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NCAA Tournament


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I am amazed at the # of people who openly brag about not caring about or watching the reg. season who then pretend to be experts in March based on a tiny sample size of one weekend. This doesn't seem to happen to the same extent in any other sport.


Needless to say the Big East flopped and failed to meet expectations. Pretty much anyone who followed the season knew they didn't have any elite teams; just a lot of depth. Note that a couple yrs ago when they were more top-heavy they got better seeds but fewer bids. Marquette was the 11th team and you can say they only made the S16 because they played another BE team if it makes you feel better, but they also curbstomped a Xavier team that went 15-1 in Richmond's conference.

As the biggest BE hater of them all Doug Gottlieb said - the ball did not bounce the right way for Pitt, or L'ville (whose best player got hurt) or Villanova (who looked like dogs down the stretch yet still led the whole game and needed 90% FT shooters to miss repeatedly in order to lose to George Mason); and UNC/Duke would be out too if they don't play home games in the 2nd round.


Someone's bitter their conference isn't very good.

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Is it really any surprise that Rick Barnes can't put together a coherent offensive gameplan, and the team folds from mistakes in the 2nd round as a result?


First-Round Rick.



Yeah Barnes puts some talented teams together but does not seem like he could get over the hump. The one time it looked like they had a chance to knock down the door he runs into C Anthony & Cuse in the final. Noone was beating the Orange with melo playing like he did in that tournament. In Barne's defense, noway that was a 5 second call. The ref was still motioning with his hand when the timeout was granted.

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Fun 2nd game in San Antonio tonight with VCU/FSU. Great time. Looking forward to watching VCU take on Kansas. Who knows, maybe we'll have no #1s left!


Man, Richmond got drilled. Oh well, still a fun year for the Spiders


. Not a huge fan, but on the VCU bandwagon :thumbsup:

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Man, Richmond got drilled. Oh well, still a fun year for the Spiders


. Not a huge fan, but on the VCU bandwagon :thumbsup:




I hope Butler smashes Cinderella's glass slipper right on Shaka Smart's face in the Final Four next weekend.

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and the show goes on...

Oops? I am happy, my favorite three teams performed well all season and will return many players to continue next year. The Ohio State University should perform very well next year.

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and the show goes on...

Oops? I am happy, my favorite three teams performed well all season and will return many players to continue next year. The Ohio State University should perform very well next year.


I'm sure they will. Still a blown golden opportunity for the best team given how busted open this tournament turned out to be. I'd feel the same way about Cuse if it wasn't obvious all year that the backcourt just wasn't going to cut the mustard.


I'm going to need a shower after watching Uconn-Kentucky. It's like Jets-Pats all over again.

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Man, that VCU/Kansas game was awesome to be at! Love it! You can tell Shaka Smart is a damn good coach, VCU switched up their defense about every 2 plays, and even though Kansas was able to use its size at times, they looked lost and confused out there more often. I really love how VCU would fake a zone and then drop back into man. They were also terrific against the pick and roll, and their defensive rotation was great. Kansas had no idea how to counter for a good portion of the game. Sorry, Shaka Haters, but the guy's a damn good coach.


Speaking of which, even with UCONN winning, the Big East still sucks. :lol:

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I hope Butler smashes Cinderella's glass slipper right on Shaka Smart's face in the Final Four next weekend.


Hey there now..this is a big deal in Richmond, fun for this region to have some real home town sports to root for.


Wish it was Richomnd in there, but next best thing is VCU :thumbsup:

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Hey there now..this is a big deal in Richmond, fun for this region to have some real home town sports to root for.


Wish it was Richomnd in there, but next best thing is VCU :thumbsup:


Normally i love the underdogs, and would be rooting for VCU. But friday night left a bitter taste in my mouth.


On another note, should Kentucky save the NCAA a lot of time and hassle and just go ahead and vacate their current final four appearance?

Edited by Ramius
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This has been one amazing tournament. I could not believe what I was watching with VCU/Kansas yesterday. Kansas would cut the lead to 5-6 pts & then VCU would come right back down the floor & drill a three. I do not know how Saturday is going to go. On one hand, I do not know how Butler does it they just keep winning. They had no business even being in that game saturday against Florida, but they did not panic, made key shots down the stretch & came out victorious. Why Florida abandoned their low post game in the end I will never know. Macklin looked like he could do anything he wanted out there for the better part of the game. I like Butler in the first game. I trust them a little more. I watched VCU all year(bet alot on the Colonial Athletic) & they were just not a very good team. They should of never got into the tournament I think there run ends Saturday.


The 2nd game is interesting. I just can not route for that cheater Calhoun. Uconn will be tough but in the end I think Kentucky has the more talented team & will prevail. It will be a close game though.

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