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Japan just got f'd


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Wow 8.9 is a monster. And 6 miles is very shallow for a quake. Why are you lookin at Aljazeera BTW?


AP report

No cable, stream things on internet, CNN's feed online is slower then aljazeera's. I watched a little bit of it now headed to bed.

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We're under tsunami warning right now. They're saying it's expected to hit during low tide so that is good. Not sure how much is hype from the media. Oh and BTW 8.9 is HUGE!

They're reporting waves in Orange County shouldn't be more than two feet, which is really good news. I have a number of friends who work in Japan, and haven't head back from them yet. They apparently have no phone, cellphones or internet access, so I'm hoping that's the only reason I haven't heard from them.

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Our video conferencing system allows us to dial Japan to a camera mounted on the companies headquarters. I can't dial it in, it's busy.


The surge in Santa Cruz Harbor sunk about a dozen pleasure boats.


When I heard that I was very surprised. Mother nature is one tough cookie.

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A 6.6 hit Nagano, about 250 miles away from the 8.9.


In Crescent City, CA the waves were 6-8 feet. Lots of damage, but the town was evacuated and no one is hurt. They lost 20-25 people in 1964.

Edit: 4 people swept out to sea.

Edited by Wacka
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