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Stadium Rankings


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I live in STL and the Rams stadium is just terrible.



Ive been to:


St. Louis Edward Jones Dome - By far the worst ive been to


Kansas City Arrowhead - This is an awesome football experience.. would rate high on my list.


Miami (landshark stadium at the time)- Was ok.. Sucked it was 95 degrees when I went. Otherwise nice stadium.


The Ralph - Nice stadium.. the best tailgating, KC is pretty close.

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one of the worst experiences of my life was during the San Diego game a few years ago, the power went out when I was in the bathroom. Disgusting, dank trough-bathroom... cave like with no natural light and overpacked with a hundred drunk dudes.



My sympthies are with you on that one. I walked into the stadium and by one of the bathrooms - that's when I knew something was wrong, very wrong.

Otherwise, it was a heck of a game. Probably the last good (great?) Bills game. The place was rockin'.

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So Qualcomm isn't good huh? Our options are limited this year because we have been to KC and ATL. We were either thinking of San Diego or Carolina this year. Have to get to all stadiums some how....



Carolina is nice from the outside, average inside. Plenty of beer stands inside. No much of an NFL feel in my opinion.

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I've been to the following and here is my dime's worth of wisdom:


1. Lambeau - great seating everywhere, except downwind in winter.

2. Arrowhead - loud, and a rocking good time. Pretty nice seats, easy access and good tailgating

3. Old mile high before the renovations - great seats and they had seat warmers in winter. (back in 79).

4. Soldier Field - nice seats, resonable prices for a big city, good food and lots of urinals.

5. RWS - Would rate higher, but lack of latrine space is difficult when waiting with a full bladder.




1. Mall of America field (formally the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome). Terrible seating, expensive beer and nasty fans. When the Bills played there a few years ago, we were constantly pelted with full beer bottles.

2. LA Coliseum (when Oakland played there). Place was a real shithole of the first magnitude. Limited parking, and even fewer rest rooms.

3. Browns stadium - crappy seats, and loud obnoxious fans. The place smelled like stale urine, even in the good seats.

4. The old Joe Robbie stadium- even worse than Cleveland and that is saying a lot.

5. Everbank Field (formally Alltel) in Jacksonville. I would be embarassed to be a van in an empty stadium. The place ain't so bad, but the fans never show up. What gives?

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Can’t take this article serious, anyone read his comment at the bottom of the posting about the Ralph. “This is how football should be played (unless it’s the Super Bowl, in which case it should be in Miami, Southern California, Phoenix or New Orleans).”

What a p*ssy! Ya the super bowl needs to be played down South only, what a jerk! Football & the S.B. should be played in all weather. It's clowns like this that ruine football!

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Wow I guess the Browns stadium is pretty bad huh? And I wonder why Jacksonville can't fill a stadium, think it's because of all the snowbirds that live there?


PHF- Glad to hear you liked Lambeau.

Agreed that the Metrodome is z crap hole. Worst place I have ever been to watch a football game and it's NOT because it's the Vikings.

I want to go back to Arrowhead and we play there again this year but we have to get working on seeing all the stadiums.

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Can’t take this article serious, anyone read his comment at the bottom of the posting about the Ralph. “This is how football should be played (unless it’s the Super Bowl, in which case it should be in Miami, Southern California, Phoenix or New Orleans).”

What a p*ssy! Ya the super bowl needs to be played down South only, what a jerk! Football & the S.B. should be played in all weather. It's clowns like this that ruine football!

I think he says that not just because of the weather (which is a valid reason in and of itself in my opinion, I certainly don't want to watch a SB played in a blizzard), but because of the city as well. The SB "event" is far far bigger than just the game itself with people flying in to party all week and go to the game almost as an afterthought. Buffalo and most other small markets have little to offer to make a great "event" as compared to those other venues.

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I have been to quite a few stadiums. I have been to Tampa, Carolina, Dallas(their old stadium), Lambeau, Meadowlands(the old one), Heinz, Jacksonville, Miami, Detroit, Arrowhead.


I would rate lambeau number one & Arrowhead probably number #2 but I would take the Ralph over any of the other stadiums. I realize the Ralph is outdated & kinda a dump but I feel like it is our dump. I am there to watch a football game, not order an expresso or some IPA brew that you can not get anywhere else. A bud will do just fine for me. Their is alot of wear and tear on the stadium parking lot(really guy you could repave any year now) but what makes it awesome is the lot is so conducive to tailgating. The lots are huge & open. Your not parking under a viaduct or overlooking a thruway. I read a report one time on the Ralph & the author summed up the gameday experience perfectly. He said "it is like a high school football game on steroids". Fans are for the most part friendly(at least from my experience) & always willing to invite you in on their tailgate. I have heard people complain about getting in & out of the stadium which I do not understand either. We have no trouble getting in(we usually get there at 8am though) but getting out you just got to know a few tricks. We park in lot 5 & just park on the inside of the lot. Once you get onto the main strip to get in & get on Southwestern we are home in 15 minutes. I am sure every stadium has certain tips & tricks & if you know them it will make your commute alot less time.


As far as the in game atmosphere. I have had seasons for 12 years now & have noticed a difference over the years. It is a little more nastier, a little more drunk & aggressive. I think partly to blame is the byproduct on the field though. If they ever get good again, I think you will see the gameday festivities more about the game & less about getting drunk in the parking lot. Overall I like the Ralph though & I will be sad to see it go when the time comes.

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In addition to Rich/Ralph, I've been to Giants, Lincoln Financial, and M&T Bank/PSI. They all good and serve their purpose.

I love Rich because:

1. Its the home team.

2. Nobody, nobody else has troughs in the bathroom.


Enough said.

They got rid of the troughs and put in real urinals, at least in the bathroom that I used this past year.

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