Buffalo-SD game in '08 would not take place due to the end times.

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I've given Gene a boatload of crap over the past year, but I've come to realize that at the end of the day, the difference between him and me is just three weeks. I've also learned we have something in common: neither of us bothered to make note of a certain moderator's menstrual cycle.


Hey Gene...note to self...the 5th of the month is a bad time to prod the bear. Just sayin'...


Can you believe these outrageous liberal moderators won't allow all of Two Bills Drive to become like the PPP board?! They must be stupid liberals.

And screw them for giving us multiple reminders and liberal warnings before they eventually took some liberal action and gave us half the vacation we actually deserved. Typical liberal move.

It's not our fault we lack the self-control of a liberal 2nd grader. In a free society we should be able to create straw liberals as often as we want, anywhere we want regardless of how annoying normal people might find it. Only a liberal moderator would deny our right to incessantly broadcast repetitive drivel.

We will not rest until ALL of Too Liberal Drive is reduced to the same dozen predictable parrots ceaselessly squawking the same liberish back and forth at each other; until the 90% of the moderate population that is sick of it is driven away like the liberals they are; until we can rest in our typically limited knowledge that TBD is a board free of both liberals and everybody else.

Damn you liberal moderators and your relaxediberal enforcement of your liberal policerals! I don't need to accept respobibiliberality for my actions because it's all YOUR liberal fault you liberally liberal liberals!!!

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Can you believe these outrageous liberal moderators won't allow all of Two Bills Drive to become like the PPP board?! They must be stupid liberals.

And screw them for giving us multiple reminders and liberal warnings before they eventually took some liberal action and gave us half the vacation we actually deserved. Typical liberal move.

It's not our fault we lack the self-control of a liberal 2nd grader. In a free society we should be able to create straw liberals as often as we want, anywhere we want regardless of how annoying normal people might find it. Only a liberal moderator would deny our right to incessantly broadcast repetitive drivel.

We will not rest until ALL of Too Liberal Drive is reduced to the same dozen predictable parrots ceaselessly squawking the same liberish back and forth at each other; until the 90% of the moderate population that is sick of it is driven away like the liberals they are; until we can rest in our typically limited knowledge that TBD is a board free of both liberals and everybody else.

Damn you liberal moderators and your relaxediberal enforcement of your liberal policerals! I don't need to accept respobibiliberality for my actions because it's all YOUR liberal fault you liberally liberal liberals!!!


Ah...so it's not that you won't allow politics on OTW. It's that you'll only allow liberal politics.


That certainly explains why you're letting Pete start political threads on OTW. You !@#$ing hypocrite.

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Can you believe these outrageous liberal moderators won't allow all of Two Bills Drive to become like the PPP board?! They must be stupid liberals.

And screw them for giving us multiple reminders and liberal warnings before they eventually took some liberal action and gave us half the vacation we actually deserved. Typical liberal move.

It's not our fault we lack the self-control of a liberal 2nd grader. In a free society we should be able to create straw liberals as often as we want, anywhere we want regardless of how annoying normal people might find it. Only a liberal moderator would deny our right to incessantly broadcast repetitive drivel.

We will not rest until ALL of Too Liberal Drive is reduced to the same dozen predictable parrots ceaselessly squawking the same liberish back and forth at each other; until the 90% of the moderate population that is sick of it is driven away like the liberals they are; until we can rest in our typically limited knowledge that TBD is a board free of both liberals and everybody else.

Damn you liberal moderators and your relaxediberal enforcement of your liberal policerals! I don't need to accept respobibiliberality for my actions because it's all YOUR liberal fault you liberally liberal liberals!!!


Hours-on-end... Get your peanuts and popcorn!

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Didn't there used to be a 'Report Abusive Post' button or am I thinking of a different message board? I think that would help to clean things up around here.



You seem to know this board pretty well for just joining it a couple weeks ago.

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Didn't there used to be a 'Report Abusive Post' button or am I thinking of a different message board? I think that would help to clean things up around here.


It's at the lower left, you abject pinhead.



(Insult added so you can test the report button. That you actually are an abject pinhead is beside the point.)

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Ah...so it's not that you won't allow politics on OTW. It's that you'll only allow liberal politics.


That certainly explains why you're letting Pete start political threads on OTW. You !@#$ing hypocrite.


The sad fact is that most Bills fans that hail from the WNY region... TEND to lean more liberal... Of course not set in stone, just going on who gets elected in WNY. Yet, it is opposite the political stance taken by the board's ownership. Most likely one of the reasons why things are kept so separate with the liberals given a tad bit more leeway on the main boards. One of the reasons why I love these boards!! :D Quite a dichotomy at times! The Bills' fanbase really rules!!!


Didn't there used to be a 'Report Abusive Post' button or am I thinking of a different message board? I think that would help to clean things up around here.


Why would anybody use that? :wallbash:

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It's at the lower left, you abject pinhead.



(Insult added so you can test the report button. That you actually are an abject pinhead is beside the point.)

This made my day....broke up monotonous string of three hours of archiving old rosters! :worthy:

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It's at the lower left, you abject pinhead.



(Insult added so you can test the report button. That you actually are an abject pinhead is beside the point.)

Hi guys, I'm new here - what's up? I'm ready for some light-hearted, fun-filled political discourse! Looks like I've come to the right place!


DCTom needs to clean up his inbox!!!

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He fellas, this is actually related to this thread! It seems that Mr. Camping simply fat-fingered his calculator - an easy mistake to make:


Preacher says world will actually end in October


A California preacher who foretold of the world's end only to see the appointed day pass with no extraordinarily cataclysmic event has revised his apocalyptic prophecy, saying he was off by five months and the Earth actually will be obliterated on Oct. 21.


Harold Camping, who predicted that 200 million Christians would be taken to heaven Saturday before catastrophe struck the planet, apologized Monday evening for not having the dates "worked out as accurately as I could have."


He spoke to the media at the Oakland headquarters of his Family Radio International, which spent millions of dollars_ some of it from donations made by followers — on more than 5,000 billboards and 20 RVs plastered with the Judgment Day message.


It was not the first time Camping was forced to explain when his prediction didn't come to pass. The 89-year-old retired civil engineer also prophesied the Apocalypse would come in 1994, but said later that didn't happen then because of a mathematical error.


Through chatting with a friend over what he acknowledged was a very difficult weekend, it dawned on him that instead of the biblical Rapture in which the faithful would be swept up to the heavens, May 21 had instead been a "spiritual" Judgment Day, which places the entire world under Christ's judgment, he said.


The globe will be completely destroyed in five months, he said, when the apocalypse comes. But because God's judgment and salvation were completed on Saturday, there's no point in continuing to warn people about it, so his network will now just play Christian music and programs until the final end on Oct. 21.





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