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Al Gore Says GW Causes More Snow


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"Resistance is futile...but you're too stupid to be assimilated."


You people know me so well...yet so poorly.


Who !@#$ing cares? Maybe you stay up at night thinking about it... I just like ripping on your dumbass unoriginal self.


If that's what it takes to NOT be assimilated... I gladly except the stupidity... Where do I take a number?


Now who is really the stupid one? Hint: The Borg.


Hey... At least I am not as stupid as LATeabagger ballwasher... Boy has he gonna down the tubes quickly! No brainwashing going on here with me. No brain to be washed... :D My thoughts may be stupid... I may be an idiot, moron, whatever you want to call me you pompous ass... But those stupid thoughts are soley my original!


Seems to me, Mr. Borg is really the really lemming... Oh, and those guys who "attend rallies." ;)


:nana: :nana:

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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And yet you mock people that have a similar belief that years and years of immorality and sinfulness, a wrathful supernatural being will smite life from the Earth.


All you've done is replace the undesirable behavior and catastrophic doom.


Global Warming

Same S# Different Deity



I mock people? When? Who?


I think the vast majority of the world agrees. The problem is the "solutions" that are being posed will have little affect on that but will line the pockets of a whole bunch of people instead.


Every dollar spent on Global Warming is a dollar not spent on clean water, clean air, Super Fund cites, oversight, etc.


It's always been a charade and it always will be.



Of course the solutions are the problem. Everyone that has stake in it one way or another will continue to fight and fight and fight. And Spend money on things that are not necessary. Nothing new.

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So, I clicked on a link about the possibility of magnetic shifts causing the 'superstorms' we're currently seeing....


Some of this is pretty scary sh-- if it's accurate.



Link 1. (Note that the copy-editing on this is positively atrocious.)


The Economist wrote a detailed article about the magnetic field and what's happening to it. In the article they noted:


"There is, however, a growing body of evidence that the Earth's magnetic field is about to disappear, at least for a while. The geological record shows that it flips from time to time, with the south pole becoming the north, and vice versa. On average, such reversals take place every 500,000 years, but there is no discernible pattern. Flips have happened as close together as 50,000 years, though the last one was 780,000 years ago. But, as discussed at the Greenland Space Science Symposium, held in Kangerlussuaq this week, the signs are that another flip is coming soon."


Discussing the magnetic polar shift and the impact on weather, the scholarly paper "Weather and the Earth's magnetic field" was published in the journal Nature. Scientists too are very concerned about the increasing danger of superstorms and the impact on humanity.


Superstorms will not only damage agriculture across the planet leading to famines and mass starvation, they will also change coastlines, destroy cities and create tens of millions of homeless.


Superstorms can also cause certain societies, cultures or whole countries to collapse. Others may go to war with each other.


A Danish study published in the scientific journal Geology, found strong correlation between climate change, weather patterns and the magnetic field.


"The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming.


"'Our results show a strong correlation between the strength of the earth's magnetic field and the amount of precipitation in the tropics,' one of the two Danish geophysicists behind the study, Mads Faurschou Knudsen of the geology department at Aarhus University in western Denmark, told the Videnskab journal.


Link 2.

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