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John Vogel & Jerry Sullivan VS Ryan Miller


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Brad Riter at WECK posted this...apparently Ryan Miller got into a bit of a war of words today,with a couple of Buffalo area reporters (John Vogel & Jerry Sullivan) after Millers (bad) performance against the Islanders...




I know this is Sabres stuff, but given how many people here seem to loath Sullivan, I figured there was some interest...

Edited by Buftex
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It is amazing how these journalists can treat players like such crap and get away with it. Sure, Ryan had a bad game, but he is the lynch pin in our team. Of course, it does not make it untouchable but out of respect don't bury the guy right after such a hard loss.


To relate it to the Bills, I cannot think of many reporters who questioned Jimbo after throwing half a dozen INT's in a game and got away with it. My favorite moment of the wrath of Jim was after he threw an INT and went and broke the guys leg on a tackle. It is a great memory, I was at the game!

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Miller needs a break. We need to get a decent backup goalie who we can start once every couple of weeks and not have it be a guaranteed loss.


Miller HAS played like crap this year, but the dude is overworked big time.


I 100% agree...if I have one real gripe with Lindy, it is not realizing that Ryan Miller just can't log the amount of time he does every year, without having, at the very least, very down stretches...when he is good, he is very good...they just have never had any real luck in finding a great back-up goaltender. I don't know exactly what the issue is...but this has been a problem for a few years now. Miller just seems, IMO, to have lapses where he just freezes, or something...I don't know if they keep stats on this (or where to find them), but I would bet that he is amongst the top few, if not at the top, for giving up goals in the final minute of a period...his shut-out total should be much higher than it is.


What is strange, he looked really bad giving up the game winner yesterday...granted the situation should have never occurred. But, just 3 years ago, Miller was terrific in one on one situations, now, he pretty much gets burned every time...he just stiffens up, it looks like he just stiffens up...


I will admit, this is the first year in some time, I have not purchased the Center Ice package, so I am at the mercy of homeland security and VS to catch the games. But, from what I saw, it seemed like Enroth played decently earlier in the season...why not give him a little more playing time...if this team does make the playoffs (and I think they will) I would hate to see them bounced because of a tired goalie...we saw that last season.

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But, from what I saw, it seemed like Enroth played decently earlier in the season...why not give him a little more playing time...if this team does make the playoffs (and I think they will) I would hate to see them bounced because of a tired goalie...we saw that last season.

That's just why Enroth is still in Portland and not up in Buffalo - to get as much playing time as possible. But at this point I agree that we need some quality starts from someone other than Miller, and Lalime seems incapable of doing that. Like Rivet he's here for "leadership" only. Might as well throw Neidermeyer in that group as well, but he's still getting ice time for some reason.

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That's just why Enroth is still in Portland and not up in Buffalo - to get as much playing time as possible. But at this point I agree that we need some quality starts from someone other than Miller, and Lalime seems incapable of doing that. Like Rivet he's here for "leadership" only. Might as well throw Neidermeyer in that group as well, but he's still getting ice time for some reason.


There are only 2 things that will cause some quality playing time for another goalie:

1. a new head coach

2. an injury to Miller

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I'm sure that Sullivan is a wonderful, cheery person in "real life", but as a media member, he's always been a POS. Completely unprofessional behavior on his part. He was fishing for column fodder (maybe he had run out of things/people to whine about?), and he got it.


Miller, on his worst day, is 1000x better than Sullivan is at his job, on his best day.

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I don't really see anything wrong with this column. I realize, if anyone deserves a "pass" in the Sabres organization, it is Miller. But, I think Miller kind of provoked the reaction. From what I understand, he isn't even obligated by the NHL, to talk to reporters after the games. Most Sabres don't...Miller chose to...if he was in a foul mood (and he should have been, it is understandable) he should have just stayed away.


The question he seemed to take so much offense with was "is everything OK with you?"...I took it as a sympathetic question, like, "Jeez, you are playing an awful lot of hockey right now, is it taking a toll on you?" Miller just got real defensive. I don't think Vogel, Sullivan, or anyone else was/is trying to blame Miller. Truth is, though, it is hard to watch him, and not come to the conclusion that he seems fatigued or "unfocused" at times. People always rip on the sports media, in small towns like Buffalo especially, for being too soft...so, when a reporter, like Sullivan in his "response", gives the local heroes some heat, they are being a-holes? Which is it going to be?


I think Miller has been a stand-up guy, a quality most of his teammates have lacked for years. As Sullivan points out, the organization seems to have failed him, by not finding a back-up goaltender that the coach feels comfortable with. Llame is clearly not that guy. Bring Enroth up...give Miller a break...live with the kids, die with the kids...the expectations are pretty low for this season.

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I think Miller has been a stand-up guy, a quality most of his teammates have lacked for years. As Sullivan points out, the organization seems to have failed him, by not finding a back-up goaltender that the coach feels comfortable with. Llame is clearly not that guy. Bring Enroth up...give Miller a break...live with the kids, die with the kids...the expectations are pretty low for this season.


Look at the stats over Ruff's time here. There's only one single occasion that wasn't brought on by injury where a backup goalie got significant playing time. Even if a 30 year old Hasek was Miller's backup today, he wouldn't be playing.

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Look at the stats over Ruff's time here. There's only one single occasion that wasn't brought on by injury where a backup goalie got significant playing time. Even if a 30 year old Hasek was Miller's backup today, he wouldn't be playing.



Sounds like Hasek still has something in the tank, in his late 40's...I hear he is tearing it up in his pro-league in Europe...why not give him a looksee? :rolleyes:

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