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The point is, it is only external forces that keep many of these companies from using child labor, paying subsistence wages, having unsafe work conditions, or spilling their wastes into the environment. These companies are amoral looking only to maximize profit and they are totally willing to exploit their workers or to dump all their externalities into the surrounding communities. The only thing that constrains them are infrastructure needs, skill scarcity, security, and regulations and the quality of enforcement of those regulations. The reason that American and European companies use child labor, pay low wages, have less worker safety measures, and pollute more in third world countries isn't due to some hatred of brown people, it's simply because they can. If they could get away with it in the developed world they would. Which is why only a fool would unilaterally disarm.


Please for the last time, stop speaking Martian... GG doesn't understand it and Google won't translate it for him!




The point is, it is only external forces that keep many of these companies from using child labor, paying subsistence wages, having unsafe work conditions, or spilling their wastes into the environment. These companies are amoral looking only to maximize profit and they are totally willing to exploit their workers or to dump all their externalities into the surrounding communities. The only thing that constrains them are infrastructure needs, skill scarcity, security, and regulations and the quality of enforcement of those regulations. The reason that American and European companies use child labor, pay low wages, have less worker safety measures, and pollute more in third world countries isn't due to some hatred of brown people, it's simply because they can. If they could get away with it in the developed world they would. Which is why only a fool would unilaterally disarm.


Thanks for taking the page out of the communist manifesto.


Too bad that history doesn't back up what you believe, and if anything countries that embrace Karl's rhetoric do a much worse job of raising its peoples out of abject poverty than the ones who embrace capitalism. Too bad for you that countries that have the worst records for environmental disasters and worker safety are the ones who wholeheartedly embraced communism as the root. Too bad for you that you can't dig up Youtube videos of the conditions in Russian or Chinese hinterlands of how the idyllic communal life can really be.


You can't fathom the fact that one generation must sacrifice for the betterment of the subsequent population. Just like you can't imagine what it would possess someone to abandon their families to brave an ocean crossing on rat infested boats for the opportunity to be exploited by the robber barons. Unless I'm mistaken, but the robber barons did not scour the Irish & Italian country sides for able workers. Yet there was no shortage of them willing to make the journey.


You can't fathom that, because you're probably descended from the 3rd wave of immigrants - those who come because everyone else had gone and the trail blazing cousin felt compelled to reunite the family in the new world.


Maybe you can ask why China's population is finally gaining the infrastructure that the developed world takes for granted. Why Vietnam in a short few years is becoming an economic force after two decades of wasteland. Why the rest of the Carribean is laughing at Cuba and Venezuela is about to go bankrupt even with its oil supply.


And before you reach for that Youtube link, think of the environmental damage Google's servers are doing to Washington State. But I imagine you would know nothing of it, because there's no Youtube link of it?


Thanks for taking the page out of the communist manifesto.


Too bad that history doesn't back up what you believe, and if anything countries that embrace Karl's rhetoric do a much worse job of raising its peoples out of abject poverty than the ones who embrace capitalism. Too bad for you that countries that have the worst records for environmental disasters and worker safety are the ones who wholeheartedly embraced communism as the root. Too bad for you that you can't dig up Youtube videos of the conditions in Russian or Chinese hinterlands of how the idyllic communal life can really be.


You can't fathom the fact that one generation must sacrifice for the betterment of the subsequent population. Just like you can't imagine what it would possess someone to abandon their families to brave an ocean crossing on rat infested boats for the opportunity to be exploited by the robber barons. Unless I'm mistaken, but the robber barons did not scour the Irish & Italian country sides for able workers. Yet there was no shortage of them willing to make the journey.


You can't fathom that, because you're probably descended from the 3rd wave of immigrants - those who come because everyone else had gone and the trail blazing cousin felt compelled to reunite the family in the new world.


Maybe you can ask why China's population is finally gaining the infrastructure that the developed world takes for granted. Why Vietnam in a short few years is becoming an economic force after two decades of wasteland. Why the rest of the Carribean is laughing at Cuba and Venezuela is about to go bankrupt even with its oil supply.


And before you reach for that Youtube link, think of the environmental damage Google's servers are doing to Washington State. But I imagine you would know nothing of it, because there's no Youtube link of it?


GG your problem is you think the choice is neoliberalism or Communism - those are not the choices, Capitalism with strict boundaries as have been practiced in the developed world for the last 50 years is the answer- you want us to lower the developed world to third world standards I'd rather raise conditions in the third world to the developed world's standard. What corporations have done is engage in a race to the bottom looking for places with the lowest wages, lowest benefits, lowest taxes and least amount of regulation for worker safety and the environment. That's not the corporation's fault as they are amoral and have a duty to maximize profit. They did not talk a maximizing profits though they talked about competition and if they were to compete they would have to move where things could be made less expensively. The question never asked was who were they competing against, the answer is other American and European corporations. This is where the governments of the developed world fell down on the job what they should have done was set multinational regulations for multinational corporations instead of letting the multinationals play one country against another.


GG your problem is you think the choice is neoliberalism or Communism - those are not the choices, Capitalism with strict boundaries as have been practiced in the developed world for the last 50 years is the answer- you want us to lower the developed world to third world standards I'd rather raise conditions in the third world to the developed world's standard. What corporations have done is engage in a race to the bottom looking for places with the lowest wages, lowest benefits, lowest taxes and least amount of regulation for worker safety and the environment. That's not the corporation's fault as they are amoral and have a duty to maximize profit. They did not talk a maximizing profits though they talked about competition and if they were to compete they would have to move where things could be made less expensively. The question never asked was who were they competing against, the answer is other American and European corporations. This is where the governments of the developed world fell down on the job what they should have done was set multinational regulations for multinational corporations instead of letting the multinationals play one country against another.


Spoken like a man who's clueless about the topic at hand. I don't imagine you can back up your point up with data?


Now back to your circle with EII. Finger paints are next.


Spoken like a man who's clueless about the topic at hand. I don't imagine you can back up your point up with data?


Point? There was a point?


Point? There was a point?

The point is that America and the developed world have let the multinationals asset strip them for the last 35 years- moving capital disproportionately upwards and offshore and the only funny thing will be when the multinationals start having problems with China inc, India inc, and Russia inc at that point they will invoke patriotism and nationalism but no one will be strong enough to help.


The point is that America and the developed world have let the multinationals asset strip them for the last 35 years- moving capital disproportionately upwards and offshore and the only funny thing will be when the multinationals start having problems with China inc, India inc, and Russia inc at that point they will invoke patriotism and nationalism but no one will be strong enough to help.


You really, really should have quit while you were behind.

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