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Damn Jews.


Someone should round them up for our protection...


1. cry for censorship

2. call him a troll

3. insult people who respond to the truth he posts

4. card toss




anything else ya W loving TRAITORS got here??



If you love Israel...



MOVE THERE!!!!!!!!!!


I suspect this is actually one poster who does this. ie George and this guy are are the same poster. There cannot be this many crazy people... :unsure:

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Forget it, he's trolling. Don't take him seriously.




Figures your stupid ass would take him seriously, though. :rolleyes:

For Real :lol:


Next thing you know, Dexter is going to be extolling the greatness of such losers as Justin Geisinger and Eric King.


Screw censorship. Let's go straight to cruel and unusual punishment. :w00t:




Punish those Americans who don't think the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel!!!!!!!!!



Punish them like "Moses" punished the 3500 Midianites the night he came down from the mountain... gosh that's a nice beard there, Moses...


Maybe I missed something here, but WTF does the SR medicare benefit have to do with Israel?

I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it, they use a VERY high percentage of the overall medicare budget. They are probably the #2 demographic for medicare. Now take into account that most old people are Jewish.


Next imagine yourself as Dexter standing in line waiting for your high priced Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and penicillin. Some old Jewish bat says Oy Vey about 400 times complaining about the co-pay and all you're in a rush to get home with your prescriptions before Real Housewives hits the air. Can you honestly say you wouldn't be a little bit mad at Israel?


I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it, they use a VERY high percentage of the overall medicare budget. They are probably the #2 demographic for medicare. Now take into account that most old people are Jewish.


Next imagine yourself as Dexter standing in line waiting for your high priced Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and penicillin. Some old Jewish bat says Oy Vey about 400 times complaining about the co-pay and all you're in a rush to get home with your prescriptions before Real Housewives hits the air. Can you honestly say you wouldn't be a little bit mad at Israel?

You know, I really didn't think there was any way to connect the two, but that was masterful. :worthy:


The common theme between socializing senior drugs and selling out our troops and national interest for money and favorable media coverage from the zionist lobby is that


1. the same individual did both, lying every time to justify

2. the same individual is called "conservative" by sub humans too stupid to understand the words they use

3. there was a pattern how both passed the US Senate. In each case, the W WH knew the truth would result in the bill failing, so the W crowd did something "conservative" and "patriotic" and lied, breaking our laws in both cases to lie.

4. Zionists are overwhelmingly liberal/leftist, so clearly it is fun to observe sub humans claim support for israel, its UN violations, and socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost is "conservative."



DEFINITIONS and vocabulary matter. If you think W was conservative, you'd better sign up again to try and pass third grade this time...


Punish those Americans who don't think the US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel!!!!!!!!!


Awfully prescient of the likes of Washington and Jefferson to support Zionism before it existed.


Awfully prescient of the likes of Washington and Jefferson to support Zionism before it existed.



What kind of punishment do you want for General Hugh Shelton, who refused a Zionist request to sacrifice a US U2 and pilot to start a US-Iraq war so desired by the ZIONIST LOBBY in 1998??



Clearly, General Shelton didn't get an award from the ADL, but George Tenet did... because General Shelton was the "anti-semitism" Tenet received the award for "fighting..."


Brothers! We are foregathered here to preserve our hallowed culture'n heritage! From intrusions, inclusions and dilutions! Of culluh! Of creed! Of our ol'-time religion!


We aim to pull evil up by the root! Before it chokes out the flower of our culture'n heritage! And our women! let's not forget those ladies, y'all, lookin' to us for p'tection! From darkies! From Jews! From Papists! And from all those smart-ass folk say we come descended from the monkeys! That's not my culture'n heritage! And so... we gonna hang us a neegra!


The common theme between socializing senior drugs and selling out our troops and national interest for money and favorable media coverage from the zionist lobby is that


1. the same individual did both, lying every time to justify

2. the same individual is called "conservative" by sub humans too stupid to understand the words they use

3. there was a pattern how both passed the US Senate. In each case, the W WH knew the truth would result in the bill failing, so the W crowd did something "conservative" and "patriotic" and lied, breaking our laws in both cases to lie.

4. Zionists are overwhelmingly liberal/leftist, so clearly it is fun to observe sub humans claim support for israel, its UN violations, and socializing senior drugs by lying about the cost is "conservative."



DEFINITIONS and vocabulary matter. If you think W was conservative, you'd better sign up again to try and pass third grade this time...

I pretty sure you're actually just pissed because you had to wait a long time for Viagra.


Brothers! We are foregathered here to preserve our hallowed culture'n heritage! From intrusions, inclusions and dilutions! Of culluh! Of creed! Of our ol'-time religion!


We aim to pull evil up by the root! Before it chokes out the flower of our culture'n heritage! And our women! let's not forget those ladies, y'all, lookin' to us for p'tection! From darkies! From Jews! From Papists! And from all those smart-ass folk say we come descended from the monkeys! That's not my culture'n heritage! And so... we gonna hang us a neegra!



The history of Baptist Treason against the US.



200 years ago, Baptists were preaching that slavery was just A-OK with God and Jesus. Baptist pastors were compensated by slaveowners Indeed, that silver even made slavery so cool with Jesus that it was like holy to attack Ft. Sumter over it, and Jesus must've approved of that...



Today, Baptist pastors are funded by Zionism, so they preach that the US must use the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, and make those behind 911 "not a priority" because Israel is cheering for them in the Afghan theatre, because the only thing that matters to the Baptist pastor is the cause of the silver flowing into his pocket...



The "right thing to do" after the Civil War was to round up every treasonous Baptist pastor and give them the firing squad they deserved.


He should be forced to read your posts. Damned anti-semite.




Oh you hate Shelton... and every other patriotic American who thinks the US does not exist to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel.

Posted (edited)




Today, Baptist pastors are funded by Zionism, so they preach that the US must use the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, and make those behind 911 "not a priority" because Israel is cheering for them in the Afghan theatre, because the only thing that matters to the Baptist pastor is the cause of the silver flowing into his pocket...




Bahhahahahahahahah ok now I know you're here to F-with us and stir the PPP pot a bit. That was an obvious off script comment. If not, you need better writers.

Edited by whateverdude

Bahhahahahahahahah ok now I know you're here to F-with us and stir the PPP pot a bit. That was an obvious off script comment. If not, you need better writers.




No, that is 100% accurate, every word.


Israel did not want Iran's ally, The Northern Alliance, to take over Afghan and give Iran an ally instead of an enemy on Iran's NE border. Hence, Israel did not want The Northern Alliance to defeat Taliban and Taliban's terror special force Al Qaeda.


In the end, the full circle of the Zionist Treason that was W's War on (Exclusively Anti-Israel) Terror was not only to not get those behind 911, but actually to start a war with those trying to off those behind 911 on 911... all to sell out and get that cash and favorable media coverage that went against daddy in 1992...


No, that is 100% accurate, every word.


Israel did not want Iran's ally, The Northern Alliance, to take over Afghan and give Iran an ally instead of an enemy on Iran's NE border. Hence, Israel did not want The Northern Alliance to defeat Taliban and Taliban's terror special force Al Qaeda.


In the end, the full circle of the Zionist Treason that was W's War on (Exclusively Anti-Israel) Terror was not only to not get those behind 911, but actually to start a war with those trying to off those behind 911 on 911... all to sell out and get that cash and favorable media coverage that went against daddy in 1992...

Better, you're back on script now


Better, you're back on script now




If you had any actual curiosity for truth, which you don't, you might Google for



Iran Northern Alliance...








W's Iraq Treason replaced toothless non-US problem Saddam and Rafsanjani with Al Maliki and Al Maliki's master Ahmadinejad...





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