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Walt friggin Coleman

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Just give it them.......

that game he was referring to, ranks in my top five of the most horrific games to have witnessed and suffered through as a bills die-hard. to this day, the name walt coleman makes my blood boil. the sound of his voice , when explaining a penalty,is the proverbial "nails on a chalkboard". that game was criminal. it was grand theft in plain sight of millions.

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Even before his days of infamy (he's ironically considered one of the top referees in the game), I always referred to him as "Little Wally Coleman."


I'm not a mean-spirited person but I always got the vibe that he wasn't competent or a strong enough leader of his crew, or possessed the temperament that truly great referees have.


The fact that he has presided over some epically horribly-officiated games (The Tuck Rule game comes to mind) has only strengthened my belief that he is a mediocre official.

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Even before his days of infamy (he's ironically considered one of the top referees in the game), I always referred to him as "Little Wally Coleman."


I'm not a mean-spirited person but I always got the vibe that he wasn't competent or a strong enough leader of his crew, or possessed the temperament that truly great referees have.


The fact that he has presided over some epically horribly-officiated games (The Tuck Rule game comes to mind) has only strengthened my belief that he is a mediocre official.

it really makes you wonder what games these NFL honchos watch, i agree, ("just give it to em" game aside"), i think he is a weak official.

Edited by dwight in philly
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That was BY FAR the most angry I've ever been while watching a Bills game.


By far.


There's a hole in the wall from my fist at my parent's old basement that proves it.


The throwback game was more of shock, and I was but a young 5 year old Bills fan for our first Superbowl loss.


But man, I remember that Patriots/Bills fiasco like it was yesterday. The article doesn't mention how the pass interference call was also incredibly sketchy. Two calls that were so shockingly biased against the Bills, one had to wonder if Coleman was in on the take.

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Did he really work the "Tuck Rule" game? If so, anyone else see a pattern there (or at least two d*mning data points or things in common)?


If so, how does this man still have a job in the NFL, never mind being considered (by who?) "one of the best"?


"We had a few minor problems", give me a friggin' break.


Works for the "family business"--nice to see he's a self-made man, too.....

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I noticed that article allows comments (moderated/reviewed by the paper)--Bills fans should write in and politely explain why we think that he's one of the worst officials in the history of the sport, bordering on corrupt.....

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Did he really work the "Tuck Rule" game? If so, anyone else see a pattern there (or at least two d*mning data points or things in common)?


If so, how does this man still have a job in the NFL, never mind being considered (by who?) "one of the best"?


"We had a few minor problems", give me a friggin' break.


Works for the "family business"--nice to see he's a self-made man, too.....

The sixth generation of his family to take over the family business…not necessarily a pro or con…but interesting.


Some people in his position have run the family business into the ground and pissed away everything.



Others in his position have faced a changing economy and new challenges in the industry and have done a great job in maintaining/growing the family business.


Regardless, based on my observations of watching him perform for over a decade or so, Coleman doesn't strike me as a strong leader or individual, or a good official.





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The sixth generation of his family to take over the family business…not necessarily a pro or con…but interesting.


Some people in his position have run the family business into the ground and pissed away everything.



Others in his position have faced a changing economy and new challenges in the industry and have done a great job in maintaining/growing the family business.


Regardless, based on my observations of watching him perform for over a decade or so, Coleman doesn't strike me as a strong leader or individual, or a good official.



Ahhh, the members of Warren Buffet's so-called "lucky sperm club"--most of the other 99 plus% of us I'd bet would be happy to have the the chance to run something into the ground and piss away everything, I suspect. Depending on the size of the business, that might even take more than one generation (seen that up close). Simply playing the odds, I'll also bet, but obviously can't know for sure, that Walt's the type who sits in judgment on those in society who aren't "economic winners" and finds them wanting through their own personal faults, but who knows, maybe he just realizes how incredibly lucky he was to be born into a family business of any substance.....

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That was BY FAR the most angry I've ever been while watching a Bills game.


By far.


There's a hole in the wall from my fist at my parent's old basement that proves it.


The throwback game was more of shock, and I was but a young 5 year old Bills fan for our first Superbowl loss.


But man, I remember that Patriots/Bills fiasco like it was yesterday. The article doesn't mention how the pass interference call was also incredibly sketchy. Two calls that were so shockingly biased against the Bills, one had to wonder if Coleman was in on the take.


I remember that game as well. I think it was around Thanksgiving 1998. That was one of the biggest shocks of any game I have ever seen. While it was a shame the refs missed that pass out of bounds, the one called for pass interference in the back of the end zone on the last play of the game (hail mary) is something that is unconscionable.

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What some of you are forgetting (as does the article and Walt) on the out of bounds play is that the replay clearly also showed that even if the guy caught the ball in bounds he was also still a good yard short of the 1st down, so it was a doubly bad call, and the one that Andre Reed infamously heard one ref tell the other "just give it to them" at the chains on the sideline. It was fourth down to, so if either of those goes against the Cheats* it's game over. I agree with the other poster above that this game was one of the first times I recall questioning whether there was really some kind of corruption going on in NFL officiating. The absolute first having been about 20 years earlier when the Cowboys came back to beat the Falcons in a playoff game, aided on the winning drive by garbage hanky after garbage hanky each time the Grits Blitz D stopped them.....

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i think another galling example of suspscious officiating was the pittsburgh v seattle superbowl, really made me wonder!



Oh, plenty of examples since then, a fair number of which, surprise, surprise (not), include the Cheats* (the AFC CG against the Colts comes to mind, as does the opener we played against them about 4-5 years ago that was so bad that TMQ wrote it up in his column)......

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Jefferson and Coates... the game in which Ralph went ballistic and I went ballistic.


To this day, that is the worst NFL hack job I have ever seen, and it is only is surpassed by Hull's NO GOAL and the backward-that-was-forward pass by Wycheck.


Does anyone else recall also that in that season, they gave the Jests a touchdown because the official admitted he thought their helmet was a football?


#!@#@!#!@ I hate Walt Coleman for not owning up to his mistake, A BIG PART of being a leader, you #!@#!#.

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