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Supreme Court upholds Westboro Baptist Church's right to be !@

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I hope you do it with "respect and manners." ?? I sure would hate to see you contradict yourself.:P


Certain people deserve respect and manners. You show respect and manners you get them in return. I was thinking when I posted that what I would say. And it would be something very simple. "That (dead person) had more class and respect for people in his/her little finger than all of you collectively have." And I'd walk away. Respectful enough?

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Certain people deserve respect and manners. You show respect and manners you get them in return. I was thinking when I posted that what I would say. And it would be something very simple. "That (dead person) had more class and respect for people in his/her little finger than all of you collectively have." And I'd walk away. Respectful enough?



Crazy as it sounds... Some people may think the same about you war hero. I know screwy... Just saying. It is all perspective.


Bottom line is that in this case... Best to say nothing. No matter what you say... It is more about self-gratifiaction than anything else when somebody speaks..


The only way to win control in this situation is two part:


1. Say nothing.

2. Beat them to a senseless pulp.. And that is illegal and will wind you up in the pokey.


See number 1.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Crazy as it sounds... Some people may think the same about you war hero. I know screwy... Just saying. It is all perspective.


Bottom line is that in this case... Best to say nothing. No matter what you say... It is more about self-gratifiaction than anything else when somebody speaks..


The only way to win control in this situation is two part:


1. Say nothing.

2. Beat them to a senseless pulp.. And that is illegal and will wind you up in the pokey.


See number 1.


Crazy as it sounds, I disagree with you. Although if you show up at the wrong funeral (you being the WBC), you might in fact end up with cement shoes exploring the depths of the ocean and no one would ever know.

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Crazy as it sounds... Some people may think the same about you war hero. I know screwy... Just saying. It is all perspective.


Bottom line is that in this case... Best to say nothing. No matter what you say... It is more about self-gratifiaction than anything else when somebody speaks..


The only way to win control in this situation is two part:


1. Say nothing.

2. Beat them to a senseless pulp.. And that is illegal and will wind you up in the pokey.


See number 1.


I'm not looking to win control I'm just telling people I don't like their tactic and that it's classless.

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Crazy as it sounds... Some people may think the same about you war hero. I know screwy... Just saying. It is all perspective.


Bottom line is that in this case... Best to say nothing. No matter what you say... It is more about self-gratifiaction than anything else when somebody speaks..


The only way to win control in this situation is two part:


1. Say nothing.

2. Beat them to a senseless pulp.. And that is illegal and will wind you up in the pokey.


See number 1.


There is no jury in the world that would convict on #2.


But you missed a third option: protest in front of their church with "God Hates Intolerant Baptists" and "Thank God for Dead Baptist Pastors" signs. And by "in front of", I of course mean safely on public property with the appropriate permits. Then let them try and stop you...wait, can't, thanks to your Supreme Court case, you !@#$ing dumbasses. :w00t:


But really...#2 would be far more satisfying.

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Crazy as it sounds, I disagree with you. Although if you show up at the wrong funeral (you being the WBC), you might in fact end up with cement shoes exploring the depths of the ocean and no one would ever know.



You think that really scares them? I don't think so... They die, they die. So what are you trying to do by saying this?


I'm not looking to win control I'm just telling people I don't like their tactic and that it's classless.



And you have lost before you evn get a word out. You think what you are saying is falling on receptive ears?

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There is no jury in the world that would convict on #2.


But you missed a third option: protest in front of their church with "God Hates Intolerant Baptists" and "Thank God for Dead Baptist Pastors" signs. And by "in front of", I of course mean safely on public property with the appropriate permits. Then let them try and stop you...wait, can't, thanks to your Supreme Court case, you !@#$ing dumbasses. :w00t:


But really...#2 would be far more satisfying.



These wackos wouldn't mind number 3... Actually I think they would relish the dialogue.


And don't be so sure of what you first said... If that is the case, then YOU should have at 'em. Why aren't more letting lose on them?


We are all better than them... And the best thing to do, maybe not as satisfying, is to ignore them... Then again, we are talking about them. :wallbash: :wallbash:

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I'm trying to win some game. I telling them what I think. I don't give a **** that it falls on deaf ears

That is exactly what they want and it is awful. It is such a catch-22 that it annoys me. The more we get mad at them the more press coverage they get. I am dreading the day some moron takes a gun out and shoots one of those goofballs.


Another irony is that we so easily get outraged over these people yet hardly care about scientology.

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That is exactly what they want and it is awful. It is such a catch-22 that it annoys me. The more we get mad at them the more press coverage they get. I am dreading the day some moron takes a gun out and shoots one of those goofballs.


Another irony is that we so easily get outraged over these people yet hardly care about scientology.


Me too. Don't forget who you are talking to here... Many relish the thought you posted above!

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Me too. Don't forget who you are talking to here... Many relish the thought you posted above!

Who? Tom? He'd be with a sign and megaphone in hand just like the WBC at his local rite aid if they stopped selling bunyan pads. He can't be too upset... :nana:

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There is no jury in the world that would convict on #2.



Depends. What if ..lybob, Hedd, Conner, joe_the_6_pack and the rest of humanities finest are on that jury?


"Your honour, in closing, I'd just like to say that the members on the jury are idiots!"

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Depends. What if ..lybob, Hedd, Conner, joe_the_6_pack and the rest of humanities finest are on that jury?


Hung jury. Ten votes for guilty, with Hedd voting for Sarah Palin and conner voting for pancakes.



"Your honour, in closing, I'd just like to say that the members on the jury are idiots!"


I have better sense than to use that in a jury trial. I'd save that for the appeal.

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Lost in all of this is that one day in the near future someone is going to take out one of these people during a protest. And few people will even blink about it.


How has it not happened yet?

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Which is something that isn`t exactly in full momentum when you`re at your childs funeral...


Think man. I know that the best thing is to ignore them and be the bigger man. But there exists some level of human decency.

I'm sorry, I thought organized religion is inherently moral and decent?

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