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Rumor: Trade Between Bills and Eagles

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First, this is not confirmed but it's a slow Monday so here we go. Also, I may not be sure and maybe someone can clarify, but I was under the impression that only draft picks could be traded and not players because there is no CBA in place?


According to the Buffalo Bills section of Pro Football Talk Blog, there have been whispers of a massive trade between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Buffalo Bills.

The trade involves the Eagles trading away their first round pick (23) and their second round pick (54), as well as quarterback Kevin Kolb, to obtain the number three overall pick from the Buffalo Bills.

With the third pick in the 2011 draft, the Eagles would select cornerback Patrick Peterson, arguably the best defensive player available in this year’s draft.


Link: http://www.fanfeedr.com/nfl/2011/04/04/rumors-of-blockbuster-trade-between-philadelphia-eagles-and-buff?utm_term=NFL+NEWS&utm_content=NFL+NEWS&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=FF

Edited by Bangarang
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First, this is not confirmed but it's a slow Monday so here we go. Also, I may not be sure and maybe someone can clarify, but I was under the impression that only draft picks could be traded and not players because there is no CBA in place?




Link: http://www.fanfeedr.com/nfl/2011/04/04/rumors-of-blockbuster-trade-between-philadelphia-eagles-and-buff?utm_term=NFL+NEWS&utm_content=NFL+NEWS&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=FF


For some reason I have it in my head that because there is no CBA, players can't be traded during this draft...Is this incorrect? Not sure where I heard this from...

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In Buddy's con call with season ticket holders, he said NO TRADES PERIOD until draft day, and at least for now, can only be for draft picks, not players. That said, I hope the Bills don't do this. I'd rather roll the dice with Cam or Ponder of Kaepernick in rounds 2 or 3 than with Kolb and lower draft picks.

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If you are going to start a rumor, it helps if what you say can't be immediately shot down by facts. No players can be traded without the CBA in place. That doesn't even address the laughable value the Bills would receive in trade. I'm guessing this came from a Eagles fan still smarting from the Jason Peters deal fantasizing about getting one back from Buffalo.



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First, this is not confirmed but it's a slow Monday so here we go. Also, I may not be sure and maybe someone can clarify, but I was under the impression that only draft picks could be traded and not players because there is no CBA in place?




Link: http://www.fanfeedr.com/nfl/2011/04/04/rumors-of-blockbuster-trade-between-philadelphia-eagles-and-buff?utm_term=NFL+NEWS&utm_content=NFL+NEWS&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=FF



Sounds like something the Eagles wish and hope the Bills would be stupid enough to bite on...LOL


1. Kevin Kolb serves no purpose since Fitzpatrick is a better QB than him and both players are entering their final years of their contracts.


2. You can't trade players this year since there will be no agreement between the players and owners.


3. If the Eagles do want the #3 overall, they had better come prepared to pay through the nose...try the Eagles 1st, 2nd and 3rd AND next year's #1 and #3 picks.

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For some reason I have it in my head that because there is no CBA, players can't be traded during this draft...Is this incorrect? Not sure where I heard this from...


this is probably total crap....but just for funsies....i would do that deal.


.... if Kolb was in this draft, he'd go first overall.... plus #23 & #54......

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The "no trades until draft day" rule is probably going to make the draft unwatchable.


I can see it now....


Roger Goodell: The 16th pick in the draft, acquired 10 minutes ago in exchange for the Packers' 1st, 2nd and 4th round picks, has now been traded to the Atlanta Falcons for their 1st, 2nd and 7th round picks.... Wait, wait, wait a second. The Falcons have now traded the 16th pick again to the NY Giants for their 1st, 4th, 6th and 7th round picks. ...


And even if teams could trade players (or if a gentleman's agreement is reached to trade Kolb for a box of tape once a CBA is signed), this rumor smacks of a team that learned diddly squat from the RJ trade. [pause] So on that note, it's entirely plausible --- even probable!

Edited by UConn James
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In this deal, I'd flip Kolb to another team for more picks. Whoever's got the third chair in the Newton/Gabbert dance, perhaps.


Otherwise, I wouldn't do it.


All in all, I want a barge filled with so many draft picks to the point there's 4 inches of water on the deck from the weight.

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Here's more reason to believe this rumor is pure cow dung: According to the draft value chart, our #3 is worth 2,200 points. Philly's entire draft, all 7 rounds, all 8 picks that can be traded (2 comp picks can't be traded) are only worth 1,489.


Then what is Kevin Kolb worth? He was a #36 pick, which is worth 540 points. Philly #1 and #2 are worth 1,120, barely half of 2,200. That's 1,080 points short of equal value. A #14-#15 pick is worth 1,080. Does anyone here think Kolb is worth a #14 pick? I don't think so.




The "no trades until draft day" rule is probably going to make the draft unwatchable.


I can see it now....




And even if teams could trade players (or if a gentleman's agreement is reached to trade Kolb for a box of tape once a CBA is signed), this rumor smacks of a team that learned diddly squat from the RJ trade. [pause] So on that note, it's entirely plausible --- even probable!

Totally different regime, but if you want to think that, go ahead. :doh:



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In this deal, I'd flip Kolb to another team for more picks. Whoever's got the third chair in the Newton/Gabbert dance, perhaps.


Otherwise, I wouldn't do it.


All in all, I want a barge filled with so many draft picks to the point there's 4 inches of water on the deck from the weight.

OK, but just remember, everybody's trying to rob the same barge, so post a couple of guards on deck.

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We've got a new owner?!?


(Nix and Gailey may be new, but make no mistake that everything still goes through Ralph & Co.)

Who made the RJ trade? Ralph or John "He's a fine young man" Butler? I seem to recall it was fatboy who pulled the trigger. Then Ralph mucked things up by insisting on signing Flutie.



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if you really want to do this, but cant because of the CBA, you do this. philly says, you can have our first (23) second (54) and third (85) and kolb, for your third.


they want peterson, you draft peterson

then you call them and say i want player x when the 23 pick happens, player y at 54 and player z at 85. then, as soon as the CBA happens, you trade everyone. since there is probably going to be a rookie wage scale, you never negotiate contracts, so that doesnt matter, and if they want PP, hes all yours.


having said that, i dont believe it at all. then again, they did trade up last year very high.

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