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UFO Sighting in Chicago


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What I find interesting is that the public in general is so whatever about these lights and other such anomalies (with the exception of a staunch few who). If there are aliens (which a good number of people seem to believe) then I would think this would cause an uproar of an unprecedented level in society. The thought of life from another world visiting us is something that would ruffle our feathers more than it has so far.


The level of intelligence on this board is quite a bit higher than the average Joe you would meet on the street. A large number of posters here seem to be fairly well read and educated. So I would suppose a good number here are open minded to the possibility of aliens. Some not I'm sure.


I saw lights (they acted in a manner unlike man made floating lights) when I was a little lad which I believe to be of alien origin (just my opinion). I have some level headed friends who have witnessed quite a bit more. I'm rambling a bit and not trying to make one specific point. Just sharing my thoughts on how society seems to be so blah about something that could turn our thoughts on life upside down.


I suppose I'm partly to blame too since I'm a part of society's indifference to this matter.


Thanks for the linky Dev. Thought provoking for sure. I'm sure many more unexplainable sightings are yet to come.

Edited by Pilsner
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What I find interesting is that the public in general is so whatever about these lights and other such anomalies (with the exception of a staunch few who). If there are aliens (which a good number of people seem to believe) then I would think this would cause an uproar of an unprecedented level in society. The thought of life from another world visiting us is something that would ruffle our feathers more than it has so far.


The level of intelligence on this board is quite a bit higher than the average Joe you would meet on the street. A large number of posters here seem to be fairly well read and educated. So I would suppose a good number here are open minded to the possibility of aliens. Some not I'm sure.


I saw lights (they acted in a manner unlike man made floating lights) when I was a little lad which I believe to be of alien origin (just my opinion). I have some level headed friends who have witnessed quite a bit more. I'm rambling a bit and not trying to make one specific point. Just sharing my thoughts on how society seems to be so blah about something that could turn our thoughts on life upside down.


I suppose I'm partly to blame too since I'm a part of society's indifference to this matter.


Thanks for the linky Dev. Thought provoking for sure. I'm sure many more unexplainable sightings are yet to come.


I've always wondered the same thing, the prospects of other life visiting us should be big news. If the mainstream media really took one of these stories and ran with it, it might get legs, but in the age of digital manipulation, I think everyone is gun shy to latch on to something like this. On a clear sky one night last summer, I saw a flash so bright in the sky it actually turned off the street light in front of my house. It was no shooting star, and there were no clouds for miles. The odds of another planet being able to support life are extremely high.

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I've always wondered the same thing, the prospects of other life visiting us should be big news. If the mainstream media really took one of these stories and ran with it, it might get legs, but in the age of digital manipulation, I think everyone is gun shy to latch on to something like this. On a clear sky one night last summer, I saw a flash so bright in the sky it actually turned off the street light in front of my house. It was no shooting star, and there were no clouds for miles. The odds of another planet being able to support life are extremely high.



But the odds that they have figured out intergalatic travel (and yet still require headlights on their spaceship) and managed to find our tiny planet in the endless expanse of the universe is extremely small.

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I've always wondered the same thing, the prospects of other life visiting us should be big news. If the mainstream media really took one of these stories and ran with it, it might get legs, but in the age of digital manipulation, I think everyone is gun shy to latch on to something like this. On a clear sky one night last summer, I saw a flash so bright in the sky it actually turned off the street light in front of my house. It was no shooting star, and there were no clouds for miles. The odds of another planet being able to support life are extremely high.



The odds of another planet supporting life are extremely high indeed considering how many planets are out there (who really knows how expansive the universe really is. Scientifically we only know what Hubble has seen. For all we know the universe has a periphery 1000x beyond what we can comprehend. If only 0.0000000001 percent of other planets have even a slight chance of supporting some sort of life (whether similar to ours or most likely very dissimilar) then yes it seems reasonable to keep an open mind to such possibilities. Many civilizations have probably formed and died on other planets while the earth was created and evolved to it's present state.


I believe you're right, too many people are gun shy to latch onto this. I saw a bright supernova type light one early morning. At first I thought it was something extraterrestrial but then thought it was my own eyes and imagination playing tricks on me. I still think about it because I've never experienced something like that before. Right now I think it was a trick on my eyes and senses. The future might prove otherwise though. Who knows.


I think it is always best to keep an open mind, always do research, see things from different perspectives (not just our own) always be careful what research you read due to bias being involved by authors, and always follow what you think is right and just no matter how many naysayers or detractors there may be.


But the odds that they have figured out intergalatic travel (and yet still require headlights on their spaceship) and managed to find our tiny planet in the endless expanse of the universe is extremely small.


KD you have a damned good point about them having intergalactic travel and still requiring headlights lol.

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Looks like planes in the approach and holding patterns to O'hare and Midway.


If you drive south of SF, you can see the approaching planes for SF, Oakland, and San Jose.

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But the odds that they have figured out intergalatic travel (and yet still require headlights on their spaceship) and managed to find our tiny planet in the endless expanse of the universe is extremely small.


How else would they get the attention of the intergalactic hoes?

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How else would they get the attention of the intergalactic hoes?



Makes me wonder if the intergalactic hoes r hot or not :devil: 1-10 rating. 3 breasts anyone? :D


And what gets the alien ladiez buzzed. green margaritas? :beer:

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KD you have a damned good point about them having intergalactic travel and still requiring headlights lol.


The mastery of intergalactic travel and the need for headlights are good points. But about their motives? Why would they get in their spaceships and traverse the Universe?






No, it seems their motives involve anal probes and cattle mutilations.


My theory is that Earth is like the boonies of the Universe. And like human kids hop in the family car and drive out to boonies for some cow tipping, alien kids hop in the family Intergalactic Starcruiser and fly here for giggles

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The mastery of intergalactic travel and the need for headlights are good points. But about their motives? Why would they get in their spaceships and traverse the Universe?






No, it seems their motives involve anal probes and cattle mutilations.


My theory is that Earth is like the boonies of the Universe. And like human kids hop in the family car and drive out to boonies for some cow tipping, alien kids hop in the family Intergalactic Starcruiser and fly here for giggles


dev does this mean we are just cabbage patch dolls and GI Joe action figures just waiting to be outgrown and discarded? :0

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The mastery of intergalactic travel and the need for headlights are good points. But about their motives? Why would they get in their spaceships and traverse the Universe?






No, it seems their motives involve anal probes and cattle mutilations.


My theory is that Earth is like the boonies of the Universe. And like human kids hop in the family car and drive out to boonies for some cow tipping, alien kids hop in the family Intergalactic Starcruiser and fly here for giggles




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