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National Anthem

Toledo Bill

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Why not a powerful instrumental, like the Ruskies always do it?

I've never heard a powerful instrumental of our national anthem. I've also never really liked the music it's set to, so maybe I'm biased, but I've always thought that other nations' anthems were far superior to ours, composition-wise.


For comparison, the

and The Star-Spangled Banner (both instrumentals).


And here's a version of the Soviet anthem sung by the Red Army Choir:

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She performed it decently, minus the lyric gaffe. I don't feel that she was embellishing for her own self aggrandizement, and believe that had the lyrics been correct, it would have gone down as a solid to strong performance.


People were looking for another Whitney moment, and it came up short. Aguilera is a top-notch singer though, anyone who can't recognize her talent (putting aside how you feel about her style/look/etc.), doesn't know music much.

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Anyone expecting anything less than a "Show of Scales" from X-tina was dreaming, or simply not familiar with her.


This is her shtick. She takes one note and turns it into 50 different notes. It sucks, and it's annoying, but that is what has made her a millionaire. She does this to show off, and because she thinks its what separates her from the pack and she thinks it's what her fans want to hear.


Its too bad, too. She has a very good and powerful voice and would probably be a very good performer of the anthem if she would just stick to the notes as they are written.

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As a matter of great timing, Daniel Tosh gave a 'Web Redemption" last week on Tosh.0 to the girl who forgot the lyrics in Portland before a TrailBlazers/Mavericks NBA Playoff game. (cannot link to it right now) As her redemption she sang the National Anthem at an Anaheim (Mighty) Ducks game. Daniel held up cue cards for the girl while she sang. I couldn't help but think of this bit after realizing Aguilera butchered the lyrics.

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Great post, LA. But remember, we post on a board full of guys who have never screwed up anything.


As for Aguilera, i give her credit for continuing to power through the song, when a lot of people would have simply stopped and completely lost it after the mistake.


It was a mistake, plain and simple. Those of you guys clamoring for getting rid of a "performance" anthem need to remember we'd have never had the Whitney anthem if that was the mantra.


Sorry... just because I want to hear it sung in the fashion in which I grew up with and one that our military subscribes to does not make me a guy that never screws up. And yes, I would like to see the "performance" part whittled down to where it shows some respect. Just my opinion... but you are awfully judgemental yourself.

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She performed it decently, minus the lyric gaffe. I don't feel that she was embellishing for her own self aggrandizement, and believe that had the lyrics been correct, it would have gone down as a solid to strong performance.


People were looking for another Whitney moment, and it came up short. Aguilera is a top-notch singer though, anyone who can't recognize her talent (putting aside how you feel about her style/look/etc.), doesn't know music much.

I can't excuse the lyric gaffe, so there's no way I could say she was even close to decent. She also tried to show her vocal range by changing the tone of certain notes within the song. Sorry, but it was just an overall bad performance.

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She performed it decently, minus the lyric gaffe. I don't feel that she was embellishing for her own self aggrandizement, and believe that had the lyrics been correct, it would have gone down as a solid to strong performance.


People were looking for another Whitney moment, and it came up short. Aguilera is a top-notch singer though, anyone who can't recognize her talent (putting aside how you feel about her style/look/etc.), doesn't know music much.


I didn't even catch the lyrics cause I was busy being upset about the performance.... I think my favorite touch was when she finished lines and then after a noticeable pause she would go back to the last word for another go around. Sometimes it wasn't even the end of lines.....

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The anthem was written to be a march. Not a pop song, not an opera, not something on the dumb show, American Idol, which draws record numbers of uneducated people. It is a march, not a song.


She was garbage. Whitney Houston was garbage- that is a fact. Anything else is an opinion and a wrong one at that.


Bring in a school band to do it right.

Edited by Adam
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I've never heard a powerful instrumental of our national anthem. I've also never really liked the music it's set to, so maybe I'm biased, but I've always thought that other nations' anthems were far superior to ours, composition-wise.


For comparison, the

and The Star-Spangled Banner (both instrumentals).


And here's a version of the Soviet anthem sung by the Red Army Choir:

How unique. A commie with a picture of a dude smoking a doobie in his avatar.

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My favorite anthem redition was listening to Roger (can't recal lthe last name Do'Chet maybe??) sing Oh Canada from up in the Forum in the late 70's early 80's. He'd do one verse in French too I recall. Actually from a pure song perspective I enjoy hearing Oh Canada better than the US Anthem.

Monsieur Roger Doucet

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The anthem was written to be a march. Not a pop song, not an opera, not something on the dumb show, American Idol, which draws record numbers of uneducated people. It is a march, not a song.


She was garbage. Whitney Houston was garbage- that is a fact. Anything else is an opinion and a wrong one at that.


Bring in a school band to do it right.

hmmm, I thought the tune was originally penned as a drinking song

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It is fine to use artistic expression when performing a song that gets sung literally millions of times a year. It is also possible to take this too far, but that is what artistry is all about. Her arrangement was fine and would have been considered good had she not blown the lines.


This whole, the anthem is a march and needs to be performed the way our military SUPPORT THE TROOPS stuff is bogus.


The contrasting styles and vocal deliveries/arrangements makes listening to our anthem before sporting events is a fun, American experience. There are good and bad renditions, but to enforce some sort of national mandated version is just shallow and makes you look strange.

Edited by akm0404
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It is fine to use artistic expression when performing a song that gets sung literally millions of times a year. It is also possible to take this too far, but that is what artistry is all about. Her arrangement was fine and would have been considered good had she not blown the lines.


This whole, the anthem is a march and needs to be performed the way our military SUPPORT THE TROOPS stuff is bogus.


The contrasting styles and vocal deliveries/arrangements makes listening to our anthem before sporting events is a fun, American experience. There are good and bad renditions, but to enforce some sort of national mandated version is just shallow and makes you look strange.

It is not meant to be fun. Not everything is designed to be entertaining.

Edited by Adam
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Sorry... just because I want to hear it sung in the fashion in which I grew up with and one that our military subscribes to does not make me a guy that never screws up. And yes, I would like to see the "performance" part whittled down to where it shows some respect. Just my opinion... but you are awfully judgemental yourself.


My favorite part of that song, which it is my all time favorite, is the ending land of the free and home of the brave. That is the only part of the song that really means anything. She did a great job. If you want to complain about something complain about most of the millionaires on the sideline acting like they could give a dam. That was way more disrespectful than that girl missing a few words.

Edited by SlamnSam
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