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A Country of takers not makers

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Of course there are alot of factors. But lowering the corporate tax rate is one tool to lure businesses into your country.. Singapore is now quickly becoming the financial capital in the world, everyone wants to set up shop there oh and btw, Ireland is a very appealing place for businesses to operate from and yes they have been attracting lots of corporations to do business there. There financial meltdown they had has absolutely nothing to do with their corporate tax code. Ireland has a bright future.


Don't forget Malta. Hopefully my future home 0:)

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Maybe this quantifies it better.



Comrade, what do you know about the real estate and mortgage industries? How are the CEO's doing in those businesses compared to the lowly worker? Does Central Party affiliation have an affect on pay? Do you get more if you are a member of the Politburo?

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Maybe this quantifies it better.



Are you kidding? That just compounds the analytical error - rather than 100, it compares only the highest 50 of one set to the average of the other.


(Apologies if you were satirizing the logic abilities of the left and it went over my head.)

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Yeah, what 50 guys make 'quantifies' anything in a country of 300 million. !@#$ing retard.



So when the wealthy gain and receive huge bonuses and the average worker is lucky to either keep their job or receive a 2% raise it's ok and doesn't mean anything. Ok? I guess that horrible pro-democrat company TIME is making everything up right?


To me it's scary... 62 TIMES THE AVERAGE WORKER


incentive pay for the chief executive officers of 50 major corporations jumped 30% in 2010. That's on top of their base pay...


As a group the 50 CEOs got year-end payouts of $126 million. That was up from $83 million...



YET, those damn greedy, lazy unions and teachers are earning WAY to much in benefits and pensions!! But how dare anyone talk about raising taxes on the wealthy. HAHAHAHA!!! I think THIS says it all...


Yesterday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that average hourly compensation for American workers fell 0.5% in February. The average worker now makes $40,672 a year. What we all make is up from a year ago, but by just 2%. Factor in inflation, and the average worker makes just $0.58 more a week, than they did a year ago.

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So when the wealthy gain and receive huge bonuses and the average worker is lucky to either keep their job or receive a 2% raise it's ok and doesn't mean anything. Ok? I guess that horrible pro-democrat company TIME is making everything up right?


To me it's scary... 62 TIMES THE AVERAGE WORKER


incentive pay for the chief executive officers of 50 major corporations jumped 30% in 2010. That's on top of their base pay...


As a group the 50 CEOs got year-end payouts of $126 million. That was up from $83 million...



YET, those damn greedy, lazy unions and teachers are earning WAY to much in benefits and pensions!! But how dare anyone talk about raising taxes on the wealthy. HAHAHAHA!!! I think THIS says it all...


Yesterday, the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that average hourly compensation for American workers fell 0.5% in February. The average worker now makes $40,672 a year. What we all make is up from a year ago, but by just 2%. Factor in inflation, and the average worker makes just $0.58 more a week, than they did a year ago.


I don't pay the CEO's salary so their companies can pay them whatever they want. I pay the tearchers salary so I have a right to B word. I met with an art teacher who makes $109,000 a year working 10 months. I got a problem with that.

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I don't pay the CEO's salary so their companies can pay them whatever they want. I pay the tearchers salary so I have a right to B word. I met with an art teacher who makes $109,000 a year working 10 months. I got a problem with that.

You don't pay CEO's salary as long as - they didn't get a bail out, or a government subsidy, or support from CIA, the State department, ICE, or the Military, and they didn't get no bid government contracts, and if government doesn't build special infrastructure for them, or buy toxic assets from them and pay for it by debasing the currency, or give them sweetheart deals on publicly owned natural resources, or clean up their toxic waste.

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You don't pay CEO's salary as long as - they didn't get a bail out, or a government subsidy, or support from CIA, the State department, ICE, or the Military, and they didn't get no bid government contracts, and if government doesn't build special infrastructure for them, or buy toxic assets from them and pay for it by debasing the currency, or give them sweetheart deals on publicly owned natural resources, or clean up their toxic waste.


How many CEO's are involved in that stuff you tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nut. EVERY teacher gets paid 100!@#$ing% by us. See the difference?

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I don't pay the CEO's salary so their companies can pay them whatever they want. I pay the tearchers salary so I have a right to B word. I met with an art teacher who makes $109,000 a year working 10 months. I got a problem with that.



You helped bail most of them out. How long has that person been a teacher? And I find it funny, the complaint about working 10 months. I guess that teachers from now on should get comp time for all of the work they put in over weekends? Maybe comp time for all of the hours they spend at school after hours? Of course not. You would much rather have these people work all of those extra hours for free right? And I am guessing you would be the first in line calling them lazy if they got to work right when the opening bell and left on the closing bell as well. Saying they should be doing more.


I find it funny how people are ok with the average middle-class worker actually losing money even with their bread crumb 2% raise because of the COL is going up. The same people are also content that CEO's are making on average 30% more at the same as their workers are struggling. Makes sense to me. :sick:


Just proves that the trickle down theory sucks and is not true these days. It's a win for the guy at the top and scrape and get by life for their workers and families.


How many CEO's are involved in that stuff you tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nut. EVERY teacher gets paid 100!@#$ing% by us. See the difference?



Dude you are missing the point. These CEOs and corporations are getting tons of stuff for free through subsidies or like lybob said through no-compete contracts, sweetheart/back room deals. I wish politicians and towns would not buy into the give me what I need nonsense or I'll take my company somewhere else nonsense. Let them leave.

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When did we come to the consensus that being a teacher entitles one to executive pay right out the gate. It's a relatively cush job with excellent job security, benefits, and time off. I know we have this knee jerk, auto response to anything involving children or education, but can we at least allow a smidgeon of common sense into the discussion.


The pay is not that damn bad. In most areas in the south starting teacher salary day 1 is close to $40k, and by retirement time, which is apx 55, most are pulling $70k+. Not bad for a gig that gives you your summers off (and alleviates much need for expensive child care). So forgive me if I don't break out my violin for the teachers just yet.

Edited by Rob's House
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You helped bail most of them out. How long has that person been a teacher? And I find it funny, the complaint about working 10 months. I guess that teachers from now on should get comp time for all of the work they put in over weekends? Maybe comp time for all of the hours they spend at school after hours? Of course not. You would much rather have these people work all of those extra hours for free right? And I am guessing you would be the first in line calling them lazy if they got to work right when the opening bell and left on the closing bell as well. Saying they should be doing more.


I find it funny how people are ok with the average middle-class worker actually losing money even with their bread crumb 2% raise because of the COL is going up. The same people are also content that CEO's are making on average 30% more at the same as their workers are struggling. Makes sense to me. :sick:


Just proves that the trickle down theory sucks and is not true these days. It's a win for the guy at the top and scrape and get by life for their workers and families.





Dude you are missing the point. These CEOs and corporations are getting tons of stuff for free through subsidies or like lybob said through no-compete contracts, sweetheart/back room deals. I wish politicians and towns would not buy into the give me what I need nonsense or I'll take my company somewhere else nonsense. Let them leave.


Yeah, teachers are the only ones working weekends. I'd love to compare the amount of hours a teacher puts in to the amount of hours I put in or god forbid the amount of hours a CEO puts in.


BTW I don't remember how long she's been a teacher but she's only 34. That's a lot of jack to someone who teaches finger painting.

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I find it funny how people are ok with the average middle-class worker actually losing money even with their bread crumb 2% raise because of the COL is going up. The same people are also content that CEO's are making on average 30% more at the same as their workers are struggling. Makes sense to me. :sick:


Define "making".

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When did we come to the consensus that being a teacher entitles one to executive pay right out the gate. It's a relatively cush job with excellent job security, benefits, and time off. I know we have this knee jerk, auto response to anything involving children or education, but can we at least allow a smidgeon of common sense into the discussion.


The pay is not that damn bad. In most areas in the south starting teacher salary day 1 is close to $40k, and by retirement time, which is apx 55, most are pulling $70k+. Not bad for a gig that gives you your summers off (and alleviates much need for expensive child care). So forgive me if I don't break out my violin for the teachers just yet.



I know so many teachers in Maryland that work two jobs because their HUGE salaries don't cover their simple lifestyle. Keep in mind that their job also has a lot of them working 6 or 7 days a week and nights during the school season.


Define "making".



Well Tom just for you: "making" covers salary increases and bonuses received via stock options or cash. No matter what it's absolutely ridiculous and there is no reason for their to be that much of a separation between the classes. And it only getting worse.


Yeah, teachers are the only ones working weekends. I'd love to compare the amount of hours a teacher puts in to the amount of hours I put in or god forbid the amount of hours a CEO puts in.


BTW I don't remember how long she's been a teacher but she's only 34. That's a lot of jack to someone who teaches finger painting.



You own your own company... for success you should put in the hours. Most CEO's I have met did not put in ridiculous hours. People keep throwing out the nonsense saying "they only work 10 months a year". Of course easily forgetting the facts that they do work long days, weekends and yes sometimes during the summer. The usual, avoiding all of the details.


What do you think would be fair compensation for someone in any profession that works long hours, 6-7 days a week? Should they do it for free? Should they receive overtime? Comp. time?

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I know so many teachers in Maryland that work two jobs because their HUGE salaries don't cover their simple lifestyle. Keep in mind that their job also has a lot of them working 6 or 7 days a week and nights during the school season.





Well Tom just for you: "making" covers salary increases and bonuses received via stock options or cash. No matter what it's absolutely ridiculous and there is no reason for their to be that much of a separation between the classes. And it only getting worse.





You own your own company... for success you should put in the hours. Most CEO's I have met did not put in ridiculous hours. People keep throwing out the nonsense saying "they only work 10 months a year". Of course easily forgetting the facts that they do work long days, weekends and yes sometimes during the summer. The usual, avoiding all of the details.


What do you think would be fair compensation for someone in any profession that works long hours, 6-7 days a week? Should they do it for free? Should they receive overtime? Comp. time?





So, you know so many Maryland teachers, eh? You also hobnob with a bunch of CEO's? You are completely full of bullschit, or actually in your case calfschit. Click on the link dumbass.

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You own your own company... for success you should put in the hours. Most CEO's I have met did not put in ridiculous hours. People keep throwing out the nonsense saying "they only work 10 months a year". Of course easily forgetting the facts that they do work long days, weekends and yes sometimes during the summer. The usual, avoiding all of the details.


What do you think would be fair compensation for someone in any profession that works long hours, 6-7 days a week? Should they do it for free? Should they receive overtime? Comp. time?


I own my own company? How come no one told me that. No I work long hours because it's what it takes to be successful in my position and I love what I do. Ohhhh they work SOMETIMES during the summer. Newsflash....most everyone works the whole summer. I'll ignore your last questions seeing they're impossible to answer. But I'll ask you one that is easy to answer. Does a grade school art teacher deserve $109k a year? And when you answer it should be one word. Either yes or no.

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So, you know so many Maryland teachers, eh? You also hobnob with a bunch of CEO's? You are completely full of bullschit, or actually in your case calfschit. Click on the link dumbass.



Sorry (*^*&%^$^#before I started working with unions, I worked with a few corporations. You don't know **** about my background, so don't act like it.

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Sorry (*^*&%^$^#before I started working with unions, I worked with a few corporations. You don't know **** about my background, so don't act like it.


So when you say most of the CEOs you've met you're talking about a percentage of a few. So you know what....two CEOs?


The CEO of my company has been told several times by the BOD that he needs to pay himself more. Yup all CEOs are evil.

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So when you say most of the CEOs you've met you're talking about a percentage of a few. So you know what....two CEOs?


The CEO of my company has been told several times by the BOD that he needs to pay himself more. Yup all CEOs are evil.



And wow, you own a business therefore you know everything right? You can speak on behalf of CEO's and major corporations. WOW, a Board told the CEO he needs to be paid more. I am SHOCKED. How about they ask the employees if he should be paid more?

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I know so many teachers in Maryland that work two jobs because their HUGE salaries don't cover their simple lifestyle. Keep in mind that their job also has a lot of them working 6 or 7 days a week and nights during the school season.

I'm breaking out my violin as we speak.

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