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Charlie Sheen ladies and gentlemen, Charlie Sheen


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I guess I got my answer - a horrible one, as I suspected. He's good for a few soundbites, but how was he going to entertain for a whole show?:


Incessant boos and people walking out


Unfortunately he's already got your money if you shelled out the cash to buy a ticket. You get what you deserve doing something like that, but I still hat to see Charlie Sheen make money from hard working people just for being his trainwreck self....


My guess is the tour has about as much chance of completing all its announced dates as the last Guns N Roses go 'round - you may be able to sell tickets and do the first few dates but ultimatley a trainwreck involves derailment.....

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I think you're right about that. No way this keeps going.


Not a chance.


And about all those "sold out shows," I have it on good authority that the tickets to his show tonight here in Chicago were sold primarily to scalpers. Highly unlikely that asses will be in the seats.

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