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One of the greatest characters this board has ever seen.


The Oil, Inflation, Gold...will all be there this year. They are one in the same and the end result of all the cash being poured into the system. I admit the deflationary spiral is deeper for assets that I figured would not be spit up....but nobody has a choice and the ones that can buy on the cheap are the ones getting the cash infusion who don't need it to survive.


The bank holiday can happen tomorrow for all I know. You have to be aware that it is VERY possible. Either to shutdown the markets, come out with a global monetary unit, or both. We are still in waves, but have moved to the 2nd level. We went from credit lockup in July '07 to Bear in March, Freddie and Fannie in July, Lehman et al in September, AIG and dozens others in October....it was exponential in time it took between crises. Now we are having the tide rise with the automakers, retailers, shipping, municipalities......the money is not lubricating the system because engine already seized up. What the Fed is doing is pushing the car down the road by hand as we continue to lose time against our planned travel.


The hot sauce post was a bit out there....but it represented the Bible. On it's own, a bottle of Frank's sauce is not a meal and is not going to looked at fondly by all. But when there is something cooking that the Franks's can be used on.....you would be stupid to dismiss it. The chicken wings of the economy and world pecking order are cooking up real good now.


I have never made a prediction outright BECAUSE of the Bible. I used what I knew about the financial and geopolitical scenes to come up with plausible scenarios....and as those closely matched some of the prophecy in the Bible, I would be an idiot TO dismiss them. I can't claim 100% that we are in the end times, but it is so close to being confirmed by events on the brink that anyone who studied the book seriously and is a player or student in current events has to feel it is very possible. I don't consider myself a religious scholar, or even a religious person. I am not afraid to say I am a Christian though. The church as many know it is corrupt and a big reason why so many scoff. There will be a special place in hell for many of the beaurocrats of religion that were worried more about their own pleasures and powers than for the good of humanity. That's one of the reasons we need to be suspicious of pretty much anyone in power....especially as the macro situation continues to look poor.


I'm glad that everyone here looking at economic news has calmed down, including myself. I don't know the exact details of where we go from here. I think we are still on the verge of disaster at any minute. The job losses are coming from all over and credit lines are being cut to consumers now. I bet you there are multiple people reading this thread that have had a credit line reduced on a card. I know I have, and I know people that have been shut down with no warning. There is going to be no way out of this other than to blow the whole thing up. That, after those with "real" money have taken control of all the major asset classes out there.


I still have a March deadline for the "other shoe to drop". We are going to see one or multiple of the following happen by March....and plenty of them happen over the next few years in my opinion.


Odds of any of the following by 2012:


War in Israel/Iran/Syria/Lebanon (chemical, bio or nukes used) (1-1)

War in Pakistan with thousands of US forces (3-1)

Russian invasion of Baltics and possible US staredown (2-1)

Terrorist attack in the US much bigger than 9/11 (1-1)

China moves on Taiwan (6-1)


Flu/Viral Pandemic (10-1)

Continued increase in major earthquakes in US and World (1-1)

Possible meteor strike or solar event much beyond normal (10-1)


Financial market closure for multiple days (1-1)

Default of COMEX as gold is taken in physical delivery (3-1)

A new monitary unit used in the US in place of or conjunction with the dollar (3-1)

Bank Holiday (2-1)

Civil Unrest and Domestic troops on ground in multiple cities (4-1)

Institution of Military draft in US (6-1)

Institution of forced civil service in US (3-1)


The odds of all that happening is close to 1 billion to 1.......even at odds that are much reduced from what anyone else would probably put them at. Most of these are probably 100-1 or 1,000,000-1 shots in people's minds anyway.


My odds say 4 or 5 of these events happen in the next 4 years. We shall see. And as future reference, the end times will take 7 years to play out. If we usher them in this year.....you have until 2015 for the final battle. 2012 would put us at the midpoint where the Antichrist is at his peak power.

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