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Iraq - was the motive oil or money/media coverage??

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Dennis Miller? What state was he Senator from again?



Dennis Miller is another pro spend, pro tax, pro socialism, pro gay, pro abortion Clinton Dem who masquerades on Murdoch's FIXED as a "kinswervtiv..."



and he is "knwswvtiv" because he supported W's Iraq Treason.




"I just want the next President to kill Islamic militants" - Dennis Miller, June 2008 on FIXED

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Dennis Miller is another pro spend, pro tax, pro socialism, pro gay, pro abortion Clinton Dem who masquerades on Murdoch's FIXED as a "kinswervtiv..."



and he is "knwswvtiv" because he supported W's Iraq Treason.




"I just want the next President to kill Islamic militants" - Dennis Miller, June 2008 on FIXED


Sadly, Google translator lacks a Tasmanian Devil to English module, so I have no idea what this meant.

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Sadly, Google translator lacks a Tasmanian Devil to English module, so I have no idea what this meant.



Describe Dennis Miller's political views...


Was he for Bill Clinton in 1992? Yes


Why? He wanted Bush 41 to "finish the (Israeli, not our) job" in Iraq by flipping off 120 Gulf War allies and invading and occupying Iraq with just US troops paid for by US taxdollars (as Israel wanted)


Is he pro gay? Absolutely


Is he pro spend? HE WAS A CLINTON SUPPORTER, DUMB####@!!!!!


Is he a "conservative?" If you define "conservative" as supporting



1. outspending, outporking, and outsocializing Jimmy Catta with a Dem Congress

2. intentionally lying to socialize senior drugs

3. making those behind 911 "not a priority"

4. intentional lies to sell out our troops in Iraq for precisely NO US NATIONAL INTEREST



In short, Dennis Miller is a "W style conservative" better defined as a "kinswervitv..."

Edited by Dexter
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Describe Dennis Miller's political views...


Was he for Bill Clinton in 1992? Yes


Why? He wanted Bush 41 to "finish the (Israeli, not our) job" in Iraq by flipping off 120 Gulf War allies and invading and occupying Iraq with just US troops paid for by US taxdollars (as Israel wanted)


Is he pro gay? Absolutely


Is he pro spend? HE WAS A CLINTON SUPPORTER, DUMB####@!!!!!


Is he a "conservative?" If you define "conservative" as supporting



1. outspending, outporking, and outsocializing Jimmy Catta with a Dem Congress

2. intentionally lying to socialize senior drugs

3. making those behind 911 "not a priority"

4. intentional lies to sell out our troops in Iraq for precisely NO US NATIONAL INTEREST



In short, Dennis Miller is a "W style conservative" better defined as a "kinswervitv..."



Wow. I can't wait til you get going on Jerry Seinfeld.

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Wow. I can't wait til you get going on Jerry Seinfeld.



Jerry Seinfeld is not a FIXED talking head.... and unless he supported intentional lies to manipulate the US to use the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, he wouldn't be allowed on FIXED...

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Jerry Seinfeld is not a FIXED talking head.... and unless he supported intentional lies to manipulate the US to use the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, he wouldn't be allowed on FIXED...



Sorry. I had him confused with Frank Costanza.

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Google translate is great - try Retarded Monkey to English if it's having trouble auto-detecting the language.


Oh you're just tossing cards. :wacko:


Oh there is only one thing to bring two opposited sides together..........ALIEN INVASION.!!

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!@#$ing EPIC! :lol:




And your point is??


FIXED exists to manipulate Americans to support using the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911.



Nobody on FIXED was ever allowed to


1. question the George Tenet forged "Niger document" about yellowcake

2. question the destruction of the tapes of the actual 'boardings trying to get Gitmos to say "OK OK Saddam is arming AQ with chem" to stop the 'boardings, since the 'boardings were just about manufacturing a Saddam-AQ lie and nothing but that, which is why the tapes were destroyed

3. Notice that W's own FBI director is on record saying the 'boardings "didn't stop a single attack."

4. Notice that when our troops found no WMD in Iraq, that outed George Tenet as a completely treasonous liar.

5. Notice that George Tenet's record as "US" CIA DIRECTOR was that he failed to off Osama, failed to stop 911, lied to the US Senate about WMD, and broke our laws and treaties to manufacture another lie to manipulate the Senate...



and for all of that... Tenet got this...








""All of us, as citizens of this great country, were incredibly fortunate to have our national security and intelligence operations in such skilled, knowledgeable and capable hands," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "George Tenet is "





uuummm, which country would that be, Mr. Foxman???




"In a videotaped greeting from Israel, Avi Dichter, Director of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, offered his personal congratulations and wished Mr. Tenet well. "You are certainly worthy of this honor," said Mr. Dichter."





That is nothing less than the celebration of Mr. Tenet's non-stop efforts to manipulate a war between the US and Iraq, the first known point being the attempt to bully General Shelton in 1998...

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And your point is??


FIXED exists to manipulate Americans to support using the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911.



Nobody on FIXED was ever allowed to


1. question the George Tenet forged "Niger document" about yellowcake

2. question the destruction of the tapes of the actual 'boardings trying to get Gitmos to say "OK OK Saddam is arming AQ with chem" to stop the 'boardings, since the 'boardings were just about manufacturing a Saddam-AQ lie and nothing but that, which is why the tapes were destroyed

3. Notice that W's own FBI director is on record saying the 'boardings "didn't stop a single attack."

4. Notice that when our troops found no WMD in Iraq, that outed George Tenet as a completely treasonous liar.

5. Notice that George Tenet's record as "US" CIA DIRECTOR was that he failed to off Osama, failed to stop 911, lied to the US Senate about WMD, and broke our laws and treaties to manufacture another lie to manipulate the Senate...



and for all of that... Tenet got this...








""All of us, as citizens of this great country, were incredibly fortunate to have our national security and intelligence operations in such skilled, knowledgeable and capable hands," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "George Tenet is "





uuummm, which country would that be, Mr. Foxman???




"In a videotaped greeting from Israel, Avi Dichter, Director of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, offered his personal congratulations and wished Mr. Tenet well. "You are certainly worthy of this honor," said Mr. Dichter."





That is nothing less than the celebration of Mr. Tenet's non-stop efforts to manipulate a war between the US and Iraq, the first known point being the attempt to bully General Shelton in 1998...


Where the hell is Dennis Miller?

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Where the hell is Dennis Miller?



It wouldn't surprise me at all if Dennis Miller was at the event where the ADL gave George Tenet its "highest award" for being, by far, the worst ever CIA Director and a committed traitor against the United States.


Dennis, of course, was a big Clinton supporter, and now he is a "kinswervitv" FIXED host.


One of his quotes from 2008


"I just want the next (US) President to kill Islamic militants (no mention of 911, or whether such militants were behind 911, or trying to off those behind 911 on 911))"



Does anyone here call Dennis Miller "conservative?"



Dennis Miller is a left winger who is 100% for using the US military to wipe out all of Israel's enemies who had nothing to do with 911, and never ever whined when W admitted those behind 911 were "not a priority..."

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