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"White Noise" movie should be freaking


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If you've ever read about Electronic Voice Phenomena, and about how recordings of it have revealed voices, Im sure you're going to want to watch this movie. Even the PREVIEW is frigging creepy. It's called "White Noise", which is actually different from EVP, but eitehr way, its fugged up...


Some info...







(lots of examples)

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it's hard to make sense of evp. There's clearly something out there, and strange voice phenomenon has been proven in several controlled studies, but how can you draw a conclusion? that's the problem...some think it's random bits of conversation in the radio haze that gets distorted and bleeps in and out of reception...others think ghosts. Who knows. But pheomena sure are interesting.


check out the history channel tonight at midnight. Ever heard of the Dropa stones? Interesting stuff.

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it's hard to make sense of evp. There's clearly something out there, and strange voice phenomenon has been proven in several controlled studies, but how can you draw a conclusion? that's the problem...some think it's random bits of conversation in the radio haze that gets distorted and bleeps in and out of reception...others think ghosts. Who knows. But pheomena sure are interesting.


check out the history channel tonight at midnight. Ever heard of the Dropa stones? Interesting stuff.



Do I believe in ghosts? Im not really sure. I had an experience with a "psychic" 6 years ago that completed changed my outlook on it. It wasn't a paid reading, it happened to be my idtio friends and I decided to wander around on Halloween night when we were 18 and we heard that a girl we went to school with, he mom was "psychic"... well, we went to her house to inquire. Let's just say i will NEVER do anything like that again, and if you don't believe in that stuff, you won't believe my story, as i barely do, so I wont go into details. But this stuff DOES interest me. I guess because i always like to look for the reasonable explanation. . .

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I used to work with a woman who was a practicing "witch". I sincerely believe she was responsible for breaking a string of horrific bad luck I was having.


It started when my brother, who was in high school at the time, made me a present in art class. He was into sculpture and made me something that looked like an indian totem mask. It was black and grey and really kinda strange looking but hell, it was a present. So he gives it to me and I take it home. For some reason I kept it in my dresser drawer because I wasn't eager to hand it up, it really gave me a creepy feeling. Over time, I started to feel bad and hung it on my wall in my apartment. For the next six months I had a string of luck that was just horrific. I had all sorts of weird, unexplained and strange illnesses, my car engine exploded, I broke my ankle and on and on. It really felt like I was cursed and my friends even started to make jokes about it. At the time I didn't pay attention to it, but every time I would walk past my brother's "present" I would get kind of a creepy feeling.


On a whim one day I decided to take it into work and show it to my "witch" friend. She said she'd take it home and do her thing.


The next moring she comes into work and comes almost running into my office. She sits down next to me with a kinda frantic and semi-scared look and says "is your brother involved in the occult". I look at her like she's out of her mind. She then asks me "is there any reason your brother would want to hurt you"? Again, I'm thinking she's nuts. I asked her what she found an she said that my brother's little present is "consumed with negative energy". She described it as outright "EVIL". She told me that if it wasn't intentional, that my brother may have unknowingly tapped something as he was creating it. She said that young people sometimes have that ability.


I would normally have disregarded most of this if not for a discussion my brother and I had about a year ago. My brother told me of an bizzare experience he had when he and some friends we're goofing around with a ouiga (sp?) board. He discribed it as "scary as hell" but wouldn't say anything else.


So I ask my friend the witch "what the hell do I do"? She says "you have to let me destroy it". I said fine, she took it home and I never asked her what happened and she never mentioned it.


About a week later, I met the woman who is sitting next to me, my wife of 10 years :devil:


I'll just say that from that personal experience I have learned that there are things we just can't rationally explain.

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Not that I don't enjoy horror movies, and this sounds like it could be a good one, or that I believe/don't believe in ghosts, because I really don't know, but having listened to some white noise in my time, I can say there are no voices there - it's in your head.


If someone has a cut of white noise they believe has a voice on it, and they tell you "I think I hear this guy say 'mommy may I dogface the banana patch please' - take a listen" - I predict that's exactly what you're going to hear, because your mind has been given a context, and it takes the easiest route. If they don't tell you what they think they hear before you listen, I can guarantee you will come up with something completely different.


With no facial expression and no context, your mind will make something up.


All the same, I think I'd like to see the movie.

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Not that I don't enjoy horror movies, and this sounds like it could be a good one, or that I believe/don't believe in ghosts, because I really don't know, but having listened to some white noise in my time, I can say there are no voices there - it's in your head.


If someone has a cut of white noise they believe has a voice on it, and they tell you "I think I hear this guy say 'mommy may I dogface the banana patch please' - take a listen" - I predict that's exactly what you're going to hear, because your mind has been given a context, and it takes the easiest route. If they don't tell you what they think they hear before you listen, I can guarantee you will come up with something completely different.


With no facial expression and no context, your mind will make something up.


All the same, I think I'd like to see the movie.



I heard that same tape, and the guy clearly says "pommade maypole foglace the bandana hatch sneeze", not that tripe you uttered.



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Witchcraft does exist because the Bible mentions it and acknowledges it! Nuff said.


I have supposed "Christian" friends who don't believe in such practices but when questioned about their faith, they quickly shut up. They don't want to say the Bible is lying. Hehehehe.

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