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Drunk girl knocked out...language NSFW

Guest three3

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If this was a video of some pencil necked 22-year-old d.bag acting a fool in the RWS parking lot, would you be making the same arguments?



Yep because cold cocking anyone in that situation is inappropriate. Again, I make no issue with someone defending themselves. People should react according to the level of threat that they face. In this situation though the guy was not threatened by this chick. He didn't even offer her a warning - while it does not appear to be the case - the girl could have been seriously injured.


While you seem to think that punching her was OK - should he have taken a baseball bat to her? While he was at it why not kick her a few times while she is on the ground out cold .... that way he might have made sure she didn't at all get back up to "threaten" him or act inappropriately.

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Yep because cold cocking anyone in that situation is inappropriate. Again, I make no issue with someone defending themselves. People should react according to the level of threat that they face. In this situation though the guy was not threatened by this chick. He didn't even offer her a warning - while it does not appear to be the case - the girl could have been seriously injured.


While you seem to think that punching her was OK - should he have taken a baseball bat to her? While he was at it why not kick her a few times while she is on the ground out cold .... that way he might have made sure she didn't at all get back up to "threaten" him or act inappropriately.


You must have missed my post where i said his particular course of action was excessive.

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Did the situation "escalate?"


There's NO WAY that this was "abnormal" behavior for her. NOT A CHANCE. Even when she's sober, she's MORE THAN LIKELY someone who resorts to violence, threatens people with violence, throws things, etc etc.


Her and everyone she'll cross paths with later in life now has this guy to thank for teaching her that that kind of behavior is UNACCEPTABLE.


There comes a time when someone has to do the unpopular, unsavory thing. Up to that point society had passed the buck on her behavior, snarled "someone should teach her a lesson" under its breath and never did anything to 'correct' this bull in a china shop, this person who's endangering herself AND being a complete nuisance to everyone around her.


I WILL, however, concede that the same lesson could have been taught with an open palm to the cheek. A fist to the chin? That was just dumb on his part. Can he afford the hospital bill for a broken jaw? The missing teeth? The potential concussion? If there was a misstep in this scenario, it was his execution.


I will say again, I don't think this taught her a thing.


Either it was a rarity in her life, which she would likely regret no matter what


Or it was commonplace, and I'd guess waking up sore and unsure of what happened the night before is equally commonplace. Regardless, I'd guess she's faced consequence for her actions before, and I don't think a fist to the jaw is going to be a wake up call, but another in a long line of "OMG, I was just out having fun and you will not believe what some jerk did to me" assuming she has any idea what happened when she wakes up.


Contrary to your belief of justice being served and the world being a better place for it, I find it far more likely that this dude took a big chance with both his and her future for little to no real gain. Even the slap you suggest - I don't see the hand to the face being a life altering wake up call.

Edited by NoSaint
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I disagree .... though not strongly as I understand where you are coming from. Hypothetically a drunk guy might have been more able to do harm even if he was "smaller."


The point I will continue to stick to is that the girl could have been taken away form the situation far less violently. Two people could have easily taken her arms and walked her away from the situation (the guy who hit her was strong enough to do this on his own.)


At some point in this discussion I would hope that people see this is as much about self respect as it is about respect for the girl. The old .... treat others as you would want to be treated. We all seem to agree that the girl was "wrong" in her actions and state of drunkeness. This does not make her fair game for an over-reaction. "Stumble" for a minute in her shoes ....


I watched the video. You're right on with everything you're saying. It's not like that drunk girl was going to hurt anybody with those bag swings or weak punches, especially that dude who knocked her out. Guy was built and probably more than twice her weight, plus she punched him on the arm 2-3 times and he cold-cocks her like that. The way she fell I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she got a concussion.


Dude should be arrested and everybody on that video and this board who think she got what she deserved should be ashamed of themselves for their lack of basic human compassion. That girl's obviously got major issues but no way does she deserve that. No way should a guy hit a woman but I certainly could understand if a guy's life or serious injury was imminent from a female assault. This was not anywhere near that type of situation.

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