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Do we really care if the Muslims take over Egypt?

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ROTFL, Ok before I accept the tittle of racist can someone explain to me what racism is because it does not seem to be based on race. Science makes no distinction, we are all Homo sapiens sapiens. Would calling me an anti-sapiens be more accurate or maybe anti-homo?


Racism is based on race. It is not based on SPECIES.

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OK, then define the scientific meaning of race.


Race is defined by sociology as either "A collection of people with distinct physical characteristics that are passed on through reproduction," or "A social status defined in terms of cultural beliefs about biological race".


There is no anthropological definition of race that I could find. Biology defines race very much more generically, as being populations of the same species with describable genetic differences (e.g. Botswana lions and N'gorogoro crater lions are observed to be different biological races, but of the same species).


Palestinians, as a race, are still homo sapiens as a species, like Jews. Even if the distinction of "race" were biological in that case, you couldn't reasonably say either was closer to a common ancestor such as Lucy, as the divergence would be more "lateral" than "vertical" (as can be demonstrated by methodologies such as anthropological linguistics - I don't know what languages Palestinians speak other than Arabic, but I'd bet they're closely related to Hebrew, which would put any divergence between the two races on the order of 5-10k years, which would make them far more related to each other than either would be to A.Africensis). And odds are it's a sociological, not biological, distinction anyway.

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Ok, Chicot you would be wrong in calling me a racist. I called Palestinians a hominid species outside of our genus. Fact is we are all related to the Australopithecus , we share a common ancestor. All I said was that Palestinians were MORE closely related to the Australopithecus then Jews, which is not inherently racist. I'm the one who should be offended here.

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Ok, Chicot you would be wrong in calling me a racist. I called Palestinians a hominid species outside of our genus. Fact is we are all related to the Australopithecus , we share a common ancestor. All I said was that Palestinians were MORE closely related to the Australopithecus then Jews, which is not inherently racist. I'm the one who should be offended here.


If you truly had some wierd and ignorant belief that Palestinians were more closely related to the Australopithecus than Jews then I apologize for mistaking your stupidity for racism. If, on the other hand, you were trying to imply that Palestinians are somehow less evolved than other humans then my original assertion stands and you are indeed a racist. You're the only one who knows for sure whether you deserve an apology or not.

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Ok, Chicot you would be wrong in calling me a racist. I called Palestinians a hominid species outside of our genus. Fact is we are all related to the Australopithecus , we share a common ancestor. All I said was that Palestinians were MORE closely related to the Australopithecus then Jews, which is not inherently racist. I'm the one who should be offended here.

Jeeeze you are a special kind of stupid

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If, on the other hand, you were trying to imply that Palestinians are somehow less evolved than other humans then my original assertion stands and you are indeed a racist. You're the only one who knows for sure whether you deserve an apology or not.

Ah ha! do they or do they not use coconut shell battery chargers, bamboo telescopes, bamboo xylophones, bamboo sewing machines, "electric" razor made from a clam shell, vibrating from a honey-bee inside, "automatic" windows and doors powered by monkeys on the outside, and cars made out of stone, wood, and animal skins powered by the passengers' feet. answer the question CHICOT!


Ah ha! do they or do they not use coconut shell battery chargers, bamboo telescopes, bamboo xylophones, bamboo sewing machines, "electric" razor made from a clam shell, vibrating from a honey-bee inside, "automatic" windows and doors powered by monkeys on the outside, and cars made out of stone, wood, and animal skins powered by the passengers' feet. answer the question CHICOT!

I thought so.

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Actually the people now known as Palestinians have been there as long as have the Jews. That they had not yet become muslims does not change the fact that the ancestors of the Palestinians were in fact there. The truly ironic thing is that genetically the Jews and Arabs are quite closely related - they just chose to have different imaginary friends. Regardless of how we got here, the fact is the Israelis are going nowhere and neither are the Palestinians. The status quo is untenable. It is in Israel's own best interest to come to an agreement now when it is in a position of strength rather than have one forced upon them when this is no longer the case.


Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese


Closer to cousins than brothers.

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My apologies. I never realised you were a racist. Sorry to keep you from your KKK meeting.



Says the guy defending the religion that believes infidels are to be killed.


If you truly had some wierd and ignorant belief that Palestinians were more closely related to the Australopithecus than Jews then I apologize for mistaking your stupidity for racism. If, on the other hand, you were trying to imply that Palestinians are somehow less evolved than other humans then my original assertion stands and you are indeed a racist. You're the only one who knows for sure whether you deserve an apology or not.



Says the guy defending the religion where all non beleivers are "lower" and dont have equal rights.

Edited by RkFast
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