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Pittsburg Fans are not looking forward to Jan 2


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I have many Steelers fans and none of them are looking forward to our game with them. They dont see NE loosing and see that Bills game could mean they get to play us for home field advantage and think at Buffalo we may be the better team. They also are fearfull of Bills in playoffs if it gets that far. Its a good thing to now see teams fear us again and not wanting to go visit the Ralph. I may have to get all the snow gear out of mothballs and fly up for this game it could be a classic.

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Statisticly they have the #1 defense- they just don't look that dominating. They are not scoring alot of points, so they probably are scared. That damn bus is unreal this year, late in a game.


The key is to make the Bus useless late in the game by putting them in a situation to throw, throw, throw. Tough to do...I know, but that's how you make the wheels on the bus STOP going round and round.

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The key is to make the Bus useless late in the game by putting them in a situation to throw, throw, throw. Tough to do...I know, but that's how you make the wheels on the bus STOP going round and round.


I.e. the best defense is a good offense. Or is it the best offense is a good defense? Maybe the best offense is a good offense? No wait... :P

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I.e. the best defense is a good offense.  Or is it the best offense is a good defense?  Maybe the best offense is a good offense?  No wait... :P


Bottom line, they are not high-scoring. They keep the game close with a good defense.With Moulds and Evans we could smoke them. What kind of a statement would it send if we beat the crap out of them, providing they were playing for home field. i had better stop, last time Iwas this excited we got our ass kicked by the Pats...
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Most of the Stiller fans I know have a pretty good grasp of what's going on, and to a man they realize that they're vulnerable and can be beat.

One thing we need to consider when thinking about the Stiller O's performance the last few weeks and how that will translate to Jan 2, is that they've been playing w/o Plax Burress recently and that probably won't be the case when they come to visit. When that boy is motivated he's a real handful and he has been most of the year. The Bills will need to give help over the top on Burress like everybody else does, and this creates a really difficult match-up for whoever draws Hines Ward.

Fortunately the Bills are one of the few teams in the league that can stop the run with 7, so that should help. But we really have yet to face a groundgame like the one the Stillers will be bringing in Week17.

One potential positive is that the Stillers have Ken Whisenhunt calling hteir O and as far as I know this is the first time he's ever co-ordinated an offense. In my opinion that's reared its head for them a few times this year when the Whiz has appeared compelled to display his offensive genius by chucking the ball all over the place when the Stiller rungame is grinding opponents to pulp. I would hope to see them falling into that trap again w/ the return of Burress, but if the weather is ugly, KW may decide to reel it in.



P.S. I thought they were in big fat trouble when Casey Hampton went down but this Hoke kid has done an incredible job filling some big cleats. He's not much of a pass rusher but he's doing a hell of a job getting into the lanes and stoning the rungame, often beating doubles to do it.

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Most of the Stiller fans I know have a pretty good grasp of what's going on, and to a man they realize that they're vulnerable and can be beat.

One thing we need to consider when thinking about the Stiller O's performance the last few weeks and how that will translate to Jan 2, is that they've been playing w/o Plax Burress recently and that probably won't be the case when they come to visit. When that boy is motivated he's a real handful and he has been most of the year. The Bills will need to give help over the top on Burress like everybody else does, and this creates a really difficult match-up for whoever draws Hines Ward.

Fortunately the Bills are one of the few teams in the league that can stop the run with 7, so that should help. But we really have yet to face a groundgame like the one the Stillers will be bringing in Week17.

One potential positive is that the Stillers have Ken Whisenhunt calling hteir O and as far as I know this is the first time he's ever co-ordinated an offense. In my opinion that's reared its head for them a few times this year when the Whiz has appeared compelled to display his offensive genius by chucking the ball all over the place when the Stiller rungame is grinding opponents to pulp. I would hope to see them falling into that trap again w/ the return of Burress, but if the weather is ugly, KW may decide to reel it in.



P.S. I thought they were in big fat trouble when Casey Hampton went down but this Hoke kid has done an incredible job filling some big cleats. He's not much of a pass rusher but he's doing a hell of a job getting into the lanes and stoning the rungame, often beating doubles to do it.



I think we have faced more talented running teams than the bus. Lets see, Corey Dillion, Curtis Martin, Marshal Faulk, Steven Alexander for starters. The Bus doesnt strike fear in me, I hope big Pat and Big Sam put some decleater hits on the bus !

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I think we have faced more talented running teams than the bus. Lets see, Corey Dillion, Curtis Martin, Marshal Faulk, Steven Alexander for starters. The Bus doesnt strike fear in me, I hope big Pat and Big Sam put some decleater hits on the bus !



Run game doesn't always just mean the RB. Curtis Martin, Corey Dillon, and Shaun Alexander are better all around backs than Duce Staley and Jerome Bettis..but the overall Run game of Pittsburgh is better than all of those teams with the possible exception of New England. Pittsburgh has a MUCH better run blocking offensive line than any of those teams, and they wear down defenses better than any line in the NFL.

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