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Bills Players NOT Tendered...

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Every Draft around this time "QB Fever" sets in. It's the feeling that the QBs in this draft are the best ever. It passes, only to re-emerge next draft.



It's true. When it was thought Luck was coming out, all these other QBs except maybe Newton were an after thought. Now with Luck out, all these guys that weren't 1st round material are suddenly "franchise" QBs. lol

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Here are the players the Bills didn't make offers to: Keith Ellison, John McCargo, Ashton Youboty, Brian Brohm, Quinton Ganther and Jonathan Stupar. Brohm, Ganther and Stupar will likely be RFAs under a new CBA, according to Chris Brown.


What a collective bunch of crap. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out...


It's true. When it was thought Luck was coming out, all these other QBs except maybe Newton were an after thought. Now with Luck out, all these guys that weren't 1st round material are suddenly "franchise" QBs. lol


Yep. I don't see any of these QBs in 2011 being "Franchise Players" They're all 1 year wonders, flash in the pan QBs. I say draft OL and DL, build up in FA and hope for Luck next season...

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It's true. When it was thought Luck was coming out, all these other QBs except maybe Newton were an after thought. Now with Luck out, all these guys that weren't 1st round material are suddenly "franchise" QBs. lol

Excellent point JSP. It's like Luck left a vacuum that guys like Newton and Gabbert magically fill.



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Excellent point JSP. It's like Luck left a vacuum that guys like Newton and Gabbert magically fill.




Plus, when Luck was a possibility at least Cam was on the radar. Who knew anything about Blaine Gabbert a few months back?

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Here are the players the Bills didn't make offers to: Keith Ellison, John McCargo, Ashton Youboty, Brian Brohm, Quinton Ganther and Jonathan Stupar. Brohm, Ganther and Stupar will likely be RFAs under a new CBA, according to Chris Brown.


I had such big hopes for Brohm. I thought we might have found a diamond in the rough. Cest la vie......

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