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No Verizon Data Center in WNY

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200 more people moving out of WNY. Though the incentives to get them to build there were extreme.


The number in the story certainly sounds high, but without context it's virtually meaningless. $X dollars in 'tax breaks' needs to be considered against the economic benefit of jobs (and hence tax revenue) created, addition spending power in the community, future property tax receipts, etc.


As it stands, they will now realize $0 in benefits. Is that better than attracting Verizon with incentives? I don't know cause I haven't seen the books, but I tend to doubt it.

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Verizon's acquisition of Terremark is probably the number one reason for pulling out of Niagara County. Yet, if there was a more rational approach to business investment in the region, perhaps less people would get out of dodge when they turn 18.


Way to go WNY. The region probably has among the ideal spots for data center facilities in the US, yet it still finds a way to screw it up. Congratulations.

Edited by GG
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Here's a quote from the Buffalo News:


"Verizon pulled the plug on its plans to build a $4 billion data center in Niagara County. That's the bad news, very bad news. Western New York couldn't have done much more to make the deal happen, offering tax incentives and cheap power. But the company's claim that a little lawsuit from a neighbor was a big factor in its decision is a outrageous case of corporate evasion. Really? A multi-billion dollar corporation turns and runs from a major development plan because a neighbor files a lawsuit? If that were true, there would be no Walmart stores in this country. The building of almost every store faces court challenges. Walmart, like Verizon, has a sharp legal team for such things. Who knows why Verizon really decided to go elsewhere - the uncertain future of the neighboring coal fired power plant is a good guess - but for the company to say they are running away because of a neighbor's lawsuit? That is beyond belief. It's outrageous."


I have to agree, I think the lawsuit was a perfect excuse for Verizon to back out. Maybe they got a better deal elsewhere and didn't want to look bad in the region. I definitely don't think it was because, as some say, WNY screwed it up. At any rate, I think there is a lot more to this story.

Edited by ricojes
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Here's a quote from the Buffalo News:


"Verizon pulled the plug on its plans to build a $4 billion data center in Niagara County. That's the bad news, very bad news. Western New York couldn't have done much more to make the deal happen, offering tax incentives and cheap power. But the company's claim that a little lawsuit from a neighbor was a big factor in its decision is a outrageous case of corporate evasion. Really? A multi-billion dollar corporation turns and runs from a major development plan because a neighbor files a lawsuit? If that were true, there would be no Walmart stores in this country. The building of almost every store faces court challenges. Walmart, like Verizon, has a sharp legal team for such things. Who knows why Verizon really decided to go elsewhere - the uncertain future of the neighboring coal fired power plant is a good guess - but for the company to say they are running away because of a neighbor's lawsuit? That is beyond belief. It's outrageous."


I have to agree, I think the lawsuit was a perfect excuse for Verizon to back out. Maybe they got a better deal elsewhere and didn't want to look bad in the region. I definitely don't think it was because, as some say, WNY screwed it up. At any rate, I think there is a lot more to this story.


Hang on a sec. I though Wal-Mart was the most vile, evil, soul-crushing, community-destroying entity in the history of the world?


But now you're saying that if Verizon's lawyers ran roughshod over the next door neighbor's lawsuit like Wal-Mart would have, that would have been ok and they'd be the good guys? There wouldn't have been any of those 'evil corporate titans crush little old lady' stories in the WNY papers? Really?



It sounds like a bit of 'damned if they do, damned if they don't' to me.

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