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I voted for the guy, but I'm seeing a return to the policies of Bill Clinton and George Bush and I'm getting them in my mail box every day.


1. I keep getting credit and loan applications in the mail that say I'm prequalified for a $5000 loan, car loans, home loans, you name it and I'm getting it.


2. We dug ourselves out of a terrible economy in 1991 with an incredible expansion in credit. This was done with credit cards to consumers and junk home loans. Everything on credit. But no real jobs to back it up. Or at least an expansion in service sector jobs, which are low paying. A bubble economy that was bound to implode. Pretending we're rich.


3. The stock market is booming (just like in the Clinton years), but with no real job growth. Again, just a bunch of junk jobs and junk credit and false hope. Giving everything to Wall Street but with no help to mainstreet. Just a false promise of jobs coming in the future while everything keeps going to China.


4. He's giving in to republicans for unemployment benefits with the expansion of tax cuts for the rich.


5. I'm watching Cramer on CNBC the other day and he says high gas prices are "like another tax on the American people" that takes away disposable income. What about the lower wage jobs Cramer? The lowering of the wages on the average american is taking away disposable income, just like high gas prices. Union busting, lowering wages is the same as high gas prices. Get that through your heads, republicans. Republicans always look at how much something cost and they don't try to increase income. Just cut expenses and give more to the big people. Hoarding. That's all it is. Hoarding.


6. I'm sure Obama will come up with more "conservative fiscal policies" that create more for the rich on Wall Street and less for everyone else.


1 Are the offer letters signed by Obama, Boehner, or Reid? <_<


2 The tech bubble in the 90s created the wealth on which the expansion of the 90s and subsequent credit binge of the 2000's


3 Thanks to The Bernank and his $1T of new money that has to go somewhere


4 Yeah those Republicans wanted what is it now, 2 or 3 years of benefits?


5 See #3. But there's no inflation, right Mr The Bernank?


6 Obama, contrary to you thought in 2008, is just another politician. Ergo he will do what he thinks will get himself re-elected

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