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To See More Brady v. NFL Court Documents

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I've previously posted some of the court documents filed in the Brady v. NFL antitrust suit, but it was piecemeal - - a document here and there as I found them. I just found a more comprehensive site:




This link shows ALL court documents filed in the case through March 14, 2011 - - so it contains documents filed by the players' lawyers in support of their request to have the lockout enjoined, including sworn declarations by various people. You can click on the blue hyperlinked numbers to see the full text of each document in the list. On the downside, this list currently contains only the court filings made on or before March 14th. so the more recent court filings aren't there. I don't know if this web-site will be periodically updated to add more recently filed court documents, but thought some here might find it interesting anyway. Note that you can use the "Advanced Search" link at the upper right hand corner of the page to run an updated future search for court documents by plugging in the name Brady, selecting a date range, Minnesota district court, and antitrust as the subject matter. If this website periodically adds the newer court filings, that should access them.


I've previously posted a piecemeal link to the NFL's legal brief filed on March 21st in opposition to the players' request for a preliminary injunction to end the lockout. Here's a piecemeal link to what the players' lawyers filed in reply on March 28th:



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