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Sabres - Playoff beard question

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I have to agree. Playoff beards are an act of omission...not shaving....it isn't an affirmative act...a purposeful growing of a beard. That's just me though. I would start with what you have.


I agree with everyone. I share the same view.

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Hmm. I'm finding some evidence for shaving the morning of the first playoff game, and growing it from then.


NHL Beard-A-Thon sponsored by Remington


Then again, this and its main Facebook page appear to be very corporatized. It does not appear to be very extensive, and there are several disparities b/w Remington's rules and other traditional playoff beard guidelines I've seen.


I have always operated under the assumption that the playoffs start after the horn blows at the final game of the regular season for your team. I don't understand how anyone can think differently.


For facial hair-challenged individuals, those who absolutely must shave for their employment, or for those "men" who cave to WAF (or GAF), behold, there is the Beardo.

Edited by UConn James
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I've already got a week of beard going. Do I have to start from scratch now that they've actually made the playoffs or can I just keep what I've got?


Gotta keep it at this point. No biggie. An already established beard simply becomes a playoff beard. And since we were fighting for our (playoff) lives already, your beard might be even more magical. :thumbsup:

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