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Yep, I realize he's deaf, just something about that team gets on my nerves.


I quickly re-watched the parts about the fanny pack. It seems they picked it up by accident, realized it wasn't theirs so they left it at the changing rooms. We'll probably hear more about it next week.


You mean how she's a bit helicopter-y and depends way too much on other teams to help them out?


OK. That's a big mitigation, but still deserves the penalty.


Another thing, as I haven't watched this series in a while either, the money situation really isn't discussed anymore. I guess that's all right tho. Don't really need to hear about budget stuff the whole time.


Yep, I realize he's deaf, just something about that team gets on my nerves.


I quickly re-watched the parts about the fanny pack. It seems they picked it up by accident, realized it wasn't theirs so they left it at the changing rooms. We'll probably hear more about it next week.

Same here. I think the mom annoys me. She always seems to have to team up with some other team or teams. Just don't like her.


I like Mike White and his dad, but for fux sake, why does every frickin leg of the race have to end up with them bawling like babies and having to pull dad from the challenge so he doesn't kill himself? If he's that unstable health wise, maybe he should have maybe considered NOT going on a race around the world? It was touching the first time they ever became emotional, but my gosh, after the fourth and fifth time it just sort of loses its effect. And what's with that half-assed effort when looking for the frog?? They were both just walking around reaching down into the mud trying to find it. The teams that found it quickly got their asses FULLY down in the mud crawling around trying to find it with some urgency. If at least one of them would have done that, chances are they wouldn't have needed to get evaluated by the medical staff.


Anyhoo...Japan is one of my favorite stops on the race. This is the third or fourth time I've seen a race where Japan was a part of the race and it's been a fun leg each time. Such a rich culture with people who seem very approachable and fun. If they would just stop murdering dolphins, I could really get behind that country. (okay, sorry for the political anecdote there....just really enrages me)


I was really surprised to see the red head(s) mocking the Japanese gentleman for saying "hummm....hummm over and over". Usually they're very respectful and tolerant of people in their home countries. Seems like they were right...would have been much more reasonable to just ignore the fact that someone just drove by too close to my vehicle and knocked off my mirror....no big deal. That guy was nothing but a drama queen. Apparently he didn't realize these were real live NFL cheerleaders. Maybe he'll think twice the next time.


For me last night's show was great because they were in places I have been. I have visited the Shrine and the Giant Bhudda (surprised they didn't show it) at Kamakura and have taught classes at the Japanese Navy Base in Yokosuka.


I like Mike White and his dad, but for fux sake, why does every frickin leg of the race have to end up with them bawling like babies and having to pull dad from the challenge so he doesn't kill himself? If he's that unstable health wise, maybe he should have maybe considered NOT going on a race around the world? It was touching the first time they ever became emotional, but my gosh, after the fourth and fifth time it just sort of loses its effect. And what's with that half-assed effort when looking for the frog?? They were both just walking around reaching down into the mud trying to find it. The teams that found it quickly got their asses FULLY down in the mud crawling around trying to find it with some urgency. If at least one of them would have done that, chances are they wouldn't have needed to get evaluated by the medical staff.


Anyhoo...Japan is one of my favorite stops on the race. This is the third or fourth time I've seen a race where Japan was a part of the race and it's been a fun leg each time. Such a rich culture with people who seem very approachable and fun. If they would just stop murdering dolphins, I could really get behind that country. (okay, sorry for the political anecdote there....just really enrages me)


I was really surprised to see the red head(s) mocking the Japanese gentleman for saying "hummm....hummm over and over". Usually they're very respectful and tolerant of people in their home countries. Seems like they were right...would have been much more reasonable to just ignore the fact that someone just drove by too close to my vehicle and knocked off my mirror....no big deal. That guy was nothing but a drama queen. Apparently he didn't realize these were real live NFL cheerleaders. Maybe he'll think twice the next time.


I think the thing that puzzled me most about Mike was how he perpetually looked like he'd just woken up from a 3-hour nap after being 48 hours awake --- seriously puffy eyes, wild bedhead and someone who's genuinely kind but may just snap due to lack of REM sleep. I've proudly never watched AI, but he's like a clone of a less-vocally talented Clay Aiken. And he could get a sunburn by sitting too close to one of those new compact fluorescent light bulbs, never mind OZ. He did have a good sense that they needed to quit. (They didn't show it... did they find a frog or did the crew just tell them where the last stop was as an act of mercy?


When Jamie said, "Is there anything I can do for you [so you don't call the police]?" Unclean thoughts!


If they would just stop murdering dolphins, I could really get behind that country. (okay, sorry for the political anecdote there....just really enrages me


I'm sorry, you're going to have to turn in your Buffalo Bills fan card. We like murdering Dolphins here


I was really surprised to see the red head(s) mocking the Japanese gentleman for saying "hummm....hummm over and over"..

I didn't get the feeling that they were mocking him -- they just couldn't communicate with him, and all he was saying on the phone was umm, ummm, so they were getting frustrated.


I think the thing that puzzled me most about Mike was how he perpetually looked like he'd just woken up from a 3-hour nap after being 48 hours awake --- seriously puffy eyes, wild bedhead and someone who's genuinely kind but may just snap due to lack of REM sleep. I've proudly never watched AI, but he's like a clone of a less-vocally talented Clay Aiken. And he could get a sunburn by sitting too close to one of those new compact fluorescent light bulbs, never mind OZ. He did have a good sense that they needed to quit. (They didn't show it... did they find a frog or did the crew just tell them where the last stop was as an act of mercy?


When Jamie said, "Is there anything I can do for you [so you don't call the police]?" Unclean thoughts!


Since you're a movie guy like me, allow me to make a recommendation. Mike White is actually a very talented actor, and he's capable of being very effective. Here's one to add to your list: Chuck and Buck.


Not sure about the frog thing....in the past, whenever someone failed to completed a challenge, Phil and co went to where they were to give them the news.


Not sure about the frog thing....in the past, whenever someone failed to completed a challenge, Phil and co went to where they were to give them the news.

I wondered about that also. I'm thinking is once the cheerleaders checked in they told Mike and Mel to go to the checkin rather than finish out the task.


Since you're a movie guy like me, allow me to make a recommendation. Mike White is actually a very talented actor, and he's capable of being very effective. Here's one to add to your list: Chuck and Buck.


Not sure about the frog thing....in the past, whenever someone failed to completed a challenge, Phil and co went to where they were to give them the news.

I can't say much about Chuck and Buck as have yet to view it but White was God awful in Gentleman Broncos. I realize the movie was in the same vein of Napolean Dynamite but words can't explain how bad that film was. In terms of the Race, I think White just bowed out gracefully as knew they weren't going to or didn't care to win so he purposely let the cheerleaders pass them. Also it was a shame the cheerleaders arrived at the frog search area in the dark as it would have been more fun seeing them play in the mud during with better lighting.


Since you're a movie guy like me, allow me to make a recommendation. Mike White is actually a very talented actor, and he's capable of being very effective. Here's one to add to your list: Chuck and Buck.


Not sure about the frog thing....in the past, whenever someone failed to completed a challenge, Phil and co went to where they were to give them the news.


Oh. I didn't know he was a celebrity besides "Amazing Race." Or that his father has such a... uh... history. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I don't know about that movie. Sophomoric comedy ain't really my thing.


I wondered about that also. I'm thinking is once the cheerleaders checked in they told Mike and Mel to go to the checkin rather than finish out the task.


Yeah, that's probably it. It would be downright inhumane to make them go back out there. They looked hypothermic in the ambulance. And I think that's the moment when you know this chapter in your is over. No shame in it.


It seems like there is one team each season that loses their fannypack. I would think this being their second race, teams would keep better track of it.


1) Christina's father is such an ass. If he's not yelling and complaining, he's spilling his belongings like a buffoon or just not thinking (tonight, he was thinking... with his stomach). At the outset, Christina said that since she's getting married, this would probably be the last time she spends so much time with her father. He's certainly not treating it like that. The Globetrotters saved their asses. Probably as a make-up for the pack incident (was anything further said about the penalty?). I would've thought their fluency in the language would have given them an advantage, but I would've thought wrong.


2) I know it may not be PC, and that 'normal' people have done the same or worse, but we saw the biggest drawback to racing with a slightly autistic individual. I missed the first ~15 minutes, but weren't Zev and Justin in the top few coming out of Japan?


3) Kent and Vixen. What more can I say? Gotta make sure you've got all your sh-- with you... especially the pack that has your passports and money. How the Christ do you take that off of your person or let it out of your sight? It's not that I have anything against people girls who dye their hair weird colors --- in fact, that was 90 percent of the reason anyone ever watched Alias --- but I'd like Ken's guyliner off of my teevee screen. Now. I'm not saying he's a horrible person, and nonconformity isn't bad, but come on!


4) So, for all the conspiracy theorists, we have the second we're-not-done-racing-yet faux pit stop. It saved the cowboys last time. I don't see how in the world it can help Kent and Vixen now.


Vixxen is a major fuktard. How many times is she gonna completely freak about something ridiculous? Her entire cerebral cortex shuts down and she's just plan pathetic when that happens. GET A GRIP ALREADY! Some of the challenges are hard and for different reasons...just take it one step at a time and you'll get through it. But when you have a meltdown to the point where you can't even read a compass for an entire HOUR, thus completely screwing ur team, then it's time for therapy.


I think China may be the most geographically beautiful country on earth. Every time I see sights like what they showed tonight, it is just humbling. I still remember last season when they showed so many images of Beijing. I was shocked at how modernized and technologically advanced this city has become, in addition to its pure immensity. It's too bad I have so many issues with other aspects of China, because I'm naturally drawn to such rich and ancient cultures. China is truly a marvel.


Christina's dad is ridiculous. This guy is a grown man, yet he's ranting and raving like a total lunatic, raging at people for no reason, throwing things at moving vehicles...ridiculous. As we discussed earlier in the thread, Christina is a very level-headed and attractive young woman...I wish her much happiness in her marriage. (Didn't they say she was marrying one of the guys who was racing during the same season?)


I laughed when the clue talked about hammering out the "molten candy", and the first thing that dumbass ginger did was stick her hand in the mixture..."oh wait, I think it's burning me..." REALLY??? :rolleyes:


I love this show :thumbsup:


I laughed when the clue talked about hammering out the "molten candy", and the first thing that dumbass ginger did was stick her hand in the mixture..."oh wait, I think it's burning me..." REALLY??? :rolleyes:


I love this show :thumbsup:


Agreed - this show is one of my favorites - I look forward to watching it every week.


Few things are worse than getting burning sugar on your skin - it's like napalm - just burns and you cannot get it off - just sticks and keeps on burning. Ever grab a Pop Tart out of the toaster and get one of those sugar springles on your finger - it burns down to the bone before you can get it off!


Vixxen is a major fuktard. How many times is she gonna completely freak about something ridiculous? Her entire cerebral cortex shuts down and she's just plan pathetic when that happens. GET A GRIP ALREADY! Some of the challenges are hard and for different reasons...just take it one step at a time and you'll get through it. But when you have a meltdown to the point where you can't even read a compass for an entire HOUR, thus completely screwing ur team, then it's time for therapy.


I think China may be the most geographically beautiful country on earth. Every time I see sights like what they showed tonight, it is just humbling. I still remember last season when they showed so many images of Beijing. I was shocked at how modernized and technologically advanced this city has become, in addition to its pure immensity. It's too bad I have so many issues with other aspects of China, because I'm naturally drawn to such rich and ancient cultures. China is truly a marvel.


Christina's dad is ridiculous. This guy is a grown man, yet he's ranting and raving like a total lunatic, raging at people for no reason, throwing things at moving vehicles...ridiculous. As we discussed earlier in the thread, Christina is a very level-headed and attractive young woman...I wish her much happiness in her marriage. (Didn't they say she was marrying one of the guys who was racing during the same season?)


I laughed when the clue talked about hammering out the "molten candy", and the first thing that dumbass ginger did was stick her hand in the mixture..."oh wait, I think it's burning me..." REALLY??? :rolleyes:


I love this show :thumbsup:

I went to Shanghai on business over 10 years ago. Maybe it's changed since then, but even though parts were pretty, the smell of kimchee (or whatever it was) filled the air pretty much everywhere. :sick: You won't pick that up on TV.


I was hoping Zev-tard & his boyfriend would get the boot, too bad. Those 2 & the Globetrotters are my least favorites this year.


I went to Shanghai on business over 10 years ago. Maybe it's changed since then, but even though parts were pretty, the smell of kimchee (or whatever it was) filled the air pretty much everywhere. :sick: You won't pick that up on TV.


I was hoping Zev-tard & his boyfriend would get the boot, too bad. Those 2 & the Globetrotters are my least favorites this year.

The Chinese chick and her pop are driving me nuts!


Agreed - this show is one of my favorites - I look forward to watching it every week.


Few things are worse than getting burning sugar on your skin - it's like napalm - just burns and you cannot get it off - just sticks and keeps on burning. Ever grab a Pop Tart out of the toaster and get one of those sugar springles on your finger - it burns down to the bone before you can get it off!


Oh, I have no doubt it burned like hell! I wasn't being critical of her reaction to the burn, but to the decision to touch it with her hand to begin with lol. They take it out of the cooker thing right in front of you and the clue had the word "molten" right on it.


I went to Shanghai on business over 10 years ago. Maybe it's changed since then, but even though parts were pretty, the smell of kimchee (or whatever it was) filled the air pretty much everywhere. :sick: You won't pick that up on TV.


I was hoping Zev-tard & his boyfriend would get the boot, too bad. Those 2 & the Globetrotters are my least favorites this year.


What is kimchee? Do I want to know? lol



What is kimchee? Do I want to know? lol

kimchee is a sourkraut type dish served in asian countries, most notably in korea, where the spiced cabbage is traditionally placed in a pot dug into the ground and allowed to ferment.

as strange as that might sound, kimchee is quite tasty.

it's one of my wife and my favorite side dishes when we hit the Korean Grillhouse in Toronto at least once a year.


it's a little spicy and pickly, but very good.



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