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ATF running guns to Mexico

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He had his ass handed to him, and out of a lack of respect, I'm not going further.


3rd, you are living proof of the second half of the old PPP adage: Admitting you're wrong is a sign of weakness but it is sometimes preferrable to proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're an Idiot!


Nobody doubts that you fully believe in the first part and every time you post you prove to the rest of us the validity of the second part.


Tom, the check is in the mail. :devil:

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3rd, you are living proof of the second half of the old PPP adage: Admitting you're wrong is a sign of weakness but it is sometimes preferrable to proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're an Idiot!


Nobody doubts that you fully believe in the first part and every time you post you prove to the rest of us the validity of the second part.


Tom, the check is in the mail. :devil:



I see you've been around TSW for nearly 9 years. Do you just visit PPP when you are menstruating? Your whiny little bitchy rants make you sound just like Nancy Pelosi.

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3rd, you are living proof of the second half of the old PPP adage: Admitting you're wrong is a sign of weakness but it is sometimes preferrable to proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're an Idiot!


Nobody doubts that you fully believe in the first part and every time you post you prove to the rest of us the validity of the second part.


Tom, the check is in the mail. :devil:

I see you've been around TSW for nearly 9 years. Do you just visit PPP when you are menstruating? Your whiny little bitchy rants make you sound just like Nancy Pelosi.


Can the two of you take it to PM or get a room or something?

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Nice, original. When you guys can't hang, you resort to bs. I view you as someone that is all hyperbole. You've never had and never will be stand-up. You've got nothing, one more time, "conservatives bad".


I see you've been around TSW for nearly 9 years. Do you just visit PPP when you are menstruating? Your whiny little bitchy rants make you sound just like Nancy Pelosi.


Time and time again you prove my point. Yet no matter how many times it's shown to you; you just don't get it.


You already know the next line. (I don't feel like sending Tom any more money) :devil:

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Can the two of you take it to PM or get a room or something?


He's the one stalking me. After he continuously posted the same schit over and over in every thread I posted in and I finally handed him/she/it's ass it has decided to go on a crusade. If it will leave me alone, I'll leave it alone. If it wants to continue its crusade, then so be it.

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He's the one stalking me. After he continuously posted the same schit over and over in every thread I posted in and I finally handed him/she/it's ass it has decided to go on a crusade. If it will leave me alone, I'll leave it alone. If it wants to continue its crusade, then so be it.


Time and time again you prove my point. Yet no matter how many times it's shown to you; you just don't get it.


You already know the next line. (I don't feel like sending Tom any more money) :devil:

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Time and time again you prove my point. Yet no matter how many times it's shown to you; you just don't get it.


You already know the next line. (I don't feel like sending Tom any more money) :devil:



You are on a "cut and paste" crusade, just like your last "cut and paste" crusade. You got your ass handed to you then after crusading time and time again. I guess that is redundant, you know, talking about you crusading so much. You got some advice during you last crusade to follow me over to the main board and crusade me there. I see you declined. I wonder why?

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You are on a "cut and paste" crusade, just like your last "cut and paste" crusade. You got your ass handed to you then after crusading time and time again. I guess that is redundant, you know, talking about you crusading so much. You got some advice during you last crusade to follow me over to the main board and crusade me there. I see you declined. I wonder why?


Consider it my version of "You're an Idiot." Here are a few points for you to consider:


1. You've never "handed me my ass" in any way shape or form. In fact you made yourself look like a complete idiot by cherry picking a single post of mine (and then misrepresenting it) in an attempt to make it look like I said the complete opposite of what I actually did say. (And at the same time in another thread you were bitching and crying about the MSM doing the same exact thing you were doing. No hypocracy there, eh?)


2. You've taken advantage of the free-for-all that is PPP on many occasions, 3rd. How many times have you asked someone the same question over and over and over, reguardless of the topic of the thread you were in or the conversation in progress? Don't be a whiney B word and cry when your tactics come back at you.


3. If you don't want to be called out as a partisan hypocrite, don't act like one. As long as you continue to do so you're fair game. You love to dish it out but you're the first one to start with the name calling and BS when you're on the receiving end.


4. Feel free to respond with your usual nonsensical BS. But don't act supprised or offended when all I consider it worthy of is a "Cut & Paste Crusade" reply.

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The GOP better pray there is something here to actually go after Holder and Obama on.


If there's not, then they look stupid for a few weeks, and in the end Obama and Holder walk away vindicated.


And also, no one pays attention to the economy for a couple of months before the election.


Could this be a very ingenious plan by the Obama admin? Intentionally withhold docs that prove you're innocent so that the other side makes fools of themselves and totally distracts the country from the terrible job you've done managing the economy.

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Consider it my version of "You're an Idiot." Here are a few points for you to consider:


1. You've never "handed me my ass" in any way shape or form. In fact you made yourself look like a complete idiot by cherry picking a single post of mine (and then misrepresenting it) in an attempt to make it look like I said the complete opposite of what I actually did say. (And at the same time in another thread you were bitching and crying about the MSM doing the same exact thing you were doing. No hypocracy there, eh?)


2. You've taken advantage of the free-for-all that is PPP on many occasions, 3rd. How many times have you asked someone the same question over and over and over, reguardless of the topic of the thread you were in or the conversation in progress? Don't be a whiney B word and cry when your tactics come back at you.


3. If you don't want to be called out as a partisan hypocrite, don't act like one. As long as you continue to do so you're fair game. You love to dish it out but you're the first one to start with the name calling and BS when you're on the receiving end.


4. Feel free to respond with your usual nonsensical BS. But don't act supprised or offended when all I consider it worthy of is a "Cut & Paste Crusade" reply.



So, basically whenever I post in any thread you are going to stalk me and continue your "cut and paste" crusade? You do admit you're crusading, right?


What you don't get is you followed me around and in every post cut and pasted 2 of my posts and then kept asking me to show you where you said something. When I finally did you went off on a new hissy fit, and you are continuing with it. I suggest you stop the crusading and quit cluttering up this board with your childish nonsense.

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He's the one stalking me. After he continuously posted the same schit over and over in every thread I posted in and I finally handed him/she/it's ass it has decided to go on a crusade. If it will leave me alone, I'll leave it alone. If it wants to continue its crusade, then so be it.


I don't care who's stalking whom nor do I care which one of you plays catcher when you both get kicked to the PPP dunces corner together by a Mod.


Give it a rest, both of you. Please

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The GOP better pray there is something here to actually go after Holder and Obama on.


If there's not, then they look stupid for a few weeks, and in the end Obama and Holder walk away vindicated.


And also, no one pays attention to the economy for a couple of months before the election.


Could this be a very ingenious plan by the Obama admin? Intentionally withhold docs that prove you're innocent so that the other side makes fools of themselves and totally distracts the country from the terrible job you've done managing the economy.



Dumb and Dumber have blood on their hands with their "ingenious" plan to change a Bush program into one that would prove their liberal "gun control" ideology. They're just trying to push this fact finding process out until after the election when Holder will eventually be pardoned for lying to congress.


If the dead agent were a black man and this was Bush providing cover for a botched ideological program that led to said agent's death....well, let's just say that the MSM, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Obama and every dem on the hill would be beyond the point of outrage.


If Dumb and Dumber were innocent you'd see a whole lot more democrats providing support.

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Dumb and Dumber have blood on their hands with their "ingenious" plan to change a Bush program into one that would prove their liberal "gun control" ideology. They're just trying to push this fact finding process out until after the election when Holder will eventually be pardoned for lying to congress.


If the dead agent were a black man and this was Bush providing cover for a botched ideological program that led to said agent's death....well, let's just say that the MSM, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Obama and every dem on the hill would be beyond the point of outrage.


If Dumb and Dumber were innocent you'd see a whole lot more democrats providing support.


We'll see.


Because it isn't hard to bait the GOP into a fight. Even if both sides end up with egg on their face, Obama wins. Because we still aren't talking about the economy for a few months.

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The GOP better pray there is something here to actually go after Holder and Obama on.


If there's not, then they look stupid for a few weeks, and in the end Obama and Holder walk away vindicated.


And also, no one pays attention to the economy for a couple of months before the election.


Could this be a very ingenious plan by the Obama admin? Intentionally withhold docs that prove you're innocent so that the other side makes fools of themselves and totally distracts the country from the terrible job you've done managing the economy.

Doubtful it was planed and even more doubtful it distracts people from the dismal economy. Again, Holder's lying/disingenuousness is enough to cause major problems for him, i.e. perjury.

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I wonder if this story will grow some legs.






A basic rule of White House ethics is to avoid even the appearance of self-dealing or nepotism. If Mr. Axelrod or his West Wing chums pushed political business toward Mr. Axelrod's former firm, they contributed to his son's salary as well as to the ability of the firm to pay Mr. Axelrod what it still owed him. Could you imagine the press frenzy if Karl Rove had dome the same after he joined the White House?



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Doubtful it was planed and even more doubtful it distracts people from the dismal economy. Again, Holder's lying/disingenuousness is enough to cause major problems for him, i.e. perjury.


Not so sure, Doc. They continue to come up with stuff like The War on Women and Amnesty to change the subject. I don't think this was planned but they are taking dubious advantage of it. Anything to avoid talking about the economy.

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I don't care who's stalking whom nor do I care which one of you plays catcher when you both get kicked to the PPP dunces corner together by a Mod.


Give it a rest, both of you. Please




Now can we begin to dig into the substance of OFF?

Was the Pelosi House responsible for resurrecting this abortion of a sting operation in hopes of enacting anti-gun legislation in the US?

To me, that's a distinct possibility - go for the trifecta while they were on a roll... Stimulus - check, Obamacare - check, Outlawing gun ownershiip - check.


What did Pelosi, Reid, Holder, and BO know and when did they know it?

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Now can we begin to dig into the substance of OFF?

Was the Pelosi House responsible for resurrecting this abortion of a sting operation in hopes of enacting anti-gun legislation in the US?

To me, that's a distinct possibility - go for the trifecta while they were on a roll... Stimulus - check, Obamacare - check, Outlawing gun ownershiip - check.


What did Pelosi, Reid, Holder, and BO know and when did they know it?


:lol: I HIGHLY doubt Pelosi was involved. Or Reid. Congress doesn't involve them in things at that level, at least not until those things fail and they can be grandstanding drama queens about it.

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