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Ah, yes - the "temporary" tax

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What's more, some states are talking about doing so on normal "brick and mortar" retail purchases (hypothetical e.g. I go to the outlet mall in Delaware, buy $500 worth of marked-down crap, MD says "Hey, you owe us sales tax on the purchase since you live in MD!")


Are you talking at POS (point of sale)? Won't the other states tell them to get !@#$ed?


Anyway, they tried that years ago when Edgar/Ryan were IL govs... "Use tax." It was the last page of your IL tax return. Guess how many people they got to fill it out? Zero. Even Illinois gave that up.


How in the heck are they gonna prove what you bought? Credit card records? Cash? :lol:


You know what I say... Good luck... I don't keep track of what I buy and where it is from. And they want me to pay the difference? :lol:

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Are you talking at POS (point of sale)? Won't the other states tell them to get !@#$ed?


Anyway, they tried that years ago when Edgar/Ryan were IL govs... "Use tax." It was the last page of your IL tax return. Guess how many people they got to fill it out? Zero. Even Illinois gave that up.


How in the heck are they gonna prove what you bought? Credit card records? Cash? :lol:


You know what I say... Good luck... I don't keep track of what I buy and where it is from. And they want me to pay the difference? :lol:


"They" aren't going to go after 'you'.

They will go after the businesses through the online ship-to address records. Might not be 100%, but they'll snag a lot of them.

Think of it as the full employment act for a raft of attorneys in the SAG Office. Maybe they'll collect enough revenue to eventually cover the cost of their rent.

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"They" aren't going to go after 'you'.

They will go after the businesses through the online ship-to address records. Might not be 100%, but they'll snag a lot of them.

Think of it as the full employment act for a raft of attorneys in the SAG Office. Maybe they'll collect enough revenue to eventually cover the cost of their rent.


That's right. It's the business that charges us sales tax. It's the business's job to forward that money collected on.

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They don't pay income tax to DC because apparently this region isn't as !@#$ed up as yours. I think the better question is: why the !@#$ do you pay income tax to MN if you don't live there? :wacko:


There is a reciprocity agreement between MD, VA, and DC, but...


I work for and own a MD-based S-corp, but live in VA. My company pays taxes in MD, while through reciprocity my earnings are taxed by VA (just like you would expect). However, the Peoples Republic of Maryland has found another way to tax me. The way an S-corp works is that any company profits flow to the shareholders and are taxed as personal income. So I pay federal and VA taxes on salary+profits. But what Maryland does is have a special tax on non-resident profits... so in effect, my company profits are taxed twice!


My accountant says this situation is common, and all you can do is aim for zero company profit each year, or restart the company in Virginia. (Yet another example of how dumb tax policy can hurt a state.)

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"They" aren't going to go after 'you'.

They will go after the businesses through the online ship-to address records. Might not be 100%, but they'll snag a lot of them.

Think of it as the full employment act for a raft of attorneys in the SAG Office. Maybe they'll collect enough revenue to eventually cover the cost of their rent.


I see what you are saying... BUT they would need to have a brick and motar building in that state. No? Anyway, they already do it. If they don't a brick and motar store... How is one state gonna be able to go into another states business and demand the records?


And IL did try to get people to pay the dfiference. Say I went ot PA for clothes (tax exempt) and returned home... In my county the sales tax is 6.25%... The state would want me to file that difference and they would get their money and Will county's share too. Again, how the heck? Do they actually think I keep records of what I bought... Especially discretionary spending!


That's right. It's the business that charges us sales tax. It's the business's job to forward that money collected on.



But between two states... One that charges more and one less... How the heck will the lesser state agree to just collect for the other state... UNLESS like I said they have a building in the more expensive state. Then ther are soem teeth to enforcing the sales tax. If not, good luck!


Again, they already do that.

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