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Al Gore Says GW Causes More Snow


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Most of unions have given concession after concession so give it up over the past few years.


So true... I don't know the anti-union crowd keeps going to that dry well.


What gives with all the concessions and still the negative perception?... I guess that perception is everything... Even if it is skewed perception.







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bull ****. Bullpoop Change always sometimes hurts. It's not always a zero-sum world, sometimes it's a win win world and other times it's a lose lose world- but always remember that a significant number of people are looking to screw you


Edited by ....lybob
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That is like me complaining about CEO/COO compensation. Police chief? That's like the CEO/COO of the police world... Right?


Like these out of whack averages they claim fed employees make... Yeah, they are lumping in the golden parachutes. By that math and including the top dogs... All workers in this country make +125k a year!





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That is like me complaining about CEO/COO compensation. Police chief? That's like the CEO/COO of the police world... Right?


Like these out of whack averages they claim fed employees make... Yeah, they are lumping in the golden parachutes. By that math and including the top dogs... All workers in this country make +125k a year!


That's right she is the only govt retiree with an out of whack pension. Remember what I do for a living. Funny since I've moved to liberal SF I've never seen so many people with huge local gov pensions.

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So, no reaction to the theory that earth's magnetic field is shifting and that this is what may be causing the wacky weather (and more, worse conditions to come)?


Yeah, that sound about right for PPP. Keep talking about unions in a thread about "Global Warming."

The fundamental premise of the 2012 movie? Yeah, I saw it. So?


Iron deposits have been found that point away from the magnetic north, suggesting that the current one has not always been magnetic north. Or...that all hell was breaking loose when baseballs of liquid iron were flying into rock and god knows what else over the size of a 4 football fields....meaning that magnetism had very little effect at all.


The fact is: if indeed magnetism or a polar shift, is causing this weather...than there is exactly d_ck we can do about it. The only thing you can hope is that somehow Buffalo ends up 5-10° closer to the equator. :D (Not to much to ask)


What exactly are we supposed to "discuss" about it? How are we supposed to "react"? I am sure the usual pissants here will try to blame: God, Americans, American Foreign Policy, Republicans, DoD, Secret (insert usual nonsense here), George Bush, Corporations, Haliburton, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, basically the same old recycled crap.


But, in the end it will be their self-described "god", nature, who is to blame for all the chaos that would ensue.


Kinda makes a good case for continuing the pursuit of controlling nature, and ignoring the pissants, doesn't it?

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So, no reaction to the theory that earth's magnetic field is shifting and that this is what may be causing the wacky weather (and more, worse conditions to come)?


Yeah, that sound about right for PPP. Keep talking about unions in a thread about "Global Warming."

Maybe it's quantum physics... :rolleyes:


HOW are the changing magnetic fields affecting the weather? That's on you first. You can't throw out random theories without giving any supporting evidence and expect people to try to debunk every one. It takes much longer to analyze and understand an idea that it does to just randomly think of one that kind of makes sense to you. Lack of response to your "challenge" is not proof of anything except that people are ignoring your poorly-framed argument.

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Maybe it's quantum physics... :rolleyes:


HOW are the changing magnetic fields affecting the weather? That's on you first. You can't throw out random theories without giving any supporting evidence and expect people to try to debunk every one. It takes much longer to analyze and understand an idea that it does to just randomly think of one that kind of makes sense to you. Lack of response to your "challenge" is not proof of anything except that people are ignoring your poorly-framed argument.


Uhmm.... I linked to two articles on page 5 (some being published in Nature and Science journals, one from the British Geological Survey, not quite a "random theory").



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Uhmm.... I linked to two articles on page 5 (some being published in Nature and Science journals, one from the British Geological Survey, not quite a "random theory").



Ok, I'll bite...from your article:


A magnetic reversal in progress?

The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is known to be growing in extent and spreading westwards from South Africa, as the Earth’s internal magnetic field rapidly weakens in this region. This may be early evidence of a forthcoming reversal in the direction of the Earth’s internal magnetic field. We do not know in detail precisely what occurs during such reversals, including the changes observed in the magnetic field and the time a reversal takes to complete. However these factors are important in knowing where the radiation risk may be increased and how the atmosphere might respond.

Earth’s magnetic field has had many highs, lows and reversals in its past. The last reversal was around 800,000 years ago. So the Earth is known to be able to re-generate its field and has done so during human pre-history. Understanding the development of the SAA may therefore be significant in understanding the reversal process and its impact on life and the natural environment.

Seems less than conclusive to me. First, it doesn't say anything about man-made global warming except that we don't need to worry about it because we're about to get screwed when the poles get swapped. You are basing your whole case on "maybes", which is exactly what many of you complain global warming scientists do.

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You are basing your whole case on "maybes", which is exactly what many of you complain global warming scientists do.


So you agree that magnetic pole reversal is a serious concern, and we have to do everything in our power to keep it from happening, because even if it's not proven the costs of not doing anything are too great?

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So you agree that magnetic pole reversal is a serious concern, and we have to do everything in our power to keep it from happening, because even if it's not proven the costs of not doing anything are too great?


I propose an international system of magnet offset credits. For example, somebody may want to move the magnets on their refrigerator. What will that do to the Earth's magnetic field? Well we don't really know, but it's better to do something than nothing. So for a nominal fee I will move the magnets on my refrigerator to match the movement on yours, thus making us both magnet neutral.


Be part of the solution!

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