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3rd your perception is riddled with misinformation peddled by political grand-standers in congress. Go ahead and clearly explain 1) what you actually believe could be uncovered from this investigation and 2)why this deserves so much attention beside political theater/attacks. There is no interest in actually resolving any issues here...hate to break it to you. Issa is a retard.



Why don't you point out to me the misinformation I'm forwarding? Do you think there is a coverup? Do you think Scooter Libby should have been convicted?

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Posted (edited)

Do you think blah blah? Do you think bleh bleh? Do you think the moon rotates around the earth? You are utterly Fox Newsified 3rd. Holder and everybody straight up lies, there's a huge cover up, this is unlike everything that happens with countless presidents, there's some large conspiracy at the heart of this that will surely bring the end of the National Democratic Party and this is all a great and noble investigation by Issa and the House Republicans.


There is nothing that will actually come of this that anyone is willing to say with a straight face on this board justifies this behavior from the House GOP...there just isn't. THE TRUTH WHAT ABOUT THE TRUTH!!! Ok every time a mistake happens we turn over all internal documents of all agencies involved to politically charged congress and that's the way our government will work from now on. Not the way it has forever...but the way it now works b/c we say so. A BORDER PATROL AGENT IS DEAD!!! ...not relevant to F&F hate to break it to you.


I got to go for a while but someone please explain to me what is so important. All details of this clear **** up be publicly dragged through the dirt by House GOP in the name of the truth? A nonsensical linking of this issue to Holder's family? I mean...ultimately WHY? The answer is pretty obvious to anyone with a view from 10,000 ft. If you are in the midst of a barrage of conservative media and conservative media only I can understand how you may be brainwashed but even then you should step and and say...ok...I can see this for what it is on both sides.

Edited by TheNewBills

Just out of curiosity what do you expect to find out when this whole thing is settled?


Who exactly authorized the program, what the highest level of knowledge was about the program, whether Holder lied under oath about when he found out about F&F, why the president is or can be allowed to exercise executive privilege for something Holder says Obama was never involved with or knew about.

And maybe above all, what I want an answer for is why the asshat local DOJ officials who concocted the idea and designed it to fail at every level, and then tried to cover up this scheme were actually given promotions to DOJ headquarters in D.C.? ... and what can be done about this injustice.


The thought that these people are now responsible for even wider-scope activities is just galling.


Do you think blah blah? Do you think bleh bleh? Do you think the moon rotates around the earth? You are utterly Fox Newsified 3rd. Holder and everybody straight up lies, there's a huge cover up, this is unlike everything that happens with countless presidents, there's some large conspiracy at the heart of this that will surely bring the end of the National Democratic Party and this is all a great and noble investigation by Issa and the House Republicans.


There is nothing that will actually come of this that anyone is willing to say with a straight face on this board justifies this behavior from the House GOP...there just isn't. THE TRUTH WHAT ABOUT THE TRUTH!!! Ok every time a mistake happens we turn over all internal documents of all agencies involved to politically charged congress and that's the way our government will work from now on. Not the way it has forever...but the way it now works b/c we say so. A BORDER PATROL AGENT IS DEAD!!! ...not relevant to F&F hate to break it to you.


I got to go for a while but someone please explain to me what is so important. All details of this clear **** up be publicly dragged through the dirt by House GOP in the name of the truth? A nonsensical linking of this issue to Holder's family? I mean...ultimately WHY? The answer is pretty obvious to anyone with a view from 10,000 ft. If you are in the midst of a barrage of conservative media and conservative media only I can understand how you may be brainwashed but even then you should step and and say...ok...I can see this for what it is on both sides.



So I guess you couldn't point out any of the misinformation I've been spouting, eh?


What did you think of the Scooter Libby conviction?


A BORDER PATROL AGENT IS DEAD!!! ...not relevant to F&F hate to break it to you.


Not relevant?




It was directly caused by F&F.


:censored: YOU.


Not relevant?




It was directly caused by F&F.


:censored: YOU.


Because, as everyone knows, the only guns in all of Mexico are the guns lost by the idiots running Fast & Furious.


So if F&F hadn't happened, that Border Patrol Agent would be alive today.


Who exactly authorized the program, what the highest level of knowledge was about the program, whether Holder lied under oath about when he found out about F&F, why the president is or can be allowed to exercise executive privilege for something Holder says Obama was never involved with or knew about.

And maybe above all, what I want an answer for is why the asshat local DOJ officials who concocted the idea and designed it to fail at every level, and then tried to cover up this scheme were actually given promotions to DOJ headquarters in D.C.? ... and what can be done about this injustice.


The thought that these people are now responsible for even wider-scope activities is just galling.



Thank you.







Everyone agrees that the program was ill-concieved.


Everyone agrees that we do not want it to happen again.


but when the committee is stonewalled regarding their investigation for almost a year,



we get........"its just political"................................and..........."whats the point?"



Some consistency, about a very serious subject, would be nice.




Because, as everyone knows, the only guns in all of Mexico are the guns lost by the idiots running Fast & Furious.


So if F&F hadn't happened, that Border Patrol Agent would be alive today.



Thats a pretty half-assed statement...............................I wish that I could see the future like you.



The fact is, it was a F&F weapon that killed the agent................no amount of snarkiness changes that.






Posted (edited)

Thats a pretty half-assed statement...............................I wish that I could see the future like you.



The fact is, it was a F&F weapon that killed the agent................no amount of snarkiness changes that.









Every time someone is shot from now on, that incident is now directly related the chain of custody of the weapon used for its entire existence. That's something the GOP really wants....ok...



And at least you guys came out and said it...you think the program was designed to fail... congratulations....you are now in looneyville. Probably some slow play/diabolical scheme whereby Obama brilliantly executes a long con that ends with him taking away your guns...


Why not instantly cooperate fully with the investigation and hand over everything...copies of all interagency memoranda, disclose all internal deliberations? Have you guys not paid attention to history? You've obviously never attempted an FOIA request on your own or been involved in document production on any level. This is how it goes. EVERY TIME. This is not something unusual contrary to what conservative blogs and idiot partisan hacks in the House would have you believe.



If you can't see this for what it really is you can't take off your blinders.

Edited by TheNewBills

(Yes, I know..."Tell that to Terry's family." Whoever's going to post that, let me preemptively call you a !@#$ing moron. An ill-advised government program didn't kill him.)



Beg to differ. War on Drugs is a horribly-advised government program.


Not relevant?




It was directly caused by F&F.


:censored: YOU.


Ironically making the argument for greater regulation and gun control.


Thats a pretty half-assed statement...............................I wish that I could see the future like you.



The fact is, it was a F&F weapon that killed the agent................no amount of snarkiness changes that.








Actually, the fact is that they can't identify the gun that was used to kill him. They just found two at the scene that were tracked to a straw buyer monitored by F&F.


And another point of fact: the guns found were Kalishnikovs. So it's Vladimir Putin's fault, too.


Ironically making the argument for greater regulation and gun control.


No it's not. The "anti-gun control crowd" as you wrote have been saying for time out of mind that the federal government need only enforce the laws that are already on the books. If we had anything like adherence to mandatory minimums and actually jailing violent criminals rather than copping pleas where they avoid weapons charges....


You know... to go along with having our own :censored: government stop selling machine guns and RPGs to the drug cartels.


You know... to go along with having our own :censored: government stop selling machine guns and RPGs to the drug cartels.


Which is not what happened either. :wacko:


Ironically making the argument for greater regulation and gun control.




Repetition does not make it so, sir.



Its not an either/or situation.


Pushing for a complete investigation of "Fast and Furious" is not the same thing as taking the "gun control" side.






Not relevant?




It was directly caused by F&F.


:censored: YOU.

I'm sure the left would be more concerned about this if Brian Terry was found holding a bag of Skittles.


Ridiculous how everyone can yell and scream and bark about a 17-year-old boy who was murdered, as if no one has ever murdered a little boy before, but run a gun sting for Mexican drug cartels, lose track of the weapons and have one of your federal agents murdered in the process while surrounded by the weapons, and...???


Well, really...what is there to learn here? Nothing, people. Let's all go home. Mistakes were made. People screwed up. Nothing more to see.


Repetition does not make it so, sir.



Its not an either/or situation.


Pushing for a complete investigation of "Fast and Furious" is not the same thing as taking the "gun control" side.







Blaming the gun for the death of that border patrol agent is.


Repetition does not make it so, sir.



Its not an either/or situation.


Pushing for a complete investigation of "Fast and Furious" is not the same thing as taking the "gun control" side.






No. But there are people in this thread bitching about ATF permitting the gun sales who in completely different threads in the past have bitched about restrictions on gun sales.


The irony isn't profound, just...ironic.


I'm sure the left would be more concerned about this if Brian Terry was found holding a bag of Skittles.


Ridiculous how everyone can yell and scream and bark about a 17-year-old boy who was murdered, as if no one has ever murdered a little boy before, but run a gun sting for Mexican drug cartels, lose track of the weapons and have one of your federal agents murdered in the process while surrounded by the weapons, and...???


Well, really...what is there to learn here? Nothing, people. Let's all go home. Mistakes were made. People screwed up. Nothing more to see.


Terry's death did not make the program any more or any less stupid.


What's more, implying that Terry's death makes it an issue is greviously insulting to the people (probably somewhere between dozens and hundreds) that were killed by the guns that ATF let walk before Terry was killed.


But they were just wetbacks, not red-blooded Americans. Who gives a **** about them...

Posted (edited)

No. But there are people in this thread bitching about ATF permitting the gun sales who in completely different threads in the past have bitched about restrictions on gun sales.


The irony isn't profound, just...ironic.



Tom...guns don't kill people, people kill people...except that gun and thus Eric Holder killed that border patrol agent...it's the one exception the general rule.

Edited by TheNewBills

Blaming the gun for the death of that border patrol agent is.



No, it is not.



The "blame" , as you so casually phrase it, is on the shooter/killer.


There is also the responsibilities of those who helped provide guns to killers, that is what is being investigated.


illogic, calling it pro-gun control.






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