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Bills May Luck Out!


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From socio-economic standpoints you could be correct. However, that does not mean much. Eminem and 50cent are examples. Both of them have wealth have the prestige yet none of them would fit in around Buffalo. The same goes for your average meat market guy at Wegmans who lives in Lockport. Do you think he'd fit in down in Atlanta?


Because, clearly, you know Eminem, 50 and Newton personally. That's why you know none of them could play nice with the neighbors in WNY?

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Couldn't have said it better myself! This year is clearly unique with its uncertainty and what-ifs. If free agency actually gets postponed, that can be a good thing. The Bills need to take advantage to narrow their focus on "who to draft when" and "what holes to fill now." But the Bills would have the ball in their court. Don't forget, they have plenty of cash hidden under Ralph Wilson's mattress... I believe they could have success sooner, if Ralph opens up the check book, they patch up their defense and secure a pass-catching threat at TE. They could simply use the draft and free agency to accomplish that THIS year and rely on 5 or 6 newcomers to make a whole helluva lot of difference. Even some postings here are justifiable when they suggesst that the Bills should go with a "sure thing" at 3, like P. Peterson or A.J. Green. If a QB like Locker or even Mallet is still around at 34, the Bills should pounce! They would still get their future QB, without moving from their draft spots whatsoever! Then use the cash reserves to fill in any blanks through free agency!

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You can't predict the future. You don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, let alone April. Cam newton could have a terrible pro day and totally flame out by the draft. There are way too many variables that are in play. Anything the Bills do in this draft will be a risk. Quarterback is not the most important need. I don't think the Bills are going to get either Newton or Luck. I think with the third pick they get a d lineman or pass rushing linebacker. I don't think they will trade down. I wouldn't be surprised to see a QB taken in the later rounds though. A guy to groom behind Fitz.

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So trade away potentially good draft picks on the outside chances that


1) Our trade partner will suck and end up with a high enough pick to give us our choice of any player we want (assuming that would be Andy Luck);

2) That Luck is not a 'flash-in-the-pan' and will continue to excel (in a relatively weak conference) without last seasons supporting cast of seniors;

3) Some career-ending injury (God-forbid) won't befall the kid, leaving the Bills with nothing but their dicks in their hands, when they could have used the high draft picks to add quality players this coming season.


Second dumbest idea I've ever read on TSW, only surpassed by the idiots that insisted our best strategy is to lose every game in order to guarantee a chance to draft the sophomore from Stanford.


The very notion that anyone still has Andy Luck on the brain, in the hopes of maybe beginning to improve two years from now rather than this season, is extremely puzzling to me. :wallbash:


BTW, welcome to the board!



EDIT: Regarding your thoughts on Kim Newton, I agree with you completely that the Bills should avoid him like 'the plague' - don't quite understand, though, why you feel sorry for the the guy just because of his continual proclivity to say stupid things, make poor decisions, and behave badly.

As usual, you discount the intelligence of those who disagree with you. You may think that in doing so you make them look foolish. You are wrong. There is only one person who looks foolish because of your characterizations, and it's not anyone who disagrees with you.


Your specific criticisms are no more valid than are your broader characterizations. To whit:


1) The OP suggested that the Bills trade back in the first round of this year's draft in order to obtain the first round pick of some other team next year. As such, his strategy does not depend for its success on the other team losing a lot of games. Even if their pick in 2012 is the 32nd overall, the Bills still end up with one first round pick in 2011 and two first rounders in 2012.

2) The OP's original plan can still produce very solid value for the team even if the Bills decide they don't want Luck. Having two first rounders in 2012 is better than having just one, regardless of whether Luck declares. I would have thought that such a simple, self-evident point would have been glaringly obvious to you. Apparently I was overly optimistic on that score.

3) You wrote that if Luck suffered a career-ending injury, the OP's plan would leave the Bills "with nothing but their dicks in their hands." That criticism is not merely stupid: it is breathtakingly so. Regardless of whether Luck suffers a career-ending injury, renounces football altogether, or gets abducted by aliens, the OP's plan would leave the Bills with two first round picks in 2012. Which, again, is better than having just one first round pick.


"Second dumbest idea I've ever read on TSW, only surpassed by the idiots that insisted our best strategy is to lose every game in order to guarantee a chance to draft the sophomore from Stanford." If you honestly believe that, you are not a very good judge of an idea's fitness. The first overall pick in the draft is worth 3000 points. The tenth overall pick is worth less than half of that, at 1300 points. If your team is out of the playoff race anyway, every additional meaningless win hurts the value of your draft picks a lot. Maybe you think those meaningless wins create some highly positive offsetting benefit to your team. But as a Bills fan, I'm something of a connoisseur of meaningless wins. I've seen little to no evidence to suggest that the meaningless wins acquired in one year do much to help the team the next. What long-term benefits do you think the Bills obtained from Perry Fewell's meaningless wins? What long-term value do you see in the meaningless wins from 2002? (Those wins pushed us from second overall in the draft--Julius Peppers--down to 4th overall and Mike Williams.) In what ways--if any--do you think the Bills are still benefiting from all the meaningless wins Jauron obtained in his 7-9 seasons?

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Good post! :thumbsup:


If there's an opportunity for the Bills to obtain the first round pick of a team they expect to have a lousy record in 2011, they should take advantage of that chance by all means! :) Then they'd have three chances to get Luck:


1) If the Bills go 1-15 in 2011, that's Luck!

2) If the team whose first rounder the Bills acquired goes 1-15, that's Luck!

3) If whichever other team gets the first overall pick is willing to make a trade, that could be Luck as well!


There are two ways that 3) could come to pass. Maybe the team with the first overall pick has a recent high draft pick at QB, such as Gabbert or even Newton. Or maybe that team needs a QB and likes Luck a lot, but has a high opinion of some other QB as well. They might decide that having that other QB, plus lots of early draft picks from the Bills, is better than having Luck.

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Precisely... That's exactly my point! If Buddy and Chan agree that no QB in this draft is worthy of grooming, they won't waste their time or a pick to bring one aboard. Look at what happened last year. As each round went by, QBs that had their share of pre-draft hype, dropped like rocks... and Buffalo kept saying "Thanks, but no thanks". At this time last year, there was talk of patience being a virtue, because the 2011 draft was supposed to be as deep as 1983's.


Now we're finding out that those former "sure thing" QBs are far from it... Of course, if you're NOT planning to start a rookie, then choosing one with clear potential isn't a bad thing, as long as u don't have to pay the kid 1st round cash to hold your clip board for a year or two.


Remember, Green Bay leaped to take Aaron Rodgers deep in the first round a few years ago, with every intention of sitting him behind Brett Favre. Rodgers didn't get much help from a selfish Favre, but he kept his mouth shut and studied the Packers offense until he had it imbedded in his brain.


As the 2010-11 season began, Aaron was considered the "cream of the crop" among starters in the NFL and he proved his worth and the Packers's patience with a Super Bowl MVP performance and the Vince Lombardi trophy. Of course, teams like the Bills could try this strategy and it might not work out the same way, but they MUST groom a face of the franchise soon. If that somebody is in NEXT year's draft, so be it..Just do whatever you can to position yourself to get your guy when the time comes.


As pointed out in a couple of instances on this thread, the more ammo Buffalo has, the better they'll be at the bargaining table. And the team at or near the top of next year's draft may ultimately turn out to be the trading partner we have this year. Wouldn't it be ironic if they used our 3rd pick this year to take Cam Newton? With two first rounders and another pick thrown in for good measure next year, the team with the first overall pick would have a hard time turning down a trade offer that's as stacked as the Bills' could be. And if they've already got their QB (and Andrew Luck is still predicted to be the first overall choice), a team like Buffalo could get a "YES" for an offer that can't be refused!

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Bah! And here we were, so close to having this silliness die the death it should have on this board, years ago.



Good lord. Look: it's not that we don't want to do it. Of course we would. The problem is: nobody is going to offer us that. :wallbash: Short of the Raiders and Redskins, it ain't happening. And, it's not happening with them either, after so much recent foolishness with the draft.


And, going around criticizing the FO for "not taking a deal" or "making a deal" that nobody is offering or willing to consider is ludicrous. There are plenty of things to be accurately critical about the FO that reasonable people can discuss.


This is not one of them.

look...you don't have a clue as to what some team is going to want and how badly a team may see a need at 3 until the first two picks are made. Assume AJ Green is available at 3...some teams may want to go for him. Peterson may be the same, although we might bite and take him. Newton may be attractive to some team. You really have to be in the moment. All I'm saying is if the opportunity arises there had better have been some discussion about whether we are interested (and we should be) and what we are going to ask for (we should have addressed that contingency before the draft) and what we are going to do with the picks....basic preparation. I'm not criticizing the FO this minute, just suggesting they do their homework.

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You wrote that if Luck suffered a career-ending injury, the OP's plan would leave the Bills "with nothing but their dicks in their hands." That criticism is not merely stupid: it is breathtakingly so. Regardless of whether Luck suffers a career-ending injury, renounces football altogether, or gets abducted by aliens, the OP's plan would leave the Bills with two first round picks in 2012. Which, again, is better than having just one first round pick.

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From socio-economic standpoints you could be correct. However, that does not mean much. Eminem and 50cent are examples. Both of them have wealth have the prestige yet none of them would fit in around Buffalo. The same goes for your average meat market guy at Wegmans who lives in Lockport. Do you think he'd fit in down in Atlanta?


You want a real dose of reality? Come down here to where I live, I'll take you to the town next to mine, I will show you the sign on the way in to town that says "N_ _ _ _ _ _, do not let the sun set on you in Denton." That is racism. That is the problem.


And, no he did not pull the race card. And, no the answer to N _ _ _ _ _ _ is not Naggers.



Ok im only gonna entertain this retard A$$ post once... It may come off a lil vulger or angry but don't anybody take it the wrong way (awww screw it take it how you want)


Is CJ, Fred, Lee, Stevie not black? But they don't play Quarterback so they get a pass huh? That's why people say "is Buffalo ready for a black QUARTERBACK AGAIN". And I don't give a sh*t where you from to be honest cuz let somebody pay me 40 million dollars got damnit im there let it be Utah, Pennsylvania or Wyoming showin off all kinds of "ICON AND ENTERTAINER STATUS". No offense but you may not be igonorant but that stuff you said was hella ignorant. And your insane if you can't see he pulled the race card. What you want him to just openly say "HEY HE'S A BLACK QB WE DON'T WANT HIM IN BUFFALO"... Come on get real.. He said "Go to a bills game stand up and look around WHAT DO YOU SEE, that's why Cam wont fit"... And keep the jokes to your self unless you want to get labled a racist... Once again im from Buffalo I know what goes down I know how Cheektowaga, South Buffalo and Amherst get down that means nothing. I moved to ATL where its worst because its more sumblimnal that outright. People are gonna hate cuz of skin tone anywhere so please save that sh*t...


oh and PS.. WTF come on wit the Eminem and 50 Cent line if you pay them money they here believe that. So if it was Elton John and Hannaha Montana you saying they would fit in better. Please potna save the madness...

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Hey, Edward's Arm: I gotta tip my glass of bourbon to you, man, cuz u know how to have a rookie's back! I think the one thing that most Bills fan would admit is that we're not as far away as a team like Washington is, when it comes to turning the corner. I live in a Virginia suburb of DC and argue every year with a friend of mine who firmly believes the Skins are closer to a playoff team than we are. I actually got the last laugh this year when the Bills finished with a slightly better record.


But my point was just what you said it was. We need to do the exact opposite of what a fool like Daniel Snyder does. Build through the draft (as Nix and Gailey have preached) and use cash in free agency when it's most cost effective.


As for quotes in a post, I liked the possibility of Andrew Luck being abducted by aliens... cuz stranger things have happened. Look at RB Glenn Coffee, who drafted by the San Francisco 49ers. One minute, I'm tippin' friends off about how great he looked as Frank Gore's new backup... and then suddenly, without warning, he quits the NFL to be closer to God! If only he knew that God had a plan for him... Just one week following his "retirement", Gore went down and OUT!

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and then there's the issue of cam newton living and working in orchard park. really, is this a match? especially for a man bent on getting as much publicity as possible, endorsements etc. not only is the market here unfavorable for that but consider the southtowns demographic. who is more likely to be happier here? cam or a guy like luck? the question must be asked: if the bills take cam would he even sign a contract to play here? and will his father be the dominant influence, again, on where cam plays as archie was for eli?


We don't know either guy to say whether they would be happy in Orchard Park or not. Why do you assume Luck would be? Because it's a mostly white demo?

Maybe Luck wouldn't like the type of white folk who live in the southtowns for whatever reason. Or maybe HE wouldn't like the scenery in the southtowns which is

different from Palo Alto or Northern Cali.


It's dangerous to assume what someone will like or not like without knowing the person in a personal, up close way. NOT based on statements, interviews or assumptions. Bills have mostly black players. Where do they all live? Where do they all work?


As far as endorsements all he would need to do is get on a plane and fly to wherever the shoot is. Buffalo-Niagara Airport is there for a reason. So folks can come and go and do whatever it is they do wherever they need to do it. If a guy is liked enough by advertisers he can be anywhere. Under Armour gave him a million to wear

and market their brand. Before they know where he will go. Obviously they don't care we're he plays. It doesn't matter really. The players potential and ultimately

his performance is what leads to national/international endorsements, not where they play. If he does well and the Bills give him the money he wants he would sign.

Franchise QB's rarely leave as FA's. Because the team they play for usually pay them. Drew Brees being an exception and he wasn't seen by anyone as a definitive franchise QB when Diego let him walk. He was pretty good, but Rivers was a definite franchise guy. Brees improved and went to a franchise level in New Orleans, but the jury was way out on him in Diego which is why they drafted Rivers and ultimately bid him adieu.

Edited by purple haze
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From socio-economic standpoints you could be correct. However, that does not mean much. Eminem and 50cent are examples. Both of them have wealth have the prestige yet none of them would fit in around Buffalo. The same goes for your average meat market guy at Wegmans who lives in Lockport. Do you think he'd fit in down in Atlanta?


You want a real dose of reality? Come down here to where I live, I'll take you to the town next to mine, I will show you the sign on the way in to town that says "N_ _ _ _ _ _, do not let the sun set on you in Denton." That is racism. That is the problem.


And, no he did not pull the race card. And, no the answer to N _ _ _ _ _ _ is not Naggers.


You don't know Em and 50 to say whether they would fit in around Buffalo. Em is from Detroit and grew up working class. What's the difference? You ever been to Jamaica, Queens? Could be the East side or the North side of Buffalo. The average meat market guy at Wegman's could fit in in Atlanta fine. They don't have meat markets in Atlanta? Or is the average meat market guy in Buffalo supposed to be too ignorant to find a comfort zone in a different place? Come on man. You can't make assumptions that because someone looks a certain way or has certain things or does certain work that he/she wouldn't fit in. The warped mind would find a reason why they shouldn't fit in then act like ass holes, which could make somebody want to leave. But people, generally, will find comfort wherever they are.


As far as Denton, wherever that is, so the hell what? That sign or the attitude that created it is in every city/town in the country. If I was worried about that foolishness I wouldn't go anywhere. And I wouldn't go back to BLo and hang out. Plenty of black players on the Bills. In fact most of them are black. They work in OP. Some live in OP and not far from it. They seem to be doing okay. I'm from BLo. I somehow made it out alive and I've been through many predominantly white areas outside the city many times. Imagine that! LoL. End of the day racists are weak minded people. No reason for anybody with common sense to stop moving because of them.

Edited by purple haze
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I do not know any of these people personally. I do not claim to know them other then what they represent and the backgrounds they come from. If you cannot understand what I am talking about I will try to bring it up in a more subtle way. I am not saying because someone looks a certain way they would not fit in - I am saying because they act a certain way - whether lifestyle or choices, they will not fit in some cultures.


If I took a hardware store worker in Bristol, TN and swapped his life with a social worker from Phili there would an entire change of culture, atomosphere and lifestyle. If you took Eminem and put him living in Brockport he would not fit in, except for the college community. Not to knock Brockport, but it is a small comfortable village on the canal not accustomed to lavish, larger then celebs. If I took the average Brockport citizen and put them up in 50 cents atomosphere they would just as easily find uncomfortable situations.


The world may be bigger then Denton, but to think there is not a little slice of Denton everywhere you go is hard to swallow. The world has racism all over it, whether it is the 60 year old neighbors down the street or the young couple next door. It is a sad, stupid reality that will hopefully die out.

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So you think Newton isn't very good but the Phins will move up 12 spots, give up a first next year and a 3rd this year to get him?




Yes, I dont think Newton is very good.


Yes, according the the reports, the Dolphins are very interested in Newton and believe they will have to trade up to get him.

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Wow, you guys are really sensitive. It really seems to upset you if someone generalizes a couple of celebrities. Seems like selective outrage. I don't see you guys getting all bent out of shape when people rip on Canadians, and they're people too...well, kind of.

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First welcome to the jungle.


The only issue I have is this. Wasnt Locker going to be the number one pick last year and now may not be drafted in the first round? Why cant this happen to Luck?


Because he's a much better QB than locker is. Period. Not sure how and why he was being pegged as the #1 pickets year. The guy had/has serious accuracy problems,


And my thoughts on the OP, it's a pipe dream.

Edited by NewEra
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I disagree that Belichick is a draft master. And seeing as it takes a few years to evaluate a draft, take a look at this from 2008 and earlier:


Bill Belichick’s Complete Draft History 2000-2008:


9 seasons, 77 picks (8.6/season)



Second: Adrian Klemm T: 10 starts in 5 seasons with Pats, only made it though one 16 game season; BUST

Third: J.R. Redmond RB: 600 career yards, 1 TD; BUST

Fourth: Greg Randall T: One season as starting RT, but traded away one year later; MEDIOCRE

Fifth: Dave Stachelski TE: Never made the team, one career catch; BUST

Fifth: Jeff Marriott NT: Never played a down in NFL; BUST

Sixth: Antwan Harris CB: 2 career starts in six years; BUST

Sixth: Tom Brady QB: Eh, decent value…; SUCCESS

Sixth: David Nugent DT: 1 start, off the team in 2 seasons; BUST

Seventh: Casey Tisdale LB: Never played a down in NFL; BUST

Seventh: Patrick Pass RB: Special Teamer and was 3rd RB for 6 seasons, if Tatum Bell is MEDIOCRE, so is Pass.




First: Richard Seymour DE: SUCCESSest 3-4 DE of his era; SUCCESS

Second: Matt Light T: Decade-long Franchise LT; SUCCESS

Third: Brock Williams CB: Never played a game for the Pats; BUST

Fourth: Kenyatta Jones T: 11 starts at RT in 02, off the team in 04, out of league in 06; BUST

Fourth: Jabari Holloway TE: Never caught a pass with Pats, cut in 02; BUST

Fifth: Hakim Akbar DB: Cut in 02, 5 career tackles; BUST

Sixth: Arther Love TE: Never played a down; BUST

Sixth: Leonard Myers CB: 1 start, cut after 2 seasons in 03; BUST

Seventh: Owen Pochman K: Never made team (wish he was a punter, there’s a good/terrible joke here); BUST

Seventh: T.J. Turner LB: 2 games in 02, out of football in 03; BUST




First: Daniel Graham TE: Mediocre TE, never had more than 410 yards recieving - solid if not 21st overall pick; BUST

Second: Deion Branch WR: Super Bowl MVP; SUCCESS

Fourth: Rohan Davey QB: Guess they’re not all Tom Brady; BUST

Fourth: Jarvis Green DE: Very, very good rotational DE while with Pats; SUCCESS

Seventh: Antwoine Womack RB: As a Hoo, I wish he wasn’t such a BUST

Seventh: David Givens WR: About as good as you can get from a 7th round WR; SUCCESS




First: Ty Warren DE: Excellent bookend to Seymour; SUCCESS

Second: Eugene Wilson FS: Nothing special, but solid player; SUCCESS

Second: Bethel Johnson WR: Career stats 600 yards, 4 TDs, are good single season stats for a 3rd WR; BUST

Fourth: Dan Klecko DT: 5 touches in 3 yrs as a converted FB. Conversion failed; BUST

Fourth: Asante Samuel CB: 3x Pro Bowler; SUCCESS

Fifth: Dan Koppen C: started every game he’s been healthy for since drafted; SUCCESS

Sixth: Kliff Kingsbury QB: 1 career completion; BUST

Seventh: Spencer Nead TE: Never made team; BUST

Seventh: Tully Banta-Cain LB: Prototypical “Belichick Guy”; SUCCESS

Seventh: Ethan Kelley NT: Gone after one season; BUST




First: Vince Wilfork NT: Multiple All-Pro; SUCCESS

First: Ben Watson TE: Again, middling TE who had one decent year, can't be SUCCESS if its a 1st round pick; MEDIOCRE

Second: Marquise Hill DE: Died in accidental drowning, had potential, but never realized. Don't want to be cold, but he's a BUST.

Third: Guss Scott SS: active for 11 games in 6 years; BUST

Fourth: Dexter Reid FS: Gone after one year, out of NFL after three; BUST

Fourth: Cedric Cobbs RB: Shanny picked him up after NE cut him. He still sucked; BUST

Fifth: P.K. Sam WR: 0 career catches; BUST

Seventh: Christian Morton CB: Never played for Pats; BUST




First: Logan Mankins G: Keystone OL; SUCCESS

Third: Ellis Hobbs CB: I mean, I guess he started 2 years as the #2 CB in 07 and 08. It's still Ellis effing HobbsMediocre at best

Third: Nick Kaczur T: Starting RT for 5 years; SUCCESS

Fourth: James Sanders SS: 48 starts over six seasons and still contributing; SUCCESS

Fifth: Ryan Claridge LB: Cut after one season, his only in NFL; BUST

Seventh: Matt Cassel QB: Impressed that he is succeeding outside of NE; SUCCESS

Seventh: Andy Stokes TE: Never played a down; BUST



2006: (AKA, Worst Draft Ever)

First: Laurence Maroney RB: never has a player done so little in such a prolific offense; BUST

Second: Chad Jackson WR: He was awesome in NCAA 2006. The game. He blew in the NFL; BUST

Third: David Thomas TE: Pretty good little #2/3 TE in NOLA now, but amassed a whopping 21 catches in 3 yrs in NE; BUST

Fourth: Garrett Mills RB: Cut after one season; BUST

Fourth: Stephen Gostkowski K: Solid kicker; SUCCESS

Fifth: Ryan O'Callaghan T: Cut after two seasons as utility OL; BUST

Sixth: Jeremy Mincey LB: Never played a down in NE; BUST

Sixth: Dan Stevenson G: Cut midway through rookie season; BUST

Sixth: Le Kevin Smith DT: 18 tackles in 3 years; BUST

Seventh: Willie Andrews CB: Cut after 2 seasons; BUST




First: Brandon Meriweather FS: up and down guy, but still pretty young; SUCCESS

Fourth: Kareem Brown DT: Never played a down NE; BUST

Fifth: Clint Oldenburg T: If he’s on the Redskins PS right now, he’s a BUST

Sixth: Justin Rogers LB: Never played a down in NE; BUST

Sixth: Mike Richardson DB: Cut after one year; BUST

Sixth: Justise Hairston RB: Never played a down; BUST

Sixth: Corey Hilliard OT: Never played a down in NE; BUST

Seventh: Oscar Lua LB: Never played a down in NFL; BUST

Seventh: Mike Elgin G: Never played a down in NFL; BUST




First: Jerod Mayo ILB: Stud; SUCCESS

Second: Terrence Wheatley CB: 1 start in 3 years, cut this season; BUST

Third: Shawn Crable OLB: I keep hearing about his potential, but 4 tackles in 3 years is a BUST

Third: Kevin O'Connell QB: out of the league; BUST

Fourth: Jonathan Wilhite CB: Nickel CB; SUCCESS

Fifth: Matt Slater WR: ST has never caught a pass, if Hixon is a bust, so is he; BUST

Sixth: Bo Ruud LB: Has yet to play a down for 3 teams; BUST




So now for the comparitive stats:



First: 9 picks (5 defense, 4 offense), 6 SUCCESS, 2 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 72% Success Rate

Second: 8 picks (3 defense, 5 offense), 3 SUCCESS, 5 BUST; 38% Success Rate

Third: 8 picks (4 defense, 4 offense), 1 SUCCESS, 6 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 19% Success Rate

Fourth: 14 picks (7 defense, 6 offense, 1 specialist), 5 SUCCESS, 8 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 39% Success Rate

Fifth: 9 picks (3 defense, 6 offense), 1 SUCCESS, 8 BUST; 11% Success Rate

Sixth: 14 picks (8 defense, 6 offense), 1 SUCCESS, 13 BUST; 7% Success Rate

Seventh: 15 picks (8 defense, 6 offense, 1 specialist); 3 SUCCESS, 11 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 23% Success Rate




TOTALS: 77 picks, 20 SUCCESS, 53 BUST, 4 MEDIOCRE; 29% Success Rate

Offense: 37 picks, 8 SUCCESS, 26 BUST, 3 MEDIOCRE; 26% Success Rate

Defense: 38 picks, 11 SUCCESS, 26 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 30% Success Rate

Specialist: 2 picks, 1 SUCCESS, 1 BUST, 0 MEDIOCRE; 50% Success Rate



Some Quick Observations:

- By my unofficial count, 19 players drafted by Belichick never played a down for the Patriots. That is a staggering figure, basically 1/4th of players you draft never see the field.

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I disagree that Belichick is a draft master. And seeing as it takes a few years to evaluate a draft, take a look at this from 2008 and earlier:


...First: 9 picks (5 defense, 4 offense), 6 SUCCESS, 2 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 72% Success Rate

Second: 8 picks (3 defense, 5 offense), 3 SUCCESS, 5 BUST; 38% Success Rate

Third: 8 picks (4 defense, 4 offense), 1 SUCCESS, 6 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 19% Success Rate

Fourth: 14 picks (7 defense, 6 offense, 1 specialist), 5 SUCCESS, 8 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 39% Success Rate

Fifth: 9 picks (3 defense, 6 offense), 1 SUCCESS, 8 BUST; 11% Success Rate

Sixth: 14 picks (8 defense, 6 offense), 1 SUCCESS, 13 BUST; 7% Success Rate

Seventh: 15 picks (8 defense, 6 offense, 1 specialist); 3 SUCCESS, 11 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 23% Success Rate




TOTALS: 77 picks, 20 SUCCESS, 53 BUST, 4 MEDIOCRE; 29% Success Rate

Offense: 37 picks, 8 SUCCESS, 26 BUST, 3 MEDIOCRE; 26% Success Rate

Defense: 38 picks, 11 SUCCESS, 26 BUST, 1 MEDIOCRE; 30% Success Rate

Specialist: 2 picks, 1 SUCCESS, 1 BUST, 0 MEDIOCRE; 50% Success Rate



Some Quick Observations:

- By my unofficial count, 19 players drafted by Belichick never played a down for the Patriots. That is a staggering figure, basically 1/4th of players you draft never see the field.


I'm sure that took a lot of effort to compile. Thanks for taking the time. It's interesting. While I have no hard stats to prove it, my guess is that this is about average for the league. It wouldn't surprise me at all that 1/4 of the players drafted league wide never make it.



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I don’t see why so many people think this is such a crazy idea. With FA likely not happening before that draft – if at all – teams that are looking to fill that one major whole and make a SB run may be willing to move up into the top 5 this year. Couple that with the imminent rookie wage scale (which according to Vonnie Holliday has already been agreed upon between the Owner and Players Union) and teams may have two huge reason to move up this year. The Jets and Bears are two teams who were very close last year and may think that one highly-ranked rookie could get them a ring in 2011.


Another idea is trading back with the Phish. All the speculation is that they love Cam Newton. They pick at 15 this year and don’t have a 2nd round pick. They could give up a 2012 1st, and a 2011 3rd in a trade. Then, a team on the decline like the Phish, starting Newton, could very well be drafting top 5 in 2012. Wouldn’t it be ideal to screw a division rival like that? (I am assuming Newton isn’t any good, which is a safe assumption in my view). At 15 a guy like Quinn or JJ Watt may still be available. M. Wilkerson or Carimi or even Phil Taylor are guaranteed to be. 15 is a better slot for a LB value wise. Trading down again or trading back up a bit could be another option too.




Locker was never any good. Not this year and not last year. He was never a realistic option for the #1 overall pick. This was painfully obvious to anyone who actually watched him play. This won’t happen to Luck because Luck is actually very good.

I would much rather go 10-6 this year and not have to worry about Luck.

I question his confidence. He will never be more marketable than he is now.

I don't want to hear about the value of a 4 year degree. Have to question the decision making here.

Is he mentally ready? I'm not sure that he is.

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Wow, you guys are really sensitive. It really seems to upset you if someone generalizes a couple of celebrities. Seems like selective outrage. I don't see you guys getting all bent out of shape when people rip on Canadians, and they're people too...well, kind of.

What is one person, like 50, Eminem or Cam Newton compared to an entire country or ethnicity!?


Pff, besides, Canada sucks!

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