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AMC's "The Killing"

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Through the first 75 minutes of the 2 hour season premiere of it, and I am floored. Visually stunning, and so far, an interesting plot twist. Very interested to see what happens moving forward.


What channel? I've wanted to watch it. HBO? AMC? Sci-fi?

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My friggin DVR only got the first hour. It was a two hour premier. WTF?!?


Actually, I thought the first hour was really slow. I think I now have the attention span of a fruitfly. I've been watching the Wire and now am in the middle of season 3, and that is very fast, so not sure if I can do this. Esp. since the story lines are similar right now - with politics mingling with murder. I'll start thinking Avon Barksdale has killed this girl and is being funded by the mayor of Seattle.

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