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the next donte..but better

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He looks pretty thick and isn't afraid to mix it up. I like it! I think that I'm going to check him and see what's up. Thanks for the tip.


Btw, wearing a jersey # in memory of a friend indicates to me that he believes in unity. That in itself displays the kind of character that I like.

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Character concerns:

In June 2008, McDaniel was arrested for assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature after an argument with his girlfriend. McDaniel reportedly choked his girlfriend, punched her in the head and chest, and pushed her down a flight of stairs, causing her to seek medical attention for "serious bodily injury".[1]


yeah, i'd label that as concerning.


EDIT: although he at least owns up to his mistake:

“His off-the-field issues are a concern,” writes Softli. “He was arrested in June, 2008 for assault and battery (a misdemeanor). The female was his girlfriend and called police. Once police responded, she said, ‘He covered my head and face with a comforter and choked me, hit me and threw me down stairs.’


“According to my source,” adds Softli, “McDaniel completed an intervention program that wiped his record clean.”


PFT contacted McDaniel about Softli’s report Wednesday, and the former first-team All American was upfront.


“I did put my hands on her,” said McDaniel, insisting the media made it a bigger deal than it was. “Some of that stuff is false. … That’s the only mistake I made in my whole life.”



Edited by Zac
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In life no one is perfect & we all make mistakes . Part of it is forgiveness and giving someone a second chance to redeem them selves . It sounds like this guy has seen the mistake he has made an corrected his self .


If the guy has had any other things pop up since then i think it would be all over the media especially with the up & coming draft . You can be sure any staff that looks into this guy will be in contact with his coaching staff to find out about his character .


Plus we may have the inside scoop on the guy is CJ was a team mate of his at all while a Clemson , which i think he more than likely was so after seeing his tape o you tube if Donte wants to go we could get this guy cheaper & he would have something to prove to all concerned .

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Thing is, he's still not taking responsibility for what he did. Seems like a pretty immature response. "I did put my hands on her." Oh, really, u did? Sorry "Dre", u did a bit more. You choked her, punch her in the face and pushed her down the stairs. "That's the only mistake I made in my life". Yeah, sure, Dre. Why put the "but" in there? Why can't you just say what you did and say you were wrong and are sorry. Period. No "buts" or other excuses for being a little B word who has to fight women rather than men his own size.

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