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I Am The Great Cornholio!!!

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I thought you said it because you altered a toilet.


How long have we been on the board? I equally make jokes about myself, job,or whatever.




This eco-policy has been bugging me for a while now. Bugged me when my house was built and I seen those horrible low flow devices. Plumbers back then were screaming... Cali seems really screwy... I just installed a new water softener 3 years ago. You know what the directions said?


"If this device is used in California, you MUST turn on the salt (thus not water wasting) saving feature."


Are they for friggan' real? What? Are the softener police gonna come to my door?


Don't even get me started on the light bulb police... I don't use the CFL's... I put dimmers in my house years ago. Everybody I talk too says they trhow them out in the regular garbage. :wallbash:


The article that Chef posted was a good one!






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Like really? You think? Like duh! :rolleyes:


Again... How perceptive... It is the rest of the country that I was alluding too. You must be a rocket surgeon too!


You were not alluding to the rest of the country at leat it never made it out of your tiny mind and to your post.


I have been hearing about possible issues about this for years... Plumbers in the past said that there may be these issues like these... I guess the years are gonna tell the truth


Now you know they are not possible issues they are actual issues.


So we've gone from may be issues to yes, there ARE issues.


No the years will not tell the truth. Our noses here in SF have already told the truth.


Now the fact that you mentioned your concern for you home does not mean you were ONLY alluding to the rest of the country. You were questioning whether or not it really was an issue and yes, I'm here to tell you it is in fact an issue. A major issue. I noticed it the first day I moved here. We took a walk along the waterfront and my wife and I looked at each other with a look of "what the hell is the funky smell?"



The article that Chef posted was a good one!


Shut up. :devil:


And yes CA is screwy. Let me ask you, which politial party has had a major political control of CA? Yup your beloved liberals.

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You were not alluding to the rest of the country at leat it never made it out of your tiny mind and to your post.




Now you know they are not possible issues they are actual issues.


So we've gone from may be issues to yes, there ARE issues.


No the years will not tell the truth. Our noses here in SF have already told the truth.


Now the fact that you mentioned your concern for you home does not mean you were ONLY alluding to the rest of the country. You were questioning whether or not it really was an issue and yes, I'm here to tell you it is in fact an issue. A major issue. I noticed it the first day I moved here. We took a walk along the waterfront and my wife and I looked at each other with a look of "what the hell is the funky smell?"




Shut up. :devil:


And yes CA is screwy. Let me ask you, which politial party has had a major political control of CA? Yup your beloved liberals.


:blink: :blink:


Charlie is that you? 3rdnlng made you sleep in the wet spot again?

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Y'know, most of the time you are a rambling, incoherent poster whose comments offer little or no value to virtually any conversation here.


By "most", I assume you mean "some"? Or is it impossible to know for sure?

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So please point out to me in your post where you were alluding to the rest of the country.


Check the other thread... Sorry for the confusion. I was waiting for theses stories to finally surface!


Y'know, most of the time you are a rambling, incoherent poster whose comments offer little or no value to virtually any conversation here. But that was kind of funny.


I actually eased up on Tom because he eased up too... I am starting to rethink that decision.


I know you guys wanna play dumb... How long have we been on this board? Yet, the act between some of you never changes.






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This is a bit of a different angle on this but here goes. In SF the city forced people to install low flow toilets. Well guess what, because they use less water the sewage doesn't flow as well hence in certain parts (and it's not a small part) of the city reeks of sewage. Good job motherment.


My employer installed waterless urinals in the entire building last year. Supposed to "save" 40,000 gallons of water per urinal per year. :thumbdown:

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He wanted the wet spot.


How did I miss this little gem above?


To reply to your post above: Anything but... Your post above is revealing. I am not a shrink, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. YOU are the one that wants to be in with the board's conservative dolts, ie: The Dick Clique. What is it with you! You are the board's boot licking nerd constantly tagging along with this click. Even your signature scream's that you want this acceptance. Get a life and some self-esteem my dear friend! Tommy Boy, Cheffy, LA, AD, et al. will never accept you... You will always be their retarded little boot licking puppy. Hence, my post about "the wet spot"... How dare they have to bow to 3rdnlng, The Dick Clique's ugly, red-headed/ginger stepchild.

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How did I miss this little gem above?


To reply to your post above: Anything but... Your post above is revealing. I am not a shrink, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. YOU are the one that wants to be in with the board's conservative dolts, ie: The Dick Clique. What is it with you! You are the board's boot licking nerd constantly tagging along with this click. Even your signature scream's that you want this acceptance. Get a life and some self-esteem my dear friend! Tommy Boy, Cheffy, LA, AD, et al. will never accept you... You will always be their retarded little boot licking puppy. Hence, my post about "the wet spot"... How dare they have to bow to 3rdnlng, The Dick Clique's ugly, red-headed/ginger stepchild.


You are not even very clever Remora Boy.

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Okay... I am back.. Scaping the bottom of the barrel here... What did I miss? Somebody say something?


No doubt, 3rdnlng got the starring role (River Phoenix) in My Own Private Idaho. He was a natural...


Opening scene:


"...Mike (3rdnlng), a gay street hustler, is standing alone on a deserted stretch of highway somewhere in Idaho. He starts talking to himself and notices that the road looks "like someone's face, like a !@#$ed-up face." He experiences a narcoleptic episode and dreams he is in his "safe place." Mike wakes up to being fellated by clients, PPP's "Dick Clique", in Seattle, Washington..."



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Okay... I am back.. Scaping the bottom of the barrel here... What did I miss? Somebody say something?


No doubt, 3rdnlng got the starring role (River Phoenix) in My Own Private Idaho. He was a natural...


Opening scene:


"...Mike (3rdnlng), a gay street hustler, is standing alone on a deserted stretch of highway somewhere in Idaho. He starts talking to himself and notices that the road looks "like someone's face, like a !@#$ed-up face." He experiences a narcoleptic episode and dreams of his mother comforting him as he replays home movies of his childhood in his mind. Mike wakes up to being fellated by clients, PPP's "Dick Clique", in Seattle, Washington..."




Why bring family into it? I find this contemptible, even if you are going for a point.

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