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But milk has gone up 300% the last 10 years in some markets... NEWSFLASH: Milk prices have been low the last few years


For now it is double edged sword. How many farmers are willing to agree with you. Take a subsidy, play by the rules laid out.


Say they cut the susidies... Where is that extra milk going to end up if wasted?

What's all this got to do with a EPA mandate for a massive milk spill that will never happen?

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Posted (edited)

What's all this got to do with a EPA mandate for a massive milk spill that will never happen?


Not much. But I can make the argument that if they stop with the subsidies... Who will buy the surplus milk? Milk can't be stored like grain products, it is perishable. So, the farmers will have to cut their herd down... Yeah, like fat chance of that happening at first. Where are they going to dispose of the surplus milk if nobody is buying it? Flush it down the sewer (storm or sanitary?). I got the anwer to that: Where nobody sees you dump it! Don't think it doesn't happen with respect to all kinds of junk. I see fly dumping, true not milk... :lol: all the time. Guess what happens to that? It gets fly dumped again... :doh:


So think again about "massive milk spills that will never happen." :nana:


On that note... Where do they dispose of surplus milk? Is there a materials handling plan for that?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

Not much. But I can make the argument that if they stop with the subsidies... Who will buy the surplus milk? Milk can't be stored like grain products, it is perishable. So, the farmers will have to cut their herd down... Yeah, like fat chance of that happening at first. Where are they going to dispose of the surplus milk if nobody is buying it? Flush it down the sewer (storm or sanitary?). I got the anwer to that: Where nobody sees you dump it! Don't think it doesn't happen with respect to all kinds of junk. I see fly dumping, true not milk... :lol: all the time. Guess what happens to that? It gets fly dumped again... :doh:


So think again about "massive milk spills that will never happen." :nana:


On that note... Where do they dispose of surplus milk? Is there a materials handling plan for that?


Absolutely. It's called the free market forces. If subsidies aren't paid to artificially inflate the price of goods - the producers will not produce them. Those pretty little bovines will be turned into hamburger in short order. The market make corrections like this naturally.

Posted (edited)

Absolutely. It's called the free market forces. If subsidies aren't paid to artificially inflate the price of goods - the producers will not produce them. Those pretty little bovines will be turned into hamburger in short order. The market make corrections like this naturally.


Yet, in the meantime... Before those market forces can get the farmers to diminish their herds... Where does the surplus milk get spilled? Then without subsidies, since milk is perishable where does the milk end up when mistakes are made with regard to the the milk producing herds during times of surplus.


Think twice what you said in red...


Sure this was from 2 years ago:


Milk Surplus


"Logic might suggest that dairy farmers would simply sell off some of their dairy cows to a hamburger plant to cut the milk supply and raise prices. Indeed, the dairy industry has a cooperative effort under way to cull the herd.


But farmers are reluctant to do that if they expect a demand recovery, since rebuilding a herd can take years. The culling program is relatively small, and at least so far, most farmers are holding onto their cows."




Just maybe, just maybe the EPA is responding to this recent threat of milk spillage.


Cows continue to produce, no matter what the economy does.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

Milk is equally devasting in a infant's body... That is why doctor's suggest not giving straight cow's milk for at least a few years (even more) from birth.


The thing that gets me is that this is coming from Holland, Michigan of all places. Do these mother!@#$ing, mouthbreathing Baggers even have the ability to critically think something through? Probably not... They are on a mission to restore "common sense!"


Go Baggers Go!


Again... I try not to fall on either side with regards to crazy enviro issues... But you can see a problem begin to surface here if the same Tea Baggers start crying about letting market forces dictate things... Yet, piss and moan about regulating material handling.










Hey don't blame the gov't... Blame the lawyers.


Anyway... Have you seen how cheap milk is? $1.99 a gallon in my neck of the woods... On sale. Maybe they should drive it up and stop promoting that diabetes bullet (juvenile).


Drive the cost of formula down and the cost of milk up.




Sorry. No.


When I said "no big deal"... I meant about having a spill mitigation plan... Oh my God... Milk will skyrocket! Like libertariantard moron Darin is clinging too. Everybody knows the cause/cost/effect.


One of the most disgusting field trips I ever took my children on was a "big diary" farm in Northwest Indiana... I really had no idea what I was in store for... Man was it an eye opener. What is stopping a place like that from skirting the issue and trying to lump themselves into the small diary crowd. Man, they were masters at spin... I can easily see it being done.


Anyway... The milk subsidies should also stop.


Diary? What, little girls most intimate thoughts? Or, is diary short for something else that would certainly be disgusting? You are one weird guy.

Posted (edited)

Here is one for "common sense" right or wrong about the EPA reg on material spillage. Put the facts together:


It is a recession.

There is a glut of milk on the market and prices are low.

The US is subsidizing the stuff to the protests of the WTO.

Farmers certainly may not want to cull their herds because of the facts I stated above.

Dairy cows don't stop producing because there is a recession going on.

Rise of "Big Dairy"... Hence even prompting EPA regs like this to exist.


Now... There is material spillage on the books to prevent dumping into the enviro.


Why do you think they want the reg out of the way? You have to think so they can dump it... Milk isn't bringing much on the market. That price is low and is costing the farmers just to process it. This is like the strawberry thing down in FLA last year... Yet, the just can't take a hatchet to the crop and let it rot in the enviro safely... That pesky EPS reg is in the way... They have to do something with it.


Then... The same conservatives are calling for an end to subsidy and want the enviro reg off the books or laxed up.


Put 2x2 together. The bottom line is that one can't just throw stuff into the enviro willfully, no matter how innocuous it seems.


I smell smokescreen here. I can't see how having a plan for spillage is so hard... Yet, I see how it is costing an already hurting business by squeezing out small farmers for "big dairy."


Pick your poison. Should the industry be able to dump the milk... You know that is what would surely happen. And Nanker you are wrong... Logic would tell us that the farmers should cull their herd for hamburger... That just not happening... Given how long it takes to get a herd up to where they need it. You know how those cheeseheads are attached to their animals...;) ;)


Best of both worlds? Dupe the people into some "common sense" BS Teabagger argument against the EPA? Sure I love that part... The EPA is screwed up... Just not when it comes to this. We surely know where human nature will take this. Then when stuff starts rolling up on the beaches in Holland or Saugatuck, MI... People will wonder where the stuff came from. Blame Chicago! NO you !@#$ing dunces... We take the water the other way! :wallbash:














Diary? What, little girls most intimate thoughts? Or, is diary short for something else that would certainly be disgusting? You are one weird guy.


See you actually can't argue the argument so you attack, or as a child would do: "Bite."


I am the one looking at this from a critical level... I understand both sides... Why should milk be allowed to be dumped into the enviro... Why should they NOT have a spillage plan?


Again... There is a glut of milk on the market and it is dirt cheap.


I agree... Cull the herds.


Oh... Sorry for the typo... Easy to do, I am not the worlds best touch typist. especially when it comes to the "i's" and "a's" next to each other.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois

Here is one for "common sense" right or wrong about the EPA reg on material spillage. Put the facts together:


It is a recession.

There is a glut of milk on the market and prices are low.

The US is subsidizing the stuff to the protests of the WTO.

Farmers certainly may not want to cull their herds because of the facts I stated above.

Dairy cows don't stop producing because there is a recession going on.

Rise of "Big Dairy"... Hence even prompting EPA regs like this to exist.


Now... There is material spillage on the books to prevent dumping into the enviro.


Why do you think they want the reg out of the way? You have to think so they can dump it... Milk isn't bringing much on the market. That price is low and is costing the farmers just to process it. This is like the strawberry thing down in FLA last year... Yet, the just can't take a hatchet to the crop and let it rot in the enviro safely... That pesky EPS reg is in the way... They have to do something with it.


Then... The same conservatives are calling for an end to subsidy and want the enviro reg off the books or laxed up.


Put 2x2 together. The bottom line is that one can't just throw stuff into the enviro willfully, no matter how innocuous it seems.


I smell smokescreen here. I can't see how having a plan for spillage is so hard... Yet, I see how it is costing an already hurting business by squeezing out small farmers for "big dairy."


Pick your poison. Should the industry be able to dump the milk... You know that is what would surely happen. And Nanker you are wrong... Logic would tell us that the farmers should cull their herd for hamburger... That just not happening... Given how long it takes to get a herd up to where they need it. You know how those cheeseheads are attached to their animals...;) ;)


Best of both worlds? Dupe the people into some "common sense" BS Teabagger argument against the EPA? Sure I love that part... The EPA is screwed up... Just not when it comes to this. We surely know where human nature will take this. Then when stuff starts rolling up on the beaches in Holland or Saugatuck, MI... People will wonder where the stuff came from. Blame Chicago! NO you !@#$ing dunces... We take the water the other way! :wallbash:
















See you actually can't argue the argument so you attack, or as a child would do: "Bite."


I am the one looking at this from a critical level... I understand both sides... Why should milk be allowed to be dumped into the enviro... Why should they NOT have a spillage plan?


Again... There is a glut of milk on the market and it is dirt cheap.


I agree... Cull the herds.


Oh... Sorry for the typo... Easy to do, I am not the worlds best touch typist. especially when it comes to the "i's" and "a's" next to each other.



I was just busting your balls a little about your "typo" that you continued to make. Regardless, you seem to be on edge. Maybe you need to have a bowel movement.


I was just busting your balls a little about your "typo" that you continued to make. Regardless, you seem to be on edge. Maybe you need to have a bowel movement.


Too much cheese will do that to you.


What I am trying to say is that people and business are slobs... If anything discharged is not regulated... People and business will just leave it for the next guy. Make a mess... Sure don't cry over spilled milk... Just clean the !@#$ing mess up.





I disagree. HOW do you draw the line? Small production dairy farmers add up. Again, I am not taking sides... In a perfect and honorable world I would totally agree with you. We live far from that utopia.



Very easily. But then again we're talking the govt here.


Is it just me or is EII getting even weirder? Now it's a anti milk crusade?


Technically it's an "anti-spilled-in-industrial-quantities-milk" crusade. But at least it got him off Asian Carp for fifteen !@#$ing minutes.


Technically it's an "anti-spilled-in-industrial-quantities-milk" crusade. But at least it got him off Asian Carp for fifteen !@#$ing minutes.

The part about it being bad for kids is what got me. I am amazed I reached adulthood with my mother pouring that poison in me.


The part about it being bad for kids is what got me. I am amazed I reached adulthood with my mother pouring that poison in me.


Easy there skippy, you're not there yet.


I am not on any crusade. Once again... People can't see the forest through the trees and come back with facts. I mean how big of an article was the one the OP cited?


You know me, I am not super pro EPA by any stretch... But tell me why their shouldn't be a plan in place for something like this being spilled? Sure it is only milk... But can anybody refute that if they ease up with this reg... Farmers will be dumping the milk and NOT culling their herd. Again, with market forces (I am anti-milk subsidy)... Logically, the farmers should cull their herds... The fact is they just are not doing that because of the great amount of work it takes to get a healthy milking population of cows.


There is a reason for subsidy... I am not totally pro... There is a reason. The WTO is pissed at us about it too.


Jump on me for all that I am saying... Yet, even I can't stand dumb **** these baggers are spewing... Yet, I still speak out against these dolts. This story is far from "common sense." It is blinded in pure partisanship and twisted ideology.


Are these dairy farmers that are pissing and moaning about the EPA reg still taking a subsidy? Bottom line is they want dump the milk with a blind eye and not cull their herds... Remember that strawberry cluster!@#$ a year ago in FLA?... It was cheaper to dump the market ready product than take it to market.


And JiA... I am not against children drinking milk... I have 2 children that love the stuff, same with me... BUT we we advised not to give them cow's milk for AT LEAST the first year of their life... That I take has been stretched further... I am talking about infants and their immune systems... Same with peanut butter (our modern roasting processes)... I wouldn't expose my children to that till they were 3. Yeah, it sounds crazy... Children's immune systems aren't fully in place for at least 3 years. This isn't a crusade or a "slam" on what people have done in the past (like your mother)... She did wonderfully! Stop taking it so personally... We know a lot more on how to introduce things to children now. Another tidbit is obsesity. Studies have shown that most people's eating habits are in place by the time they are two... I know this sounds crazy... But I am leaning towards the studies.


Same with the Asian carp... Sorry for the rants... This **** just drives me up the wall and I blow my top... I am sorry to all... Even you LA...:P


Carry on with the mocking... It is a sign people can't comment on the facts.


I was just busting your balls a little about your "typo" that you continued to make. Regardless, you seem to be on edge. Maybe you need to have a bowel movement.


:worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


Anyway... Dumbass, douchebag, lemming Baggers put me on edge... I wish the times were booming again and they were offering free dinners to unsuspecting saps thinking they can beat outrageous odds while driving around thinking that they are king of the world.


I am all for the hoi polloi... But even for me, we are in bizzaro world!


!@#$ Obama! It is sure depressing to see these aholes hit rock bottom.


Boy, I am sure sorry this sperm (me) made it... Just put me out of my misery and return the "kings" to their douchbaggery.


OK I meant full grown.


You are not past one... NO WHOLE MILK FOR YOU!!!




The part about it being bad for kids is what got me. I am amazed I reached adulthood with my mother pouring that poison in me.


Actually, it's not good for kids. It's not UNhealthy, but when you consider it's got evereything a growing cow needs...


Actually, it's not good for kids. It's not UNhealthy, but when you consider it's got evereything a growing cow needs...


Exactly... Most won't have a problem. Once again, I used a poor choice of words: "Devastating." Sorry. Almost 40 years ago my cousin almost died as an infant because of severe allergic reaction to lactose (or some other thing associated with milk products)... I know it was pretty hard to get it (the illness) squared away because it was a long time ago and not much was on the market to help out.


In "Catholic fashion", my grandmother gave up chocolate for the rest of her life... Yet, she would indulge in "white chocolate" sparingly on occasion. :unsure:

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