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While in town for the Browns game, I picked a copy of a new Buffalo weekly callled "The Beast." It's like a local verison of the Onion. Funny as ****! Be warned: If you are a Republican, you may not find it all that amusing. Then again...maybe you will!






Don't insult the Onion by placing the Beast in the same sentence. It's terrible. Thier style of writing is to see how many times they can use the word f*ck, t*its, and call women by various insulting names.


I guess its funny if you are thirteen.


Beast = people who desperately try to be "hip".


It seems to me that a publication that offers tips on growing weed isn't really worth my time.


I have nothing against smoking pot (I think it should be legalized, at least in certain situations), but I don't need to be reading about stoners' problems with growing it.



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