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Ok, seriously now...all jokes aside for a second...what the !@#$ is going on with all these crazy broads?! It's like every single day there's a new story. WTF?



Why would they assume that teenage boys would not talk about the situation? They are just setting themselves up for trouble.

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Why would they assume that teenage boys would not talk about the situation? They are just setting themselves up for trouble.


While I agree that the teachers are dumb for believing that the boys won't talk; who the hell are these boys that are talking? I would have kept my mouth shut and enjoyed.

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While I agree that the teachers are dumb for believing that the boys won't talk; who the hell are these boys that are talking? I would have kept my mouth shut and enjoyed.

I'm guessing it tends to play out the same way almost every time:


The kid starts getting heat for bad behavior, whether it's staying out late, partying, bad grades, etc... So the kid weighs his situation and decides to blab and play the Victim card. The kid is absolved of everything and the parents are all too happy to see it that way too since it confirms the preciousness of their precious one.

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I'm guessing it tends to play out the same way almost every time:


The kid starts getting heat for bad behavior, whether it's staying out late, partying, bad grades, etc... So the kid weighs his situation and decides to blab and play the Victim card. The kid is absolved of everything and the parents are all too happy to see it that way too since it confirms the preciousness of their precious one.


You're probably right, but man I would have put up with ANY punishment to have a scam like this going with one of these teachers. I even know which teacher I would have picked, my eighth grade German teacher. She wasn't that hot, but for some reason really did it for me. The things I did to her in my pubescent mind.

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You're probably right, but man I would have put up with ANY punishment to have a scam like this going with one of these teachers. I even know which teacher I would have picked, my eighth grade German teacher. She wasn't that hot, but for some reason really did it for me. The things I did to her in my pubescent mind.



C'mon at that age you probably only ruled out two or three of your teachers. Not saying you would have had them ranked in some sort of order. At that stage of life hormones would not have allowed your big brain to out-think your little brain if an opportunity presented itself.

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C'mon at that age you probably only ruled out two or three of your teachers. Not saying you would have had them ranked in some sort of order. At that stage of life hormones would not have allowed your big brain to out-think your little brain if an opportunity presented itself.



No not really. I had some real beasts for teachers. There were really only a handful that I really found attractive. I wasn't too picky either, they just were that terrible.

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Ok, seriously now...all jokes aside for a second...what the !@#$ is going on with all these crazy broads?! It's like every single day there's a new story. WTF?



In general, teachers are not known for their brains. College students who are education majors have an average SAT score entering college in the lowest 20 % among all students at their college. You can also factor in that most colleges that offer a major in Education are among the least selective (Buff State, Fredonia, Brockport, etc).


One of my daughters has always been a good writer. Now that she is twenty-five with a Masters in Education, and teaches high school English, she writes almost as well as William F. Buckley or Thomas Sowell. When she was a freshman in high school, her English teacher, who was also the “head of the English Department”, Told her she was a poor writer and sent home some papers with examples of “good” writing that she herself had written. I read these papers, and they were nothing but a bunch of Maya Angelouesque upchucking of her nonsensical “feelings”, yet full of bad spelling and serious grammatical errors (including “irregardless” and plenty of malapropisms). My daughter asked my to take a red pen to this teacher’s “body of work”, so she could take it back and show her. I was tempted, but I knew she would destroy my daughter for it.


Instead, my daughter sat down and penned her own Maya Angelouesque garbage (minus the spelling and grammatical errors), and turned it in as a joke. This “educator” thought her writing was wonderful and gave her an “A”


There is an old saying “Those who cannot DO-Teach….Those who cannot TEACH-teach gym”

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