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Importing Somali Refugees to put them on lifetime SSI

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It does to George Soros?



Federal assistance includes Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, food stamps, public housing, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Insurance, Child Care and Development Fund, Low-Income Energy Assistance, Postsecondary Education loans and grants and more.


Further, Muslims and other refugees are resettled by charitable organizations, including many funded by George Soros-front groups.



Reporter Brian Mosely of the Shelbyville Times-Gazette reported:


"I found that there was just an enormous culture clash going on here. The Somalis were – according to a lot of the people I talked to here – being very, very rude, inconsiderate, very demanding. They would go into stores and haggle over prices. They would also demand to see a male salesperson, would not deal with women in stores. Their culture is totally alien to anything the residents are used to.


"We're talking about people who have not had any experience with Western civilization. They don't know the language. Things like running water are a miracle to some of these folks … you don't take people from a totally alien culture, put them into a community, and then say 'alright, you must get along,'" he said.

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Wow, an "immigrants are crappy because ___" argument. This hasn't ever happened before. Not in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 5s2, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s.


Always interesting to see the new targets though. Yesterday's Hispanic is today's Somali!

Edited by Peace
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Always interesting to see the new targets though. Yesterday's Hispanic is today's Somali!


So they're going to take all the low-paying jobs held by Latinos? I hope not. No way in hell I want a Somali landscaper...have you seen what Somalia looks like?

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How do you find stories like this on the Net? Do you type in "Bat-sh## Crazy Conspiracies and Religious-based fear-mongering" in Google or do you have it set as an alert?


It's WorldNetDaily. Some people actually follow it as a news source, believe it or not.

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And some people would them crazy for relying on WND for their news, and then turn around and get their news from John Stewart.


Stewart's more honest and balanced - he skewers everybody, and knows damned well he's an entertainer, nothing more.

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Stewart's more honest and balanced - he skewers everybody, and knows damned well he's an entertainer, nothing more.


More bing an important adverb there. Stewart skewers a leftie once in a while, but not too aggressively.

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So they're going to take all the low-paying jobs held by Latinos? I hope not. No way in hell I want a Somali landscaper...have you seen what Somalia looks like?


That's nothing. Wait until those people from the future come back and take those jobs realizing that don't need a lot of money today because it's going to be worth billions to them in the future. That's what I'm worried about.

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Better yet, send them to work at Walmart, preferably in TN, and they will be collecting all the same benefits... We can even have Walmart show them how to fill out all the paper work.


Would that make everybody feel better that the people were gainfully employed?


No one deserves that punishment.



Except maybe Dave_in_Norfolk. But that's it.

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