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World's Largest Pedophile ring uncovered

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You do realize the hornet's nest you just poked ....



Well of course, he'd naturally be the one to find out about it before anyone else.


Were there any suspects of Italian descent living in Moe-ray-all? :P

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You in hiding, or did you plea-bargain?




(It has to be done... :P)



I laughed at that one.


But in all seriousness would they have the right to publish the information of those caught since that's what these !@#$heads deserve?

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You do realize the hornet's nest you just poked ....


I have all my royalties sent to the First National Bank in the town I live in...:nana:;)


Anyway... Besides GG and myself.. .Anybody else see the irony? :D


Ooops... Should have read the thread after GG's post... I guess people do see it! Some funny ones in there (DCTom).

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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My first reaction to this thread title was:

So that's where Steely Dan went :lol:


Then I saw who started this thread and had another idea, which was already covered.


So onto my third thought. I hope somebody in prison makes them their b*tch and they rot in hell

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I don't think Castration or Execution are the answer. What needs to happen to these sick bastards is that they're intentionally paired in prison with cons who have a history as victims of sexual abuse as children. Then, force them to wear "I am a pedophile" t-shirts.


Why get OUR hands dirty, when we can let cons do it.



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