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Bills Cut Marcus Stroud


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Semantics...McCargo's contract is up after the new NFL year starts (whenever that may be) so you can't really cut him.

I wasn't even thinking about that. Yea, holding him til march lines up for potentially a comp pick down the line if we have more expiring contracts then incoming FA. Releasing him would be a shot in the foot for no reason.

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I just got the text from the Bills. I cant say im too suprised, he was pretty bad last year.


That leaves us with Williams, Troup, Carrington, and Edwards (and Spencer Johnson I guess.). Hopefully we bail on Kelsay too and use those money allocated to those two guys and poney up for Sioli. The we are a top draft pick away from a very stout DL.


DE: Williams/Carrington


NG: Sioli/Troupe/Williams(pass rusing NG)


DE: 1st Round pick/Edwards.

that all works EXCEPT you forgot Kelsay who is capable at his natural position of DE.


We don't need to use our #1 pick on the DLine ... no way, no how.

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Good point. Why are McCargo and Maybin still on the roster after a move like this?



Every time there is a thread, or the topic of "biggest busts" in Bills draft history, I always say it was McCargo.


He was a first round draft pick we traded up to acquire, has been on the roster for 6 seasons, and has contirbuted absolutely nothing, ever...I would hazard to guess that he has been scratched from the lineup on game day, more often than he has dressed for games. We couldn't get rid of him in a trade...he was such a bad pick, his name never comes up in these discussions (like Mike Williams who actually started some games, and wasn't nearly as awful as some made him out to be...) because he is beyond irrelevant with the Bills.


It is almost like McCargo is so irrelevant, the Bills never cut him, because they forget he is even on the roster...his continued career in a Bills uniform (about 3 years longer than it should be), while guys who at least have shown some promise (like Chris Ellis, for example) are shown the door, is one of the biggest Bills mysteries to me, over the last few years...Maybin is only a second year player, who missed a significant part of his rookie season, because of a late start. I don't expect, barring a miracle, that he will be on the 2011 team (assuming there is one), but I think 3 seasons is a good time to judge a first round pick. Maybins time is runnning out... McCargos time ran out years ago...someone should tell the boss!

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that all works EXCEPT you forgot Kelsay who is capable at his natural position of DE.


We don't need to use our #1 pick on the DLine ... no way, no how.


He is not a 34 end in any way shape or form. It is not his natural position in this defense.

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per roto:

.The move was not unexpected. The Stroud trade three years ago was a bad idea and the subsequent $20.5 million extension was even more ill-conceived. Stroud was due $4.5 million in 2011 on the heels of two straight years of poor run defense. The 32-year-old is not an ideal fit in the Bills' 3-4 scheme, and the team wanted to open up playing time for promising second-year end Alex Carrington. Expect Stroud to draw a look from 4-3 teams this offseason. Feb 16, 11:51:00 AM

I think that sums it up pretty well. I can't wait to see Carrington on a full-time basis.

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I'd say I'm surprised by the timing, but only marginally. Gives him a couple weeks to try and grab a team, pre lockout. Good courtesy move. I couldn't see a way he was here next year. Literally saw zero projections of our dline that included him - spoke volumes.


You could spin it that way, or you could spin it.... that as there was no cap this season, there is no cap penalty for cutting him, where as there will likely be a penalty once a CBA is agreed upon. So cutting him now saves the Bills valuable cap space. As if they were going to use that cap space....


that all works EXCEPT you forgot Kelsay who is capable at his natural position of DE.


We don't need to use our #1 pick on the DLine ... no way, no how.


He is not a 34 end in any way shape or form. It is not his natural position in this defense.


If we are going to the 34 Kelsay has no role anywhere. Heck, he barely ahs one in a 4-3. We should ditch that bum while the timing is right - see above.

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Fairey? I'd like to see you call him that to his face. :nana:

Wow that is a major typo! :oops:

I would never say that to his face. I probably couldn't run away either. In a 10 yard stretch he'd catch me. Playing dead would probably be the best strategy in that case.

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Not a fan of this move. Stroud is still a serviceable player. Why not cut Kelsay?? Seriously, how bad does this guy have to be before they open their eyes? Contrarily, it seems like the worse he plays, the more money he makes.


Cause they play completely different positions. This isnt JUST about production. And Kelsay had a very good second half of the season once they scrapped the idea of him playing OLB.

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Well, it looks like the Bills will be looking for a 3-4 DE. Dwan Edwards was the only one we had last year and he got hurt. This also indicates that the team is not going to go back to a 4-3. I really think that the defensive line is going to be the primary focus of this draft.

plus the fact Nix and Gailey have said they aren't.

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You could spin it that way, or you could spin it.... that as there was no cap this season, there is no cap penalty for cutting him, where as there will likely be a penalty once a CBA is agreed upon. So cutting him now saves the Bills valuable cap space. As if they were going to use that cap space....






If we are going to the 34 Kelsay has no role anywhere. Heck, he barely ahs one in a 4-3. We should ditch that bum while the timing is right - see above.


Don't quote me on this, but wouldn't his cut hit next year? I know march is the league year and all but I could swear that it goes next year on a cut like this, this time of year. Don't have any backup on that though, just something I feel like I vaguely remember.

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This is pretty shocking to me. While Stroud is definitely past his peak, but he is still valuable to this team's D-line. He is a guy that we absolutely need as a rotational player. I wonder what is behind this move. Faith in the young guys? Plans to draft D-line early and often? Speculation that there may indeed not be a season next year, therefore Stroud will be to old?

$$$$$$-about 4.5 million dollars is behind it. He hasn't been great, but doesn' it just create another hole on a swiss cheese of a defense?

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With early first and second and third round picks and this years bumper crop of Defensive Linemen, the Bill's are chomping at the bit to beef up the DL. Not that all 3 will be DL but, they will certainly be strong considerations for each of those rounds. And yes, doubly so in the first round.

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