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URGENT! Wisconsin Emergency!

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Look I realize that I have a lot to learn about making money and that Soros is a piker compared to you. I would love to study the art of financial aquisitions under your benign and enlightened guidance.


But first and formost I am a PATRIOT!


And right now MY Country is under Attack by enemies both foriegn and domestic. And I must do my part to stem the twin tides of Liberalism and Islamic Terror!


But to do that I and my fellow Patriots, Joe and Sarah, NEED YOUR HELP!


Barack Obama and the Unions are backed by the deep pockets of George Soros and the Liberal Elite of Hollywood! It is thier money bankrolling the Recall of Wisconsin's Valient Governor Scott Walker.


Don't let them WIN!


Ask yourself this:


What is more patriotic than taking people's money? Think about it. You take money from one side and call it free speech. You take money from the other side and call it standing up for the little guy. What do you have at the end? All of their money and the ability to say whatever you damn well please. I recommend coming up with a message that each side can interpret as being in line with their philosophy but in actuality you are just talking in circles. That way when payday rolls in for the rubes, there is more money coming your way, everyone thinks their message is getting out and nothing is actually getting done leaving the opportunity to rinse and repeat.


Get it?

Edited by ieatcrayonz
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Ask yourself this:


What is more patriotic than taking people's money? Think about it. You take money from one side and call it free speech. You take money from the other side and call it standing up for the little guy. What do you have at the end? All of their money and the ability to say whatever you damn well please. I recommend coming up with a message that each side can interpret as being in line with their philosophy but in actuality you are just talking in circles. That way when payday rolls in for the rubes, there is more money coming your way, everyone thinks their message is getting out and nothing is actually getting done leaving the opportunity to rinse and repeat.


Get it?


"Change you can believe in"

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You mean "remember the Maine"?


You mean when Bush falsely accused another country of being an immediate threat to our nation and dragged us into an unpopular war under false pretenses and lengthy occupation for which we were ill-equipped and unprepared?



I meant McKinley...honest mistake... :oops:

Edited by DC Tom
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You mean when Bush falsely accused another country of being an immediate threat to our nation and dragged us into an unpopular war under false pretenses and lengthy occupation for which we were ill-equipped and unprepared?



I meant McKinley...honest mistake... :oops:

No you were right the first time, remember Maine, Kennebunkport Maine, summer home of 4 generations of scoundrels and villains.

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"Canada: Hockey, Beer, Backbacon."


Looking at it, Canada's not so bad... :)

Looking at it for Buffalo: immediately better beer and better strippers, no hassles seeing the Bills in Toronto, and the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the U.S. dollar.

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Isn't his game really coming around?


Two things made me like him early:

1) I went to the Sabres-Caps game here, and saw him skating around. With shiled over his broken jaw. I said to myself "That's one tough kid." (Also got to see him and Myers standing together, which made me burst out laughing.)

2) He picked a fight with Zdeno Chara. I !@#$ing hate Zdeno Charra. Anyone who picks a fight with Zdeno Charra is okay by me. Never mind the fact that it looked like a hobbit picking a fight with...I don't know, something twice the size of a hobbit.


Kid's got big brass ones, that's for goddamned sure.

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