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Have a piece of pie to celebrate Pi day


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Screw math. Although for some reason in 6th grade I memorized pi to 9 decimals because that's all that would fit on the calculator screen...and somehow I still remember it.





You give us a small clue about your age. When I was in 6th grade calculators remained very pricey items - not commonly owned by anyone not wearing a serious pocket protector,

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You give us a small clue about your age. When I was in 6th grade calculators remained very pricey items - not commonly owned by anyone not wearing a serious pocket protector,


Slide rule here. !@#$, yeah. Made the rest of my class look like droopy-eyed slide-rule-less children.


Also got the **** beat out of me. A lot.

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It is my birthday today and I LOVE pie...(All Kinds!)


coincidence? I think not!



Well .... happy b-day!!! enjoy a :beer: with your pie.


Slide rule here. !@#$, yeah. Made the rest of my class look like droopy-eyed slide-rule-less children.


Also got the **** beat out of me. A lot.



I find this to be very believable though I've never met you.

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