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The Bills cannot compete with this


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This is exactly why people who think NCAA athletes should be paid are wrong. They are treated like royalty, get to curtail so many college norms, and still make money from boosters.


Anyone here ever go on a recruitment tour of a college?

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This is exactly why people who think NCAA athletes should be paid are wrong. They are treated like royalty, get to curtail so many college norms, and still make money from boosters.


Anyone here ever go on a recruitment tour of a college?



yes i did, for track in the early 2000's, being from a dirt poor family and mostly being marginal talent forced to me go DIII in track as I wouldn't have been able to afford what the scholarship wouldn't cover (most NCAA D-1 sports offer partial scholarships). The facilities are much nicer than high school facilities and some of the visits you get to see the craziest sides of college. That said, even as a D-III athlete, I gave up 4 hours/day minimum for working out. Now I know my D-III school didn't make squat off of me, but had I run at a D-I school where the athletics program generates a ton, I'd be disappointed that I was getting no extra compensation beyond a partial scholarship (for track girls have 18 scholarships, guys have 12. Thanks misinterpretation of title 9).


For football, the program makes a minimum of $100,000/year (poorest program) per player in revenue with the richest programs earning close to $1million/player and depending on the school the kid gets $20-50k in scholarship $. So i think that you can justify paying the players something more as it essentially slave labor otherwise. These kids give up 40 hours/week in labor and may earn $20/hour while generating millions for a university. That seems unfair at the least.

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This is exactly why people who think NCAA athletes should be paid are wrong. They are treated like royalty, get to curtail so many college norms, and still make money from boosters.


Anyone here ever go on a recruitment tour of a college?


Perhaps. But this also shows just how much money the schools are making off the football programs. There is no way that they think this will LOSE theam any money. I think guys would still rather get paid (legally), I don't that suddenly no one leaves Tennesee early (oh, I just want to stay here in this beautiful facility, keep your hundreds of thousands of dollars").


NCAA Regulations, what a joke!

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"A multi-level thunderdome of power"


Welcome to the SEC!


That is pretty sweet and I think shows just how much money these schools are making off of football, and off of thes players. Yes, the athletes are already receiving a scholarship, and that's great. But modern programs demand that these kids are training and dedicating their lives to football year round. With so much money going around, I think the players should get something. Even if it's just a small amount of extra spending money, maybe they wont sell their jerseys and championship rings.

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This is exactly why people who think NCAA athletes should be paid are wrong. They are treated like royalty, get to curtail so many college norms, and still make money from boosters.


Anyone here ever go on a recruitment tour of a college?


Yup i went to a couple of big schools(granted not for football)for official visits. I went to one school that put together a womens team for the sole purpose of using it to recruit their mens program. Hell I live and train at an Olympic Training Center and have pretty nice facilities, alot of the same stuff, just not nearly that much space, or amount of it.

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This is exactly why people who think NCAA athletes should be paid are wrong. They are treated like royalty, get to curtail so many college norms, and still make money from boosters.


Anyone here ever go on a recruitment tour of a college?


I have.....went with my son on a recruitment trip to San Diego State.....and yeah.....they know how to sell their campus to the student athletes

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High tek is cool but nothing beats an old school dungeon with poweracks, barbells, dumbbells and strong man equipment. If you need a fancy place to train how dedicated are you? It's all about attitude, take no prisoners, compete at all costs mind set that makes great training and champions.

Try selling that idea to 17 year old kids. Unlike us, not many kids will feel that way. Some, but not many.

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High tek is cool but nothing beats an old school dungeon with poweracks, barbells, dumbbells and strong man equipment. If you need a fancy place to train how dedicated are you? It's all about attitude, take no prisoners, compete at all costs mind set that makes great training and champions.


Dude....be real. Selling a campus is all about the females that are strategically planted to make a 17 year olds head explode.

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I went to about a dozen diff schools for recruiting, among them DIII Bluffton with 3 other football players; for a school of about 1,200 players they know how to sell their program and had a lot of highlights. I toured some DII programs for football, but they were not quite the same.


The only D1 program I toured was the track program at Univ. of Toledo, for which I ran one semester. There was a major difference between how the football and basketball team was treated and how we were, needless to say it goes with the terriroty.


Also, I spent a lot of time at the Univ. of Iowa for wrestling camps and to tell you that any other school treats their wrestlers better is a lie. Those men were treated better then most football players I have seen, but, they were also treated much worse. Our practice regime consisted of their schedule and it was BRUTAL. It is not that enjoyable to spend 2 hours standing shoulder to shoulder with other men on the top level in a double burning sauna only to get out and be blasted by a shower that feels ice cold but is only moderately warm in reality.

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I just love how that press release starts with a paean to academic priorities, making it sound as though the decision to build a new academic building made this move necessary..... <_<

I don't understand what you mean.


As the UT-Knoxville campus continues to grow as a research and teaching institution, the need for academic space has become increasingly important. In an effort to address this issue, the University Master Plan has called for the antiquated Stokely Athletic Center (SAC) to be demolished in order to allow for an academic facility to be built in its place.

It is as clear as the nose on my face that the football program is making a sacrifice for academics.


BRAVO Vol Football, BRAVO. :worthy:

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